PC For 20K (Casual Gaming)


Will Power
1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.')
Ans: Playing 1/2 Year Old Games at Medium-High Settings like
1. Crysis 1 (And If Possible 2)
2. Farcry 2
3. Assassin's Creed
4. GTA 4
5. Resident Evil 5
6. Fifa 2012
watching HD Movies and TV Shows!

2. What is your overall budget? If you can extend a bit for a more balanced configuration, then mention this too.
Ans: 20K. Can Extend to 23K

3. Planning to overclock?

4. Which Operating System are you planning to use?
Ans: Windows 7 Home Basic

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
Ans: Not much, current prices are really high, and I can upgrade later on, so even a 250GB would do the Job.

6. Do you want to buy a monitor? If yes, please mention which screen size and resolution do you want. If you already have a monitor and want to reuse it, again mention the size and resolution of monitor you have.
Ans: Yes, atleast 20 inches.

7. Which components you DON'T want to buy or which components you already have and plan on reusing?
Ans: 1. Speakers
2. PC Case
3. DVD Writer
4. Keyboard and mouse
5. UPS
6. Windows 7 DVD

8. When are you planning to buy the system?
Ans: This weekend (i.e. 19-20th May)

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
Ans: Assembler

10. Where do you live? Are you buying locally? Are you open to buying stuff from online shops if you don't get locally?
Ans: I want to avoid buying online. I live in Chandigarh.

11. Anything else which you would like to say?
Ans: I want to include a HD 6670 Graphic Card.
And Yeah!!!!

After the Zombie apocalypse the Apes WILL take over.


Super Moderator
Staff member
very difficult considering you need monitor as well as hard disk along with a graphics card.pentium G620 system can be in your budget but it can't handle GTA4 for which a quad core is needed.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
Budget is too low for anything decent buddy. Anyways here's my suggestion

Component Make Price
CPU Intel Pentium G620 3330
Motherboard ASUS P8H61-M LX 3050
RAM G.Skill DDR3 4GB 1150
GPU Sapphire HD 6670 4690
HDD WD Caviar Blue 500GB 4270
PSU FSP Saga II 400w 1900
Monitor Acer S200HL 6000
Total 24390

>Cut down total cost by going for an MSI H61 board/250GB HDD.


Will Power
Hmm I know. Its not for me actually, A friend of mine is getting it. Hes going for NDA so isnt planning on using the PC a lot for over a year so theres no need for a really future proof system. Just something he can upgrade later on. He was gonna go for a PS3 but I suggested him to get his PC Upgraded instead because of obvious practicality reasons.

Another thing I was wondering was that isnt the G620 based on the LGA 1155 socket? The previous generation one? And if he wants to upgrade in the future would he have to change the motherboard too?

I would really like if someone could list alternate options for the RAM, GPU, Monitor and the PSU Incase I dont find them from the dealer. What would be the next best thing to get?
Thanks in advance! :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
LGA1155 socket is compatible with latest generation of intel processors.also even in future it is possible that current sandybridge generation core i processors will still be the cheaper option.you can get corsair value 1333 ram from flipkart.for gpu too try flipkart & for psu try primeabgb or theitwares.chandigarh should have aoc/benq/dell showrooms so check them out.you can contact member desijatt by sending pm.he is from jalandhar but maybe he can give you some idea about chandigarh pc shops too.


Will Power
His parents wont agree. Plus he needs a PC too. He has one but its a base model Pentium 4 and an old CRT monitor. Not to forget the DDR1 256mb ram.
Don't need a PS3.


Wise Old Owl
For 20K it is very Difficult . I can suggest you for 25K .

4 GB RAM @ 1K
CORSAIR CX430 V2 @ 2.2K
AMD PHENOM 2 X2 560 @ 5K
ASUS M5A78L-M LE @ 2.5K
HD 6670 1 GB GDDR5 @ 5.5K


Retired Forum Mod
Phenom 2 x2 is much betr than g620. . .it can be oc,Has unlockable cores and good cache memory. . .good fr gamin. .

G620 beats Phenom II. Phenoms can be overclocked but that only helps if you have X4 or X6.

Also more cache = better performance? Google for Cache Latency Anandtech and check the first link that appears.


Will Power
He wont be overclocking!
Please I would really like if someone could list alternate options for the RAM, GPU, Monitor and the PSU Incase I dont find them from the dealer. What would be the next best thing to get?

I remember Digit mentioned that the AOC E2043FSK was a good monitor when they had the Zero1 awards and it cost 6K that time. So is the Acer S200HL mentioned by RiGOD better than this one?
And for how much can I get the AOC one now?
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Legend Never Ends
Look for the Intel option. else then the AMD option. Monitor? Well, you get the 18.5 inch Dell IN1930 @5.3k. Although below requirement :|
for psu-- corsair cx430 or fsp saga 2 500watt both at around 2.3k or corsair vs450 @2.1k
for ram--corsair value ram or transcend or kingston or starlite. . .
for gpu --ati 5670 1gb ddr5@5k or nvidia gt240 1gb ddr5@ 3.3k or nvidia gt520 2gb ddr3@ 3.2k. . .

tel your shopkeeper to order them if none f them are available. . .


BMG ftw!!
How about suggesting or buying A8 along with A75 chipset board?
Best gaming experience in 20K.


Will Power
Hmm. I do not know much about these APU things so if someone could tell which way can I squeeze out maximum performance from a 20-22K Rig before 10 am in the morning tomorrow then it would be great!
PLEASE HELP! Thanks! :)


BMG ftw!!
AMD AMD A6 3500 @3.8K
Gigabyte GA-A55-DS3P @3.1K
Corsair Value Select 4GB RAM @1.2K
Seagate barracuda 250GB @3K
Corsair CX430V2 @2.3K
Acer S200HL @6K

Total: 19.4K

For better motherboard you may use: MSI A75MA-G55 @5.5K
Total: 21.8K

The suggested APU comes with HD6530D.
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Will Power
AMD AMD A6 3500 @3.8K
Asus F1A55-M LX Plus @3.6K
Corsair Value Select 4GB RAM @1.2K
Seagate barracuda 250GB @3K
Corsair CX430V2 @2.3K
Acer S200HL @6K

Total: 19.9K

For better motherboard you may use: MSI A75MA-G55 @5.5K
Total: 21.8K

The suggested APU comes with HD6530D.
How good is the performance? Please can some reply RIGHT NOW?
I have to get it in just 1 hour and need time to decide!!!!!! Please help!
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