Nokia X or Nokia 520


Cyber Genius FTW
ofcourse there would be paid version of angry birds but there are ad supported free versions as well.. My point is, you have a CHOICE to go for the version you like..There are very few such CHOICES for Windows phone.. Do you not understand simple english ? Stop misleading people with your statements, ive seen many of my friends go for a windows phone failing to realise that there is no way to get apps for free.. They are college students without a credit card so basically its GG for them as there is no other way to get apps.. Tell me then, what is the purpose of a smartphone if you cant get apps for it ?OP is in a similar situation.. so please stop your fanboy rant ..
I already said if OP doesnt want games and stuff he can go for L525 without hesitation, just because you own a windows phone, dont make others ignore it's flaws..

so ur saying android is better because of one game being ad based?how lame
how old are u? 12? you are the android fanboy here my friend
dude did u know asphalt 8 and even gta sa run perfect on my 720 while it lags on my nexus 7 plus i prefer wp8 coz it performs better on lower hardware as well and has much more vfm plus most games are free on wp8 with the exception of angry birds
id rather get a decent windows phone and pay for my games instead of pirating them on android
how would you feel if you developed something only to find someones downloaded the apk to sideload it without paying

ohh and if hes a college student explain why he would be playing angry birds
the games college students like me like to play are certainly not angry birds and even those games are free on wp8
you are misleading not me
plus who knows maybe if he does go for android say even a nokia x theres no guarantee he ll get to update
with windows phone he ll get a better camera, quality apps (quality not quantity) and much better build quality and display
open ur mind and try a windows phone then tell me im wrong
ive bought countless androids including the note 2 in the past only to have the infamous camera issues and overheating issues combined with bad battery life and lag
ive used wp8 since the 720 and 820 releases and im never going back to android as my daily device

just fyi have a look at the wp8 app store does it look like theres a lack of apps?

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Cool down, guys.
Every OS has its own perks.

It's upto the user to select, what's his/her taste upto..

exactly but some people are talking against something theyve probably never used :D


Its really funny seeing you struggle with your baseless argument .. I m not even going to try and counter argument you..
The funniest part :
ohh and if hes a college student explain why he would be playing angry birds
and this
how old are u? 12? you are the android fanboy here my friend

Every single person reading this thread will know who the 12 year old is, please stop embarrasing yourself
Id let OP decide, im not a salesman like you are to promote one thing over another, i gave my POV, and i restate it again, in case you have trouble reading
Seeing your requirements, android is more suitable for you..
I too recommend Xperia E1..
If you dont need games and all.. then get Nokia 525..
Im not saying you should pirate apps and stuff but android provides this option as well as tonnes of ad supported FREE and Legit apps, Windows does not.. Even angry birds in windows costs money
im sure OP will value it..
I dont even care what you think :lol:
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Cyber Genius FTW
Its really funny seeing you struggle with your baseless argument .. I m not even going to try and counter argument you..
The funniest part :

and this

Every single person reading this thread will know who the 12 year old is, please stop embarrasing yourself
Id let OP decide, im not a salesman like you are to promote one thing over another, i gave my POV, and i restate it again, in case you have trouble reading

im sure OP will value it..
I dont even care what you think :lol:

wow im impressed by ur swag
dude why are u trying to push android to anyone who wants something different?
op asked nokia x vs 520 u launched off putting down everything thats nokia or windows phone
use a windows phone and a droid at the same time then critisize
its funny how our country is filled with baseless android fanboys who call others fanboy
this time im the windows phone fanboy is it?
last time u called me an ios fanboy
lol basing an entire os on one game seems legit doesnt it
forget arguing with you im gonna ignore you completely from now on


Cyborg Agent
did u know android is a huuge resource hog compared to any other os

Didn't you read what i highlighted in RED BOLD COLOURS ? and did you even bother to read the article ? Android used to be a resource hog it's not anymore...

ur statement is like saying a truck has a bigger engine and more space than a ferrari so it must be better
get a windows phone then comment negative about it instead of putting something down like that
specs dont matter
even 512mb ram windows phones dont lag whereas even if u buy an S5 it will lag next month onwards,trust me
don't mislead by showing specs on paper, os also matters

Yeah that's what i am saying OS matters a lot and an OS that is specifically optimized for 512 mb Devices.. Kit kat and windows phone both are optimized for 512 mb devices

s5 - it is touchwiz problem not androids..
fyi wp8.1 has alot of customisation options and doesnt need those lame launchers or tweaks

Wp8.1 and customization lol.. i don't like boxes and tiles ( its good for a few days but every 1 gets bored after a while ) tell me how can i get rid of them.. ? i like wallpapers tell me how to use 1 .. a proper one not background 1
wp8.1 is an awesome update no doubt... but it's too late and is still behind the maturity level of android and iOS . Android is not a perfect OS either with kitkat they are bringing that pathetic SD card restriction.. but if i don't like it i can get rid of it - thanks to xda.. - that is what makes android so powerful..

Please don't expect a reply from me next time , at the end of the day it was my opinion you like it ? good , you don't like it - good move on then..
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Cyber Genius FTW
Didn't you read what i highlighted in RED BOLD COLOURS ? and did you even bother to read the article ? Android used to be a resource hog it's not anymore...

Yeah that's what i am saying OS matters a lot and an OS that is specifically optimized for 512 mb Devices.. Kit kat and windows phone both are optimized for 512 mb devices

s5 - it is touchwiz problem not androids..

Wp8.1 and customization lol.. i don't like boxes and tiles ( its good for a few days but every 1 gets bored after a while ) tell me how can i get rid of them.. ? i like wallpapers tell me how to use 1 .. a proper one not background 1
wp8.1 is an awesome update no doubt... but it's too late and is still behind the maturity level of android and iOS . Android is not a perfect OS either with kitkat they are bringing that pathetic SD card restriction.. but if i don't like it i can get rid of it - thanks to xda.. - that is what makes android so powerful..

Please don't expect a reply from me next time , at the end of the day it was my opinion you like it ? good , you don't like it - good move on then..

wow it just shows how ignorant u are if u really believe that
have u two actually even TRIED any other os other than lagdroid?
every droid lags,ive even tried cyanogenmod on my old note 2 and it still lags so it isnt just touch wiz
wait if android kitkat is optimised for older 512mb hardware, then wheres the official release? ;)
xda is a bunch of android heads, i could say the same for wpcentral being wp heads but unlike mobile nations and thinkdigit, XDA is very pro-android and intolerant of other OS's


^My optimus g on stock jellybean 4.1.2 was lag free :lol: I switched to Paranoid Android just for getting some more features (still lag free).

And even my old Galaxy Y on rooted and debloated, stock gingerbread didn't lag ( i used some tweaks from XDA :wink: )

its not google's responsibilty to release updates for each and every phone having 512 mb ram. its the manufacture's responsibility and sadly older devices which have cr@p SoC (like the galaxy y) despite having 512 mb total ram (not the available ram) won't be able to run kitkat properly. and then people blame that android lags. :facepalm:
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Cyborg Agent
wait if android kitkat is optimised for older 512mb hardware, then wheres the official release?

i am answering this because this question is actually asked by many people..

kitkat is optimized for new 512 mb devices, not old ones... it is because lumia 520 became smashing hit, and the smoothness and lag free experience on low end hardware of wp was taking away people from android to wp this was becoming a threat to google .. and since oem can't afford to give 1gb ram in low end hardware, it was very important for google to optimize the crap out of android on low end hardware.. so now if an OEM launches a device with a dual core cortex a7 + 512 mb ram it will be lagfree and smooth .

it was never meant to support old devices but rather fight with wp in low end


Cyber Genius FTW
^My optimus g on stock jellybean 4.1.2 was lag free :lol: I switched to Paranoid Android just for getting some more features (still lag free).

And even my old Galaxy Y on rooted and debloated, stock gingerbread didn't lag ( i used some tweaks from XDA :wink: )

its not google's responsibilty to release updates for each and every phone having 512 mb ram. its the manufacture's responsibility and sadly older devices which have cr@p SoC (like the galaxy y) despite having 512 mb total ram (not the available ram) won't be able to run kitkat properly. and then people blame that android lags. :facepalm:

dont kid bro, my friends galaxy y has been rooted, flashed etc with different tweaks and it still has issues
as for ur point about it not being googles responsibility, microsoft has stock wp8/wp8.1 as ota updates thru preview for devs so yeah if they can give such an option so can google

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i am answering this because this question is actually asked by many people..

kitkat is optimized for new 512 mb devices, not old ones... it is because lumia 520 became smashing hit, and the smoothness and lag free experience on low end hardware of wp was taking away people from android to wp this was becoming a threat to google .. and since oem can't afford to give 1gb ram in low end hardware, it was very important for google to optimize the crap out of android on low end hardware.. so now if an OEM launches a device with a dual core cortex a7 + 512 mb ram it will be lagfree and smooth .

it was never meant to support old devices but rather fight with wp in low end

smooth . lag free thats not android, ive seen all recent phones also lag except maybe nexuses which are the only decent androids
but android losing out by its lame update system which only favours nexus
id rather get stock updates officially rather than muck around with roms and customisations
its like u buy a decent android phone only to have it "outdated" within a few months and updates stop coming for ur device
btw since u mentioned android oems cant afford 1gb devices in that range, lumia 525 has 1gb for a little more and nokia is selling them at minimal profit
till midrange phone, wp is king,androids in that range are terrible and have bad hardware and poor updates
in high end, it depends on features which vary from phone to phone, so theres no clear winner there

incase u mention moto g as a midrange king , id remind u that it doesnt have an sd card slot and very low storage options(even lumia 520 can run asphalt 8 from its sd card without lag,so its not a performance reason) and moto g was essentially a cheap nexus made by google so theres no guarantee that itll continue to get stock android updates etc after selling moto to lenovo and as googles releasing a new cheap $100 nexus
android fragmentation is a sad affair given u dont have a guarantee that the phone will get updates
incase u mention wp7 as fragmentation , id remind u that wp8 had a new kernel which wouldnt run on older wp7 devices
wp8.1 also has a different kernel than wp8 and wp7 but it supports all wp8 devices and apps so yeah theres no more wp fragmentation

as for ur point about it not being googles responsibility, microsoft has stock wp8/wp8.1 as ota updates thru preview for devs so yeah if they can give such an option so can google

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ohh and even the build quality on lumias are much better than most droids afaik plus the battery doesnt explode or something like that
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Your arguments, your signature, your name calling "Cyber Genius FTW".. all make me believe you are no older than 12-13 years.. it seems you never owned anything else other than a windows phone, you may say you have all possible devices but actually you dont..
AFAIK, you also claimed to be an android/windows phone/ios developer.. a multiplatform developer !!
How then, can someone be this ignorant regarding some basic things ? Basically you ignore all the flaws of windows phone, all of them infact.. :lol: and whatever flaws android has, even the most minor non noticeable things you scrape out and spit it on this thread..
My dad owns a Lumia 820, its possibly the best choice for him, because he doesnt need stuff like games..
My problem is not that you dont support android at all, my problem is you spread misleading information regarding windows phone.. First you claimed that angry birds is free on windows phone in a post, then you took it back saying
dude did u know asphalt 8 and even gta sa run perfect on my 720 while it lags on my nexus 7 plus i prefer wp8 coz it performs better on lower hardware as well and has much more vfm plus most games are free on wp8 with the exception of angry birds
its really funny how big a fanboy you are.. How desperately you try and cover up the flaws...congrats buddy, again you singlehandedly turned this thread into WP vs android thread like the last one..
keep up the good work and you might earn yourself a ban..
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Cyber Genius FTW
Your arguments, your signature, your name calling "Cyber Genius FTW".. all make me believe you are no older than 12-13 years.. it seems you never owned anything else other than a windows phone, you may say you have all possible devices but actually you dont..
AFAIK, you also claimed to be an android/windows phone/ios developer.. a multiplatform developer !!
How then, can someone be this ignorant regarding some basic things ? Basically you ignore all the flaws of windows phone, all of them infact.. :lol: and whatever flaws android has, even the most minor non noticeable things you scrape out and spit it on this thread..
My dad owns a Lumia 820, its possibly the best choice for him, because he doesnt need stuff like games..
My problem is not that you dont support android at all, my problem is you spread misleading information regarding windows phone.. First you claimed that angry birds is free on windows phone in a post, then you took it back saying

its really funny how big a fanboy you are.. How desperately you try and cover up the flaws...congrats buddy, again you singlehandedly turned this thread into WP vs android thread like the last one..
keep up the good work and you might earn yourself a ban..

you deserve an award for ur android fanboyism
fyi angry birds is free on wp8
how old are u?
as for my gadgets , do u want a picture??dont worry just find my instagram and check it out for ur own pleasure
i doubt u have seen a world beyond android
u have called me an ios and blackberry fanboy in other threads in the past , now im a windows phone fanboy, i get it
the issue remains that there are 3 of u android fanboys and only one of me , so yeah its unfair


u have called me an ios and blackberry fanboy in other threads in the past , now im a windows phone fanboy, i get it

like I said, link me..
Ive never said a word against ios or blackberry in this forum..
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Cyber Genius FTW
like I said, link me..
Ive never said a word against ios or blackberry in this forum..

not in this thread but yeah you did , around 4-5 months ago
im gonna ignore you three from now on anyway so it doesnt matter, u dont exist for me :)



pls lets stay on topic. :)


Cyber Genius FTW

pls lets stay on topic. :)

yeah sorry i get a big carried away with android fanboys,not gonna reply to them anymore :)


Ambassador of Buzz

pls lets stay on topic. :)

Judging by your pic, i thought you were rather enjoying the fight with delicious popcorn by side :D . Ah, the irony :p


dont kid bro, my friends galaxy y has been rooted, flashed etc with different tweaks and it still has issues
as for ur point about it not being googles responsibility, microsoft has stock wp8/wp8.1 as ota updates thru preview for devs so yeah if they can give such an option so can google

he may not have removed the startup apps and bloatwares :wink:

incase u mention moto g as a midrange king , id remind u that it doesnt have an sd card slot and very low storage options(even lumia 520 can run asphalt 8 from its sd card without lag,so its not a performance reason) and moto g was essentially a cheap nexus made by google so theres no guarantee that itll continue to get stock android updates etc after selling moto to lenovo and as googles releasing a new cheap $100 nexus
android fragmentation is a sad affair given u dont have a guarantee that the phone will get updates

ever heard about USB-OTG? :p how much space do you need in a phone? 1TB? :rofl:

as for ur point about it not being googles responsibility, microsoft has stock wp8/wp8.1 as ota updates thru preview for devs so yeah if they can give such an option so can google

Each and every android phone doesn't has the same hardware. kernel differs, so does the drivers for each components. You are basically demanding google to include all the OEM specific drivers in a particular update and release it for those devices. You know what even windows (PC) updates from microsoft doesn't contains those OEM specific drivers. :facepalm:

Thats why older device gets left out from the OEM's update cycle.


not in this thread but yeah you did , around 4-5 months ago

If you dont have proof, dont post.. again this baseless argument.. I called you a windows phone fanboy before and a windows phone fanboy you still are..
Bringing ios and blackberry into this shows how desperate you truly are to hide behind by changing subjects..
PS: I have never said anything against ios in this forum, tis a very good OS
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