can he boot from logical drive in extended partition? because he may need to delete the C: and create it an extended partion first and then add logical partititions.
can u tell me in detail ?
is their any need of HP_TOOLS partition ?
can i delete it ??
i dont want to delete the Recovery Partition. It is much useful.
how can i create Partitions using ubuntu live cd ?
Can i create unallocated space from the C drive ? it is noted as "boot"
ok, tell me one thing....
what do you understand by "recovery partition", i mean, what is its significance to you? (dont use google, just tell me, what do you expect a recovery partition does, or how is it usedful)
it can restore the laptop from a software damage. i can reinstall the software when i dont have recovery DVD with me. It is much faster than using a recovery DVD. When using dvd, we must reinsert the 3 dvd's after each one. so using a recovery partition is much easier
er, that is a windows tool.
i'd not recommend it as it is running in a windows environment, and it may face issues and such, and may have arcane instructions/settings that are not user-friendly.
for example, there is setting for partitions in easus partition manager, called "simple" or "advanced" partitions.
if you search on the net, you wont find anyhitng on these topics.
however, with a bit of research, and some guesswork, i found out that these actually refer to the primary and exptended partitions.
this is why i dont recommend them.
gparted is safer, saner and more idiot-proof (no offense intended to all idiots out there)
as i thought.
a recovery partition "restores" your computer to how it was when you bought it.
all your data, files and programs will be lost.
and, to have that "restore computer to just as it was before installing that crack", we use backups.
you dont need a recovery partition, you need a backup.
do you still want to keep that recovery partition?
yes i want to keep recovery partition. can u tell me about HP_Tools partition ? is it safe to delete that partition ? how can i partition with linux?
You can delete HP_Tools partition. It ain't so useful. Just proceed with Linux boot and while creating partitions, you can create a partition out of your current C: