12.. according to BODMAS.. looks like whoever tried to troll, himself got trolled..
So main confusion is coming after Multiplication,
In another way..
WTH!! you created a thread for this!!!
lol Did you know the correct. answer?
Anyways who is telling 12, if subtraction is least priority 6 is the answer.....
Order of Operations - PEMDAS
Addition may have higher preference over substraction but switching the order will not create any difference..
Same DOES not go for Multiplication/Division..
So, the ans is 12, anyway you put it..
unless it's an old fashioned calculator
Anyways who is telling 12, if subtraction is least priority 6 is the answer.....
I think this is a very good troll thread XD
Guys we need a Puzzles\Riddles thread
BTW, ironically, Nipun who posted that picture in LOLpic thread to mock some Sid Yadav himself got it wrong.
yes.post your puzzles in this thread.