partition problem

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Right off the assembly line
I have PIII ,733 Mhz ,128MB RAM 100GB(20GB + 80GB)

Problem 1:-

I am using WinXP(SP2)..i have 2 HDD one of 20GB and other is of 80GB. My 80GB HDD has 2 partitions of 40GB each. I gave my 80Gb HDD to one of my friend and he was using the problem is that my computer is not able to recognize one of the 40GB partition and it's showing erroe that it's a nonXP disk. Is there any way to retrive that partition other than using some Hard Drive maintenace/recovery softwares available .


On 20 GB HDD i have one partiton for Linux also FC2...what happened that i changed the jumpers of both the harddisk now my FC2 is not able to recognize any of the partiton, earlier all the partitons are mounted(except which have WINXP setup). As now FC4 is also available in the market i want to format that partition and want to have FC4 installed. Please help me out.

Thanking you all in anticipation of reply.


Commander in Chief
I think the setup of FC4 will detect it...
ny ways do some bios tweaking and it will be detected in the setup...

Also, after u install FC4 or ny othe Linux...
just mount the Windows partitions and transfer the contents to it..

then use a software like tuxidow for windows and transfer it back to windows ...

hope this helps ...
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