'Of course I love you darling... Now just let me finish this game.'


Human Spambot
A growing male obsession with computer games is taking a heavy toll on romance.

More than 5 per cent of enthusiasts admit the hobby has cost them their relationship.

And half of women whose partners own consoles said they were ‘jealous’ of the amount of time dedicated to the habit.

Perhaps that’s not surprising, as one in ten men confessed to having rejected a night of passion in favour of more time at the screen.

The survey of 1,500 gamers and their partners was undertaken by One-Poll.com. A spokesman said: ‘It seems like a games console often means there are three people in a relationship.

‘It’s a bit sad if the virtual world is taking precedence over the real world.’

The study found the Call of Duty series were the games most likely to cause problems in a relationship, along with Football Manager, Grand Theft Auto, Fifa and Medal of Honor.

And it also emerged four out of ten gamers play computer games every night of the week.
COD: Black Ops

Addictive: A screen shot of COD: Black Ops, which has been heralded as a beautifully orchestrated game and the pinnacle of the military shooter genre

When the eagerly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops was launched last week in a blaze of publicity, men all over the country were rubbing their hands in glee.


1. Call of Duty
2. Football Manager
3. Grand Theft Auto
5. Medal of Honour
6. Halo
7. Super Mario Brothers
8. Gran Turismo
9. Mario Kart
10. Guitar Hero
11. Assassins Creed
12. Pro Evo Soccer
13. Resident Evil
14. World of Warcraft
15. F1
16. Red Dead Redemption
17. Need for Speed
18. Fallout
19. Gears of War
20. Angry Birds

But many women will not have been so enthusiastic about the new game, which sold two million during its first five days on sale - making it the biggest launch of any game in the UK.

Seven out of ten blokes admitted their partner regularly became annoyed about the amount of time they spent playing games.

This time can be very lengthy indeed, with one fifth of men spending ten or more hours a week playing games.

One in ten men admitted they had ditched a date to keep on playing a game with two in ten under 25s saying they have done this.

Message boards are full of women posting messages about boyfriends 'addicted' to playing computer games. A typical sentiment is summed up by one lady who wrote:

'My boyfriend is addicted to Call of Duty: Black Ops. I'd love it if he would spend all that time talking to me. Even though I see him every day I think the game is more important than me...'

A (male) poster advised her: 'If you want some attention, date a guy who doesn't play computer games.'


That is a survey, reported in UK news daily, DAILY MAIL.

Lets see how many of you folks agree with it's contents.


Human Spambot
I realize now, this is why i hear some forum members expressing that they will leave gaming after their marriage.


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
I had to leave playing RON with my friend after he got married. His wife strictly forbids it :(


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Football Manager has no chicks. But it is really addictive and has psychotic effects on you. I played FM 2010 for like 18 hours a day when I used to.


^ those videos were of real hell of games....................
I dont care, am waiting for black ops pc version, to get hands on.


Human Spambot
^ No one will what we are playing and the time we are playing until we get married. After that, things get a bit tricky :p


Staff member
Lol it's dailmail, shouldn't take it too seriously *www.unp.im/images/smilies/sehaj.gif


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Lol it's dailmail, shouldn't take it too seriously *www.unp.im/images/smilies/sehaj.gif
haha, now coming from a non-football-following background how do you know that Dailymail isn't to be taken seriously??? :p I'm impressed.

But Football Manager has been the cause of a lot of divorces and break-ups in UK.


Super Moderator
Staff member
good to see Fallout on the list but I'm not surprised at all - it has the most addictive gameplay - I use say to myself before playing this that I will play it more 2 hours but always ended up playing it more that 2 hours for it's addictiveness.

And 1 m0re thing is I like FPS/CRPG ( and sometime TPS with good story and gameplay as well )games too much - the gameplay, dialouges etc. just makes me stick with the game as long as I can.


Staff member
haha, now coming from a non-football-following background how do you know that Dailymail isn't to be taken seriously??? :p I'm impressed.

But Football Manager has been the cause of a lot of divorces and break-ups in UK.
Possibly one of the factor but there could be many considering divorce is not a big deal there.

Dailymail is like Punjab Kesri :p

maybe India is next :-|
Not any sooner.


Possibly one of the factor but there could be many considering divorce is not a big deal there.

Dailymail is like Punjab Kesri :p

anyways....one real incident....here it goes....

GTA san andreas was a major hit ...we all know that.....esp in Caribbean countries
one gamer/lover of this game was so much influenced by this game that he LITERALLY went out of his house with a knife in his hands and stabbed a poor old lady to death ....looted her money and went home SATISFIED

he said in his apology to community stating that he was relieved after murdering the lady



I am the master of my Fate.
@piyush120290: if there is case of Knife...so there is case of GUN also.....
games influencing people is generally banned in some countries......


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
we have seen a lot of murders/suicides/gun-shootings in USA and Japan mostly under influence of games...if someone plays video games 8-10 hours straight, this is sure gonna happen!


Human Spambot
I also read abt a news saying a woman playing Farmville on facebook actually killed her 7 month old son coz he was bothering and irritating her as he was crying. sad :cry:
how can such a lame game create so much of madness...:-?
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