Need help regarding choosing gpu

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Adam young
all the brands are same in performance wise but get sapphire or MSI and don't buy xfx.btw even 7970 is not future proof so then how can you think that 6670 going to be a future proof.only thing i can "guess" it should be able to handle games at least at low settings for next 2-3 years.


Away from Forums, Again!
Not really. My Sapphire HD4350 got obsolete after 6 months of usage. Believe me, low end card like HD6670, won't be able to perform for more than 1-1.5 years, judging by the games coming in the future. IF you intend to game at 1024x768, then it might stay a little bit longer, but that too, only future can tell.


i live in Berhampore in west the shop xfx 6670 1gb ddr5 @ 5900 is available..its out of my budget..xfx 6670 1gb ddr3 is available @ around 5000...sapphire 5670 1gb ddr5 is available @ other brands of 6670 ddr5 cost less?? are they available??

what should i do??


Super Moderator
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All of us was like that, experience doesn't come out of blue. ;)

You can go for the 5670, it is also good enough for gaming at your monitor's native res and beyond.


Adam young
+1 for sapphire 5670 maximum you will see 15% difference in performance between 5670 and go for 5670 rather than 6670 ddr3.5670 will perform better than your GDDR3 version of 6670.


Retired Forum Mod
no.. no :(..i am bound to buy from shop..i have no experience

i was same like you 2yrs ago. no experience in buying stuff online. dad won't allow same. somehow convinced dad to buy a few cpu parts online. got GPU, PSU, ram & cabinet from ITWares, mumbai. shipped to my place. And monitor, HDD, processor & motherboard from SMC, Delhi. i.e. half a way across India. Now online transaction is a daily affair. try once. If you need any help, we are here.

Don't worry about getting cheated or wrong item getting shipped. It works fine everytime :)


Super Moderator
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Same here. I was forced to look after online shopping in Patna out of desperation, the experience has spilled over to Amazon, GO at other forums etc. over the past couple of years. ;)


i have no online account..:(( dad wont allow me to shop online until i pass my class 12 next i guess i have to wait for that!:(

btw guys...i just upgraded my cpu...are my configurations okay??? can i have anything which my system requires ..within a little money?


Professional Newbie
Dude online shopping is no big deal. Also an online shopping account is just like your thinkdigit account, you just need to enter your e-mail and put a password and your done. For starters I can advice you to buy a few small items like microSD card,pen drive,etc. from flipkart with COD option. After these products arrive safely your dad probably won't have any problems shopping online.


Retired Forum Mod
i am sure he is talking about online bank transaction.

i have no online account..:(( dad wont allow me to shop online until i pass my class 12 next i guess i have to wait for that!:(

you are from kolkata and i have heard that prices are generally low and usually comparable to online price. other than PSU you should be able to find the suggested GPU locally. mayn't be from Sapphire or so.

else try getting from Flipkart. They mayn't ship large or high priced item to your place but should send a GPU. try once.

btw guys...i just upgraded my cpu...are my configurations okay??? can i have anything which my system requires ..within a little money?

i'll suggest getting HD5670 & investing in a slightly better PSU (throw away that crap PSU). with a better PSU you may try unlocking processor or even overclocking. if you can upp your budget, HD6670 makes most sense at 5k.


yes ,i was talking about online bank transaction...i am not from kolkata.....thats the problem..i am 200km away from kolkata!...i guess i have to buy xfx 6670 1gb ddr5 @ rs. 5900 from the shop :(
btw what did you mean by unlocking processor?? how does it help??
and how does overclocking a processor help??
sorry i dont know any of these :(


laborare est orare
Don't buy it. Even in Kolkata, XFX after sales service (read rashi peripherals) are pathetic. So imagine its service in ur area. Don't you have anyone known in kolkata who can get this for u.


Super Moderator
Staff member
English please. ;) If you really want to stick with local purchase get that Sapphire 5670 1gb DDR5. Its good enough.

Last time I inquired, MSI 6670 1gb DDR5 was around 5.5k at MD Computers, Kolkata. And stay away from XFX.
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