Plz Suggest A Decent Graphics Card Within 5k


Always in Dreams...
hii guys I am planning to buy a new configuration to replace my current one,
I've considered Intel Core i5 2400 for the processor, and Intel DH67BL, plz suggest better option if available.
I want to buy a Graphics card to play modern games smoothly with good settings. I want a resolution of 1600x900 'cause I've a Samsung 2033SW 20 inch monitor.
Will HD5670 or HD5770 be a good option? and plz tell me the price of the latter one. Also, how much power will be required for the complete rig?
I've a limited budget of 5000, but I can extend it a bit if I compromise for the processor or motherboard. Plz give suggestions guys, and Should I go for Core i5 or AMD Phenom? Plz suggest a complete configuration if possible.


Human Spambot
Re: Plz Suggest A Decent Configuration with Graphics Card.

The best graphics for 5k is Radeon 5670 512MB probably.

Intel i5-2400 is far better than any Phenom proccy. Surely go for it.
But for suggesting a new rig u have to mention the total budget for ur system. Do that.


Legend Never Ends
Re: Plz Suggest A Decent Configuration with Graphics Card.

I've considered Intel Core i5 2400 for the processor, and Intel DH67BL, plz suggest better option if available.

Yeah this is just about the best option
The best graphics for 5k is Radeon 5670 512MB probably.

Yup, get this card. Rs.5500. Great at the price point.


Always in Dreams...
hii guys... I've to reduce my budget for processor and motherboard for a good graphics card. So I am thinking of AMD Phenom X4 Series (955 to 975, plz suggest). For motherboard I've considered gigabyte GA 880GM USB3, hope its the right choice. I am within the budget of Rs. 12000 for processor and motherboard. Plz suggest the best option. Also, is there a huge performance difference b/w phenom and i5/i3?

1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that)
A: Multimedia and Gaming, but not hardcore gaming.

2. Are you open to alternate ideas/products giving similar better performance but offering more VFM/ sellers? If not- why?
A: Yes.

3. What is your MAX budget?
A: 12000 for motherboard and processor.

4. Planning to overclock?
A: No.

5. Which OS are you planning to use?
A: Windows 7

6. How much hard drive space is needed?
A: Already have ;)

7. What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want? If you already want have one and want to use it, mention its resolution and size.
A: 1600x900, for my 20 inch monitor

8. How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10? (1 being the lowest, 5 being you are somewhat in sync with the current performers and 10 being the highest)
A: 5

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
A: yeah I've built, but with the help of assembler.

10. When are you planning to buy the system?
A: within one month.

11. Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?
A: Yes, of course future proof.

12. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
A: nah.

13. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
A: Kota, Rajasthan. No I am going to buy from here.

14. Mention any other points if deemed necessary


Human Spambot
Raise ur budget by 3k more and u will get much better performance with i5-2400. When i5-2400 with mobo is available at 15k then there is no point in getting phenom at 12k. Moreover the phenoms are soon going to be outdated with the release of AMDs latest processor. So, going with i5 makes more sense now.


Always in Dreams...
^^the vendor told me it would cost 16000? and that there is a little performance difference b/w i5 and phenom (however I quarreled with him a lot on this pointless argument :) )

I think graphics card will handle rest of the processing, won't it? And in gaming and multimedia, does processor and motherboard matter so much?

Also, plz suggest the best motherboard option for Phenom X4 955 guys...


Legend Never Ends
Best option-

Gigabyte GA-880GMA-UD2H/Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H/Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H

All are priced at Rs 4500


Always in Dreams...
is AMD Phenom X4 and AMD Phenom II X4 different??
As for being outdated, does it really make sense to buy Phenom? I dont have the budget for i5 guys, so what's the best option?


Always in Dreams...
Bro I've a budget of 12000 :)
And going to purchase the hd5670 so cant extend much :)
So can u plz suggest the best option withing it....

Also, for hd5670, there are XFX and Sapphire cards, which one should I go for?


Legend Never Ends
Sapphire should be better. Please wait a little thinking and giving you perfect combination of 12 k in a few minutes.


Legend Never Ends
Ahh got it finally

Processor= AMD Phenom II X4 955BE @ Rs.6300
Motherboard= Gigabyte GA-880GMA-UD2H/Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H/Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H @4.5k


Always in Dreams...
great :) now going to purchase it as soon as possible :)
Hey I've a 450W psu, will that suffice, last question :)


Always in Dreams...
And for RAM, which brand should I opt for? My vendor is giving kingston 4GB for 2800?

Oh I've to check the PSU brand...

I think its a local psu :(
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