need GPU and PSU for 13000rs



there are plugins for 3ds max and maya which will render thru the gpu only....but not used as much as people in this forum make it out to be.

one generalize that render is a cpu intensive process in vanilla state - it is true for maya,3ds max and blender.

+1 for hd 6850 from me too....much faster in viewports.


just wait for some time, till the nvidia 600 series are launched, which will b very soon. Nvidia might launch a better, more future proof GPU for 9-10k.
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I am the night...I am...
@ everybody

I really take back my words from post # 10 as they are misleading. Rendering is primarily done by the cpu whereas after effects and additional textures require a gpu. Ray-tracing is a fine example of cpu rendering.

Found out that 3D Max, Maya, Lightwave, Blender are all heavily cpu dependent. Rendering can utilize the parallel architecture of a gpu to boost up but its not in the above cases as they are cpu bound.

@ ico

Thanks for clearing it mate.:) One more thing, you meant rendering polygons i.e rendering something in the 3d space will require a gpu right??

@ deadcode00

Go through this thread mate. :)

The gpu will only help you mostly in gaming here. I think the best conclusion i could get was that the cpu gives a more generic approach whereas the gpu is more specific to certain usage ( 3d rendering). With gpgpu computing on the rise, the days not far when we see softwares making proper use of a gpu in rendering.
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Broken In
yes i totally agree tht rendering is more cpu intensive.. but as i say we need gpu for view-port rendering as well as for few shaders that couldnt render without a gpu... nd again i also need a gpu for gaming as well :) .. so please suggest me best possible gpu and <<<<- PSU ->>>> .. thanks


I am the night...I am...
^^ Well speaking only in terms of gaming, get a radeon 7770 and corsair GS 500. Its has a more promising architecture for future games and performs almost similarly as a 6850. I particularly found it from benches performing better in new dx11 titles. With further driver support, expect it to perform better in newer titles.

Besides, its got a far superior compute power making it lean more towards gpgpu computing. Its consumes even lesser power making it an ideal buy imo.

Check the following links:

Crysis 2

Battlefield 3

Elder scrolls V skyrim

Dirt 3


I want you to see the luxmark2.0 benchmark because its a gpu based renderer that uses opencl. Just look at the compute power of 7770. You might need it someday with your type of work.
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Broken In
is it better than 6850?
edited :- hmmm let me check your link first...
edited: bit more confused now.. if i go for HD 7770 for 8500rs @primeabgb.. i can get a seasonicS12II 620 watt for 4500 it would come handy if i upgrade in near future, total 13000 rs :) ... still 6850 luks betta if i see the allround performance
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I am the night...I am...
^^ Might seem better now but amd will optimize drivers to make good use of GCN architecture and use of newer api's like dx11 works better for 7 series now. Don't look at performance of older titles and choose.

Particularly look at the crysis 2 scores- in dx9 mode 6850 wins handsdown but switch to dx11 and watch the tables turn. Besides 7770 overclocks really well and that gigabyte model you saw at prime has a really good cooler. Besides have a look at the compute power and see if you ever need that in your work because 7770 demolishes 6850 here.

Else you can go for msi 6850 power edition/oc @ 8.6k from smc. Its a factory overclocked 6850 and performs close to a 6870.
That seasonic 620 is a terrific psu and can handle 7770 crossfire easily. :)
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Broken In
your advice is really gud vicky.. so i will have to choose from 6850 or 7770 and corsair gs 600w or seasonic 620w...


I am the night...I am...
^^ Thanks mate.:)

Seasonic 620w should be the psu to get if it falls in your budget and considering future upgrades. Its a superior psu than Corsair GS600 and is equivalent to a corsair TX650.


Broken In
actually my problem is i wont going to get seasonic psu locally and i'm really concerned buying a smps online :-? ... i could easily get corsair tho...
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