Please suggest something for around 1k to buy from US


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
yeah a high capacity pen drive is a good option.
hey my friend brought me these 8GB pendrives that are thin enough so that you can insert them in the USB port in PC, thats it..I mean it is like a chicklet (if you had ever eaten that chewing gum), or a happydent :D...ask him to bring such kind of cool stuff which is yet to arrive in India


Swimming, eh??
please ignore his comment. he just lost his mind and his TDF account :D

Let us not be too optimistic about the later one now, should we??
@op, anyways, If your friend is a really close friend of yours, then beg him to bring Apple products, Like iPhone 4, iPod etc, and sell those secondhand here in India. Now I think theres no need to explain why.
Or else You can always ask for toys/action figure of various superheros..
I mean cost of toys is pretty cheap in america.
Dont call for electronics stuff as 1k wont fetch you a worthwhile deal.
You can also ask for chocolates or candies.
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