Networking challenge

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My network consists of 7 computers (A,B,C,D,E,F,G).
4 computers (A,B,C,D) is directly connected to a switch through LAN.
And the other 3 computers (E,F,G) is connected to a wireless access point through WAN. The access point is connected to the switch.
Now, an ADSL router is connected to E to the LAN port. So how can i share the internet connection from system E to system A,B,C & D?


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very simple.... the method u have connected ur ADSL seem to be wrong afaik...the modem must be first in the hirarchy rather than last... what u have to do is, connect ur ADSL to the wireless device u'r having (i consider that u have a wireless router because its mentioned "3 computers over a wireless") from the wireless to the LAN switch... so it would have both wired and wireless. ur ADSL would have ur DNS. the wireless doesnt require any IP and the SWITCH would be virtually an extension from ur wireless device... viola.. !
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