Official Heroes Discussion Thread [Warning: may contain spoilers!]]

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Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

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Here Since 2003
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Too bad this season is going to end early :(
The good stuff had only just started.


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Thanx qwerty & gaurav for links!!!
Lets hope this episode bring something good...


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Well yeah it can be interesting by at the moment...All the main characters arent used that well..

Thier main idea is all the heroes are scattered over the world and they unite in times of crisis. So all i wanted was change in this theme, but seems like its gonna be same again..

Sylar should have been the main villain, His expression,character is awesome and he presents it pretty well. Besides i always knew that Kensei has something to do with whatever happening in present because he was first Mutant (oops Hero :D) and all the others might have originated from him.. So he being alive is no surprise to me..!!


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

3rd Volume is titled: "Exodus"

And about Kensei/Adam, I don't think everyone originated from him. Its just that he was one of those ultimates, like Claude tells Peter he is 'One of those' and 'Maximum Potential' and like Charles tells him that 'Because there has to be one that's good.'. Adam was granted powers of immortality. I doubt if this power is exactly same as Claire's regerative abilities cause its been over 400 years since Adam first got them and yet he hasn't grown a single hair white. This might not be the case with Claire.

And not much Sylar cause he is busy playing Spock in Star Trek.
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Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Saw this ep i.e Four Months Ago..

Lots of mysteries during those four months, revealed so kinda fun to watch..

Was a nice episode..SEEMS like Adam has a positive side and Bob, negative.. Nothing can be sure of as of yet.. Thank God they didnt show anything about Hiro,Claire.. Bloody boring :O

Character of Adam seems good,atleast in past he was goofy, seems at par in present..

btw anyone anyidea on what powers does Peter's Mom has ?

and how does Bob finds out everything so fast..!! Molly wasnt even with him.. ?


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Interesting to watch mysteries getting unfold one after the another.. Dnt seem like they r gonna finish off this season in 11 episode.. nice watch..


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Adam is the villain :))

Angela's powers are never revealed, but I do have a feeling that when she would, it'd be full powered and would result in her eventual death. Based on how these guys are planning like Lost on killing all.

Didn't the Company capture Molly? Bob surely tracked everyone after the explosion.

Hiro is not boring, in fact it now proves that Hiro HIMSELF was Kensei of the past, as fan theories suggested during first season. Also, its eventually gonna be a Hiro vs. Adam confrontation, Peter is just an element, like always.

About Claire, am not sure, there are some spoiler pictures showing her in interesting situations unlike so far but I'll stop with that. She will have a role to play in case her ability is exactly the same as Adam. Adam can even regenerate his brain, which is pretty darn cool.

W i d e S c r e e N said:
+1. Isnt this S02E01?

That was Four Months Later. S02E08 was Four Months Ago. Flash back episode just like S01 had one.
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Ambassador of Buzz
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Man I have really had it with heroes. They cant seem to stick to one stroyline..
If we are to belive in the generations, then why is Bob secretly abducting people. and where does HRG fit in to the generations ? If Adam Monroe was actually Kensai then Kaito probably evolved from him (but how? ). So suppose we go with the saying that Kensai is "Kensai" after all then Heroes evolved 400 years ago. Ok makes sense. But why bring him in while all others are simply 2 generations old ? And what about dearie Sylar ? I am starting to think he is Kaito/Angela's son :p (they did have s*x !)

Hmm now the whole Bennet/Company/Mohinder plot. I have a feeling Bennet is evil. Rather Selfish. If Claire is a Hero then he is just being an ass protecting her. Instead he should look for Peter or Peterellis.(great claire has not told HRG about ANgela Preterelli being her grandmom ! ) The write are just bring ing in too many threads without clearing Old ones. But now that Volume 3 is planned.. well - Stretch it !

(sad that PB is over :( , heroes is just too complicated .. BUT I LOVE IT !!!)


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

PB isn't over! Its got around 3 more episodes left, check back in January to see Michael fight back.

The Nakamura line is no way related to Kensei. ( But maybe its like Hiro is himself the beginning :)) )

And goddammit, didn't you see Sylar's mom in first season? :|

Yesterday's episode addresses most of your other issues. And Noah does know who Claire belongs to rightfully. Why do I get the feeling you've not watched the season 1 completely? Noah does talk to Angela over the phone, asking her back. :?

And this time Claire isn't being taken care of cause of her relation to the Petrelli family. Its her ability that's exactly a copy of Adam's, that is.

Volume 3, I wish it starts early. This WG strike is cutting down all my favorite shows :(

And its gonna be an awesome fall-ender next week. To watch the Petrelli brothers fight side by side and vs. Hiro and Matt would be awesome. As they say "2 Heroes will fall, and 1 will rise." Start your guessing!

But if Peter is the one who falls, or even Hiro. Am gonna stop watching it. Its been a disappointment already.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Have you guys watched the latest episode, 'Cautionary Tales', the ninth one in the second season?


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

You say it when the tenth episode came out! :p

So, Volume 2 ends Monday, and like always, with a cliff-hanger. (Its gonna be a cliff hanger for the Heroes themselves, the virus will break out, too predictable) :p


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
humpty-dumpty-bump1:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:** lets start again speculating what will happen in season 3. Heard a new female hero has been revealed at their site who has lightning speed jsut like FLASH in JUSTICE LEAGUE!! but they r sayin she wil be villain :mrgreen:
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