Neat Digit forum



Hanging, since 2004..
Re: NeatDigit firefox extension

One more thing , using * and * makes a difference, the script will not work for the 2nd URL as I forgot to add it in the included sites list for the script/extension. So use the first URL for accessing the forum, i will include the 2nd URL in next version as its a minor change.
Re: NeatDigit firefox extension

^^ well, that gives me an advantage, multiple account logins, and i dont know how, i get it always


Hanging, since 2004..
thx dude :) . btw there is now ad on the left side of forum and one at bottom.
That's shameful, now all content of the forum is surrounded by advertisements. I was not hoping for this type of forum upgrade.


Call me D_J!
@tarey_g: Thanks for the wonderful script. Now I can browse without the ads on four sides...It's very useful!! Thanks again! :)


@ tarey_g Using ur neatdigit addon. Is there any way u can restore the search thread form. I cant use that feature with ur addon. Thanks in advance.:)


Hanging, since 2004..
^^ you mean google custom search ? I can see the forum inbuilt search link but have hidden google custom search. if you want it back than i'll provide a option for it.
btw, are you using the script or extension, extension can be downloaded from the thread link provided in my signature.


^Extension. Is there a way we cn have Google Custom Search minus the ads? Otherwise excellent addon. I knw nothing about scripting, but as a user, ur addon would be even better if there would be some options. The options button is disabled. Can u provide some options like view forum with/without ads, with/without Google search or something like that. I'm really happy with the addon but I kinda miss the Custom search.:)


Hanging, since 2004..
I will add custom search in next version, provision for enabling/disabling addon features is already provided. Click the (+) sign after settings label on top-left of the page to do so. Refer the image below


You can go through this thread to know about every feature provided :


I meant Tools>Addons>neatdigitforum

Below this the options button is disabled. It would give better GUI. :)
The forum search is not what i prefer coz of the captcha. :(
Hope u get Google Custom Search in the next ver. :)