Novice here-help me build PC-max budget 35k


Right off the assembly line
1. What is the purpose of the computer? (Note: If you are planning to say multimedia, you will have to be more specific as all types of systems are capable of doing that)
A:play FIFA11 & its future versions, HD movies i.e., want to use it as kind of mini home theater , video chat and browsing

2. Are you open to alternate ideas/products giving similar better performance but offering more VFM/ sellers? If not- why?
A:as the thread title not that informative regarding PC open to all ideas

3. What is your MAX budget?
A: should n0t cross 35K - max 35k

4. Planning to overclock?
A: have no idea what it means

5. Which OS are you planning to use?
A: WIN 7

6. How much hard drive space is needed?
A: 500GB - 1TB

7. What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want?
A:don't have much knowledge about resolution but as i already mentioned i would like to use the PC as mini home theater to play even HD movies(blu ray version movies), monitor size 22"

8. How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10? (1 being the lowest, 5 being you are somewhat in sync with the current performers and 10 being the highest)
A:3 to 4

9. Have you ever built a desktop before or will this be done by an assembler?
A: will be done by an assembler

10. When are you planning to buy the system?
A: mostly this saturday 23rd OCT if im not able to fix the config by then i have to postpone till next saturday

11. Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?
A: may be upto 3 to 4 years

12. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
A: need whatever is required for the above mentioned criteria

13. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
A: bangalore, karnataka

14. Mention any other points if deemed necessary
one important thing - PC should work smoothly, my present laptop is too sluggish thats the reason i am going for new desktop PC
please suggest prices and any good assembler shop@sp road bangalore...if anyone is from bangalore

I tried going through some of the threads to fix the config instead of started new thread...but after going through them i got confused and came to know how little i know about this please kindly understand the reason why im not putting up any preferences of my own regarding the hardware
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Swimming, eh??
Athlon II X4 635 @ 4.8K
Gigabyte 880GA UD2H @ 4.5k
2 GB kingston 1333 MHz DDR3@ 2.3k
WD 500GB Blue @ 1.7K
BenQ G2220 @ 7.5K
FPS SAGA II 500W @ 2.2K
AMD HD5670 @ 5.8
CM elite 310 @ 1.5k
Logitech basick KB+Mouse @0.6
Basic Headgear @.2
Basic Gamepad @.4
TOTAL = 31.5
I'l suggest you to wait for AMD 6xxx for a week or two. Cards' costs might fall then.
You can go for GTX 450.
Also, HD5770 is available @ 9k if you can stretch your budget.


check this out

AMD athlon II x4 630 @4.4k
MSI/Gigabyte 785g based mobo @4k
2*2gb ddr3 1333mhz RAM @ 4.8k
500gb seagate/WD HDD @ 1.9k
CM Elite 310 @ 1.5k /NZXT gamma @ 2k(if available)
corsair VX 450W @ 3.7k
samsung 2033SW (20.5" wide) @6.5k
sapphire HD 5770 1gb @8.6k /zotac GTX 460 768mb @ 10.2k


Right off the assembly line
thanks for the post...but what you have put up is crossing my budget 35k which i cant stretch..

thanks for the post....that looks like nice config...but as i have mentioned im planning it to use as mini home please suggest nice speakers instead of head gear and the price as well
for FIFA game and HD(1080p) movies does the card and mother board you posted is ok?

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
my suggestion -

AMD athlon II x3 435 @ 3.5k
Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H @ 4.5k
Kingston 2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 2.1k
MSI HD5770 @ 8.8k
WD 500GB Blue @ 2k
FSP saga II 500W @ 2.2k
CM elite 310 @ 1.5k
Benq G2220HD @ 7.3k
Logitech Keyboard & Mouse @ 0.6k
Altec Lansing VS-2421 @ 2.4k

Total - 34.9k

hd5770 will be better as you will keep the rig for 3 years or so. then as fifa game requirements increase more you will be able to play it. also x3 435 is sufficient for your work and allows you to go for hd5770.


Right off the assembly line
@jaskanwar singh

thanks for the post...
after watching all the three only confused about two things the processor & gcard...they should sustain 3 to 4 years without any lag in performance....please clarify

does the motherboard...have slots to upgrade ram if i want to yet later point of time..

are these prices with reference to bangalore or in general..?


Right off the assembly line

more over...CD/DVD ROM and UPS..would add up to that price....please suggest those also...if it is still possible to trim it without comprising with requirement..please suggest


Right off the assembly line
please clarify the following

1) processor, is athlon fine for my requirement or phenom will be better...which one i should go for? please consider price and long term use while suggesting

2)Graphic card?...still confused which one to go for, for long term use

3)CD/DVD rom & UPS...??


Right off the assembly line
forgot to add one more point

4)monitor is very crucial for my my main usage is for playing movies HD ones also
isnt Benq G2220HD is kind of very old already and heard that it has limited viewing it true? are there any other better options in 22" monitors or this Benq G2220HD is the best one available at such a price??

please clarify those 4 points...then i would go for shopping :)


^^As your requirements r watching HD movies n other normal stuff that proc is much much more than enough n as far as playing games(FIFA 11) is concerned any dual core CPU would do as the performance will depend on GPU used.
For GPU if u can afford then do go for GTX 460 otherwise HD5770!!
Go for any of the branded DVD writers(LG,SONY,Samsung)!!
n as for monitor other guys would be able to answer u better as I hv no idea abt it!!
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Right off the assembly line
MSI HD5770/ sapphireHD5770 /AMD HD5670 ., are all these cards same or different...? if different which one is better among all three?

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
about the monitor ask cilus or cool buddy.

those cards you mentioned are based on same hd5770 chip but are manufactured by different manufacturers. get the one which is cheapest.
HD5770 will handle fifa for coming 3 years IMO. see nobody can guarantee how the tech changes in coming years. and how the game developers make use of these techs. otherwise another more futureproof option is GTX460 768MB @ 10.5k but you need to extend your budget for that..

do you want a ups within 35k???

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
AMD Athlon II x3 435 @ 3.5k
MSI 785GM E51 @ 3.7k
Kingston 2GB DDR3 1333MHz @ 2.1k
MSI HD5770 @ 8.8k
WD 500GB Blue @ 2k
LG 22x SATA DVD @ 0.9k
FSP saga II 500W @ 2.2k
CM elite 310 @ 1.5k
DELL S2009W 20" @ 6.5k
Logitech Keyboard & Mouse @ 0.6k
Creative SBS A200 @ 1.3k
APC 600VA @ 3k

Total - 36.1k
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