Need help understanding SX150


Aspiring Novelist
I think AF tracking is not available in my cam... It means, AF constantly focus even when the subject is moving.


Grand Master
yaah nac thats right...focus tracking is something u lock the focus and it try to keep the focus even if subject started moving


Firecracker to the moon
Ok guys! I went to the garden pointed my camera at an antorium.So,the bud had ants in it.But when i zoomed much more to the ants.It became totally blur.Please suggest me tips on how to deal with this




Aspiring Novelist
It means, it's out of focus...

There is something called minimum focus distance... In macro mode, you can focus as close as 1cm at wide angle and 1m at full zoom. In Normal mode, 5cm (I think) at wide and 1m at full zoom. When you zoom, just under the slide (zoom) in the screen you can see the minimum focusing distance.


Grand Master
yes every camera lens have same issue serpent...

if in macro mode the working distance is from 1cm to 1meter just try half zoom that way u come close my 50cm and ant can be focussed ...just try like this...u will learn this soon


Cyborg Agent
It's good idea to use MF when your camera is not locking AF. I always have this doubt whether the focus is at optimum or not when I use MF.

Under Settings there is safety MF that refines focus when shutter is half pressed. You can turn it on/off. It is pretty reliable and corrects upto 5cm as far as my personal experience goes


Aspiring Novelist
2nd one is for us... Saying he is getting blurred when zoomed in (nice way of getting the image blurred ;) don't mind about aperture, DOF and all...

Yeah, I remember reading that in the manual. And I have tried once... I don't how this works... I thought it will refine and set at optimum (like AF, then we can call it auto focus in manual focus ;) ) but it doesn't.


Grand Master
serpent if i understand u correctly u r asking what different shutter speed makes on a pic

if this is the question then answer is - shutter speed is the time for which the shutter of camera is open for capturing the image and light...the faster shutter speed will take very less amount of light coz the sensor will be open for light intake for very less time...and longer shutter speed like 1sec,2 sec will take more light soo that pic become brighter

a shutter speed should also be around of 2 times of focal length if u dont have stabilisation (not valid for focal length for 50mm and below) ex u are taking pic at 200mm and u dont have IS/VR in camera or lens then the shutter speed should be at least 1/400 to capture sharp shots


Firecracker to the moon im trying to click a pic of a drop of water falling down..But my click is not on the right time what do you suggest


Grand Master
i think u need to keep shutter speed around 1/500 in daytime and if u r taking in dark use flash
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