Official Heroes Discussion Thread [Warning: may contain spoilers!]]

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Ambassador of Buzz
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

I think its AOL Messenger .. and arrey , how does that screenshot prove it XP ?


Custom User Title
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Haha, and Hana's site's 3 codes to Nathan's election have been cracked down as well. Linderman's powers have been revealed in the comics and his connection with 'Daddy' Petrelli as well. It has something to do with the Agency since Hana is reading these past links out in the Pentagon archives, as pointed by Bennet to do so (The Lonestar file).


Phenom II X4 920 Owner
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

man its becoming for fascinating nowadays.......its a superb series guys.......


Broken In
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

I was busy preparing for my exams so, I missed so many episodes !!
Now I can't get the link...

Please gimme links to the torrent file for heroes ... plz ... PM me !! plz plz plz .. I tried searching... but the health is bad... please gimme a link to a healthy torrent file ..


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Indyan said:
Man, today's episode was mind blowing! Probably the best episode ever.
Promos for next week :
But, I do have a question. In the original past Claire should have died. Its only that Hiro went back and save her. Then how is she alive in the future in which Hiro exists. Its all so puzzling.

Hiro changed the future. And he is the only one unaffected by the change, its related to his ability. Hope that makes it clear :)

But all in all, don't expect this future to be shown anymore, its just a small plan of the Heroes team to create more possibilities for fans to keep active upon.


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Indyan said:
Man, today's episode was mind blowing! Probably the best episode ever.
Promos for next week :
But, I do have a question. In the original past Claire should have died. Its only that Hiro went back and save her. Then how is she alive in the future in which Hiro exists. Its all so puzzling.

??? claire wuznt supposed to die! isaac made a painting which had telltale signs of claire dying.... she did fall, and she did bleed like in the painting....
and well, if u take it literally, it was a cheerleader who died instead of claire(her friend), so they actually couldnt save 'the' cheerleader.... almost like a pun intended.... lolz...
and well, its twisted, cuz if destiny is taken into account, they're merely puppets, so them being heroes doesnt make a difference cuz they're just gonna do what they're supposed to.... i reckon they are just supposed to avert or prevent any calamity they have knowledge of, thats where Hiro comes into play... and once an event occurs in Hiro's present, he cant go back to change it... its basically a theory that means "you cant change the past"...
in any case, all said n done, its fiction, but no doubt, its really nicely made.... totally love it... hehh


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

hash!! said:
??? claire wuznt supposed to die! isaac made a painting which had telltale signs of claire dying.... she did fall, and she did bleed like in the painting....
and well, if u take it literally, it was a cheerleader who died instead of claire(her friend), so they actually couldnt save 'the' cheerleader.... almost like a pun intended.... lolz...
and well, its twisted, cuz if destiny is taken into account, they're merely puppets, so them being heroes doesnt make a difference cuz they're just gonna do what they're supposed to.... i reckon they are just supposed to avert or prevent any calamity they have knowledge of, thats where Hiro comes into play... and once an event occurs in Hiro's present, he cant go back to change it... its basically a theory that means "you cant change the past"...
in any case, all said n done, its fiction, but no doubt, its really nicely made.... totally love it... hehh
Uhh.. Did you watch episode 20?


Broken In
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

omfg episode 20 was the best!!!
when sylar cut open claires head did she die? owell doesnt matter anyway its the future its gna be changed haha

lolol imagine if sylar cuts off niki's head... he turns into jessica hahaha


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Indyan said:
Claire was supposed to die originaly, and sylar supposed to get her powers and become indestructable.
However, Hiro from future saved her.
There is also a lot of confusion about who blows up in which timeline. Is it Sylar, is it Nathan? If it's Nathan, then how is he alive? If its Sylar, then were Nathan's premonitions wrong? Hiro of future says he saw Sylar blowing up and tried to kill him, but he regenerated.
Also, how did Nathan get the scars?

Dude! Do you have any idea who Nathan is!? Nathan is the US president for god's sake! You must be talking about Peter! Sylar is supposed to blow up originally if all things are unchanged (Issac's prohecies are based on the real deal) But since Hiro changes it, its Peter who explodes and Nathan covers that and blames it on Sylar.

@estranged - Lol@Niki joke. :))


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

gx_saurav said:
P.S. - I wonder what syler does to grab the powers of others. Does he eat the brain? Yuck.....

Arre u didnt see that ep. kya in which Sylar == Gabriel is watch maker/reparier..

So his ability is to learn the WORKING of things/machines/mechanisms anything..!!

So by tearing apart the skull he learns the workin of respective brain or the changes in his brain which gives him that ability..!!

Well thats the most logical explanation for it , i guess ;)

btw desperately waiting for 21st ep (The Hard Part) :( .. 19th and 20th were really awesome..


Another thing that i dont understand is , if Hiro can go back in time, Why didnt he go back to time wen Suresh just knocked down Sylar with cupboard.... Sylar's he does not have regenerative ability coz Claire still alive.. So Hiro can easily kill him as its predicted Its Hiro whoz gonna kill Sylar....

Well its logical ...dunno whats the reason it cant be done..


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Dipen01 said:
So by tearing apart the skull he learns the workin of respective brain or the changes in his brain which gives him that ability..!!

Another thing that i dont understand is , if Hiro can go back in time, Why didnt he go back to time wen Suresh just knocked down Sylar with cupboard.... Sylar's he does not have regenerative ability coz Claire still alive.. So Hiro can easily kill him as its predicted Its Hiro whoz gonna kill Sylar....

You are right that he needs to look at the brain, but how does he go about modifying his own? And where's the brain of the victims?

How can Hiro go to a timeline so exact when in first place he doesn't even know it happened. What I don't understand is... Why the hell did Mohinder not kill Sylar when he was down? And the prediction of Hiro stabbing Sylar is not gonna happen. The comic will just lead to his encounter with Sylar, and then its his own destiny from there on ..


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

well say for e.g Sylar killed Claire....
What he does is, he tears her skull and looks at her brain and understands the working of her she has regenerative theres slite modification somewhere in her brain...

So sylar understands the mechanism/modification and then once he understands it, he can try it... he doest not need to modify his own brain coz one can ADD extra knowledge to own brain widout tearing it apart...thats called LEARNING..

Atleast i feel this way...:p


Are u remember kya in this last ep. Hiro has all of this figured out with different black for sylar and so he knows what happened..and how it happened... So basically he knows that Peter and Sylar met the past..!!.. and sylar emerged what he could have done is after Mohinder left wid Peters body...he could have done remaining work....


You gave been GXified
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Dipen01 said:
Another thing that i dont understand is , if Hiro can go back in time, Why didnt he go back to time wen Suresh just knocked down Sylar with cupboard.... Sylar's he does not have regenerative ability coz Claire still alive.. So Hiro can easily kill him as its predicted Its Hiro whoz gonna kill Sylar....

Well its logical ...dunno whats the reason it cant be done..

No he can't, cos Hiro of future & past both don't know that syler is in the home of suresh & he is unconcious.


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

@saurav :- aare what am sayin is did u see Issacs home in the ep. 5 yrs later.. Where Hiro has figured out everything with the help of threads and all..!! he was just looking for anything where he can change something so that future will change..!!...

that colored threads and all yaar...

like see in earlier episode wen hero warned Peter and Suresh in come he knew that these two ppl are on that train at that time.!! coz he had it all figured out..!!

well definitely i might be wrong..still..

@Free Radical :- I saw heroes ka rmvb releases too on RS... lemme know which ep. u want..ill try and pm u the links


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Dipen01 said:
@Free Radical :- I saw heroes ka rmvb releases too on RS... lemme know which ep. u want..ill try and pm u the links

Take it easy, don't exchange such links via PM.

Your sig for some reason makes me wanna listen to Evanescence tracks. My Winamp yells.... Where will you go...


Commander in Chief
Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Dipen01 said:
extra knowledge to own brain widout tearing it apart...thats called LEARNING..

Hiro has all of this figured out with different threads

I sure do have to tear my hair out watching this. :))

Ok, so as Chandra said, its a portion of the brain that helps the abilities function, and as Suresh says, its hardcoded into their DNA. No two DNA are similar in any case as you'd know. So its something physical thus and not something Sylar can just learn. He can figure out how to control it and what it depends on and other things (Which makes him a deadly predator) but he can't accquire it without having changed his own DNA which Bennet actually mentions when he keeps him locked up.

Now about the threads, Hiro made the thread out of Issac's 9th Wonders and newspaper clippings. None of the either feature Sylar and Peter's confrontation. Also, since F-Hiro's timeline supposedly means to have a regenerating Sylar, there's no telling what might have happened.

We shall wait and watch, only three more mondays to watch before we can expect a cliffhanger. And after that, the Season 2's premiere. :)

(P.s. Just so that you don't worry, the future they showed us is just one of the possible future that might happen if Hiro doesn't stop the explosion, or Sylar doesn't die, or Nathan turns against his own kind, or Mohinder doesn't agree on a Genocide earlier, and etc .. It doesn't matter at all. All that matters now to us is how they make the explosion come true, by which angle does it affect the current generation of Heroes and what's the actual thing that's gonna happen. An explosion and destruction is inevitable, Tim Kring nearly means so in his interviews.)

Boy, that was some long P.s. :p


Re: Official Heroes Discussion Thread

Sourabh said:
Take it easy, don't exchange such links via PM.

Your sig for some reason makes me wanna listen to Evanescence tracks. My Winamp yells.... Where will you go...

Sorry ;)

btw damn am listening to My Immortal RITE NOW :)
Love this songg

@QM :- yeah Hiro seems to have done it thru clippings and comics... but if its harcoded in DNA..then how can Sylar change his DNA... ??

ok this is really confusing..:p better way..lets enjoy the show...;)

yeah rite...
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