P8H67-M LX autostart issue


Silent Reader Since....
Guys i'm experiencing a strange problem.......don't know whether its my motherboard (P8H67-M LX) or my intel i3-2100 processor........

Actually when i switch on the main power (not from my cabinet but the normal wall switch) my processor fan automatically starts rotating but the system doesn't boots and no display can be seen.

And one more thing even when i removed the power connectors(power and reset button's wire) then also the processor automatically starts.

So i think my CPU is not working....only the fan is working.

Please Help me out


Super Moderator
Staff member
get the mobo and the HDD and the PSu out of the cabby - put those on a open table see if the the mobo starts with only the PSu connected with it.


Away from Forums, Again!
It seems like a typical case of short circuiting. You said that even when you pulled out the Power and Reset button wires from motherboard, the fan spins, this means that some conducting material is shorting the pins of the power connector of your motherboard. Also, your PC not booting up is evident of the fact that something is shorting your board. Try Topgear's solution. Bring everything out of your cabinet and then reassemble it outside it over a non-conducting surface, like Cardboard box or wooden table, then try to start your computer. To power it on, you can short the power pins of the mobo with a small screwdriver.


Silent Reader Since....
hmm....thanxx guys...i'll try to put this processor on my friends Asus Z68 Mobo...this will tell me whether my CPU is faulty or the motherboard.....


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ which PSu you are using ?? is it FSP SAGA II 500 ? if possible check the PSU as well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ OK .. but do check the PSU ( use the FSP PSU ) and try to run the mobo on an open table like I mentioned on the post no. 4. - also make sure the earthing is properly done.


Silent Reader Since....
hmm got it....it was the faulty motherboard....found it by placing the CPU on my friends Z68 mobo......:)
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