One-Line Notepad Paragraphs...

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-The BlacKCoaT Operative-
LOL...seriously.. u guys ought to have known this..
feels to me like someone is telling me the shortcut for copy/paste
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Distinguished Member
ok then :D here is one more very basic tip for notepad, which will have "those of you 'who know' " hollering 'old old old' and pulling their hair in frustration...

Open a blank Notepad file :)

Write .LOG as the first line of the file, press enter.
Save the file and close it.
When u open it next (and every time), Notepad appends the current date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after.


Ambassador of Buzz
anandk said:
ok then :D here is one more very basic tip for notepad, which will have "those of you 'who know' " hollering 'old old old' and pulling their hair in frustration...

Open a blank Notepad file :)

Write .LOG as the first line of the file, press enter.
Save the file and close it.
When u open it next (and every time), Notepad appends the current date and time to the end of the file and places the cursor on the line after.
thank you...may your teachings help us all....
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