Partion and Audio problems in Mandriva linux :?

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get the .rpm file downloaded to ur computer.just thing .rpm is nearly equal to a .exe setup file in after downloading,find where u downloaded alsa-utils rpm.suppose u downloaded to ur home directory /home/baccilus,U should open a console/terminal and try this:
root@mandriva#cd     /home/baccilus
now install the rpm as below
root@mandriva#rpm   -ivh alsa-utils.rpm
remember there is a SPACE between each commands stated above.after installing rpm.try what i said in previous threads.its easy losting hope.have some commitment on continuing Linux,Leaving the m$ one.


Cyborg Agent
I will try that now. And i am not going to loose hope buddy. That's why i will read some book on linux in my holidays. It has been a week since i used windows even though i can't do anything except surfing the net on this right now.


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try as below:
root@mandriva#rpm   -ivh  alsa-utils-1.0.10-2mdk.i586.rpm     --force
then try running alsaconf.if alsaconf is then also not showing up just issue this command in terminal
root@~#whereis alsaconf
also may be u should check for alsa packages like-libasound,alsa-driver..alsa-libs etc installed.mandrake may have better configuration tools for ur hardwares


EDIT seems to me that ur distro wants alsaconf rpm installed!.try the link below and install as rpm -ivh as described earlier.


Cyborg Agent
For installing the rpm i just went to the baccilus folder and then to downloads. Here i clicked on alsa***something something.rpm
The commands that you are telling dont seem to work. I guess i am typing it in a wrong way. Can you elaborate on that. I have had this audio problem for far too long. thanks for sticking around. Friends like you and Tech are really going to make Bill Gates fear the penguin.


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hey buddy,just a miss ;) download n install alsaconf rpm.ur distro doesnt have alsaconf default.that was the proble.we may be near the soltn :)
if u dont know what is a terminal/konsole :?: try in kde menu or taskbar for "konsole" or select "run" from kde menu and type small letters "konsole" inside run and Linux only small letters are used.a terminal/konsole is essentially a bash exactly as follows.also what directory do u have ur rpm packages downloaded... :?

have a terminal- that with a #(root) prompt opened.then locate where u have ur rpms downloaded..then cd(change directory) into that folder.
root@baccilus:#cd            /home/baccilus/directorywhichholds ur alsaconf rpms
then type the rpm install command:
root@baccilus:/home/baccilus/# rpm          -ivh  alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586.rpm


if u are in a '$' prompt in terminal,then type "su" and press will ask u for root's password.type it and again u r root/#.then do as above.Please Please understand what we are doing.with linux,u may need to know terminal and commands atleast a few of them.u can get more details of a command jus by typing "man commandname"..phow..


Cyborg Agent
It did start with $. Now i typed the command you mentioned and it changed to #. no progress since then buddy. I still can't figure out how to type the commands you are telling me. It just says "Bash- blah blah blah"


18 Till I Die............
baccilus you have to type the portion after the # only. are you typing the whole command that prakash gave you within the code tags? And please post the correct error message not "bash blah blah blah", so people will be able to help you.


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@tech:help him yaar :) explain the terminal thing;am poor in explaining things :)

A terminal with a '#' sign and a cursor blinking ----->there u have to type the commands what i've posted earlier.
read this:
look at the bash terminal as on wikipedia's page.'$" sign shows that u r a local user.local users are having no permission to mess with files and other for us,inorder to install "rpm" thing we need to be "#" or root user or super user,we need to type "su" in $ prompt and then give password of root.then $ sign will change to # sign also u have a root user terminal..a root user have all the permissions he can remove/install/do many things on his Linux box as he try this .


18 Till I Die............
I will try to install Mandriva on vmware tonite. If I manage to I will try to help him out. Actually I am not too comfortable myself wid ROM distros as I haven't used them much. But, I will give a try.


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I think in KDE,kpackage will allow rpm to be will be a gr8 help for u...caveat u have kpackage installed.


18 Till I Die............
In mandriva u have URPMI for package management but IMO it is a bad attempt at rivaling YAST.


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baccilus,try in terminal as root user or '#' installing alsaconf rpm and running alsaconf script.


Cyborg Agent
Since i couldn't do much about my prob, i reinstalled mandriva. But i chose GNome as the interface instead of KDE. with this i couldn't even connect my dataone connection. And so i couldn't check the dataone thread either. Is there any way of going back to the KDE interface except reinstalling again.
One more thing: I ran the Knoppix 4.0 live CD. The Kmix pannel in it was much more elaborate than the Mandriva one. It even had choices for 2 and 6 channel. And my audio worked fine too.
Is something wrong with mandriva?Why couldn't they simplify their system. My motherboard is one of the most common mobos. Then why is it so complicated to do such a simple task?


Cyborg Agent
Even though i have downloaded and installed alsa-utils-1.0.9-4mdk.src.rpm the command- alsaconf doesn't run. It reads like this:
[saurabh@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost saurabh]# alsaconf
bash: alsaconf: command not found
[root@localhost saurabh]#
By giving the su command i went into root i guess. Thats why $ changed to #. But it doesnt even recognise alsaconf as a command. I know i am screwing up somewhere. Just dont know where. Also gave the alsa mixer command with the following result:
[root@localhost saurabh]# alsamixer

alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument
[root@localhost saurabh]#
Stick around guys. I know you may be starting to loose patience just like i am. But if i can get rid of this problem, its bye bye to pirated windows for me.


Cyborg Agent
I just downloaded that file and opened it from the download window of firefox. Hope that was fine.Tech and Prakash please help guys!


left this forum longback
There is no need to install alsa utils rpm.Read carefully...install alsaconf it from the link below..install it..have any doubt ask it here fast.if possible read the whole thread..

just install this rpm:
where in the thread did anybody asked u to install a alsa-utils-1.0.9-4mdk.src.rpm...this is not wanted.just download the alsaconf rpm and install.that is the way.please read the threads fully and step by step.installing alasconf rpm only will give u alsaconf this full thread.
saurabh@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost saurabh]#
you have to try as u did earlier as posted "cd" into the directory containing alsaconf rpm.then install rpm -ivh alsaconf..rpm.just carefully what we posted above.


Cyborg Agent
The link you posted takes me to a page which asks me to choose a mirror. In this mirror, the file closely resembling the reqd file is:
File: alsaconf-1.0.9-4mdk.i586.rpm
So i downloaded from:
I did as you said and ran the alsaconf command. It ran succesfully and finally read:
Now ALSA is ready to use.
For adjustment of volumes, use your favorite mixer.

Have a lot of fun!

[root@localhost saurabh]#


Cyborg Agent
Now figuring out how to cd into the directry containing this file. How do i even find this file? It must be in this thread somewhere. I will find it.


Cyborg Agent
Found the reqd directry and this all the stuff i did:
[saurabh@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost saurabh]# root@saurabh:#cd /home/saurabh/tmp
bash: root@saurabh:#cd: command not found
[root@localhost saurabh]# cd /home/saurabh/tmp
[root@localhost tmp]# -ivh alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586.rpm
bash: -ivh: command not found
[root@localhost tmp]# alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586.rpm
bash: alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586.rpm: command not found
[root@localhost tmp]# :/home/saurabh/tmp/# rpm -ivh alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586
bash: :/home/saurabh/tmp/#: No such file or directory
[root@localhost tmp]# alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586
bash: alsaconf-1.0.10-2mdk.i586: command not found
[root@localhost tmp]#
What all things am i doing wrong buddy?
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