I wanted to share this personal piece of information regarding my health.
For past 3 years I was battling to get my Cholesterol levels below the borderline to an optimal level but had tough time.
I tried everything like trying to go to gym daily going on GM diet for one week trying to stay away from some types of food but none of these worked for me. Infact the cholesterol seem to have going up than coming down.
So I took the bull by its horns and decided to go off non-veg for 40 days it helped that it was during the holy month before Good Friday so that I can be off meat . Stopped sugar completely which helped me being off from cakes, biscuits.
Reduced intake of whit products like White rice, Maida bread. Reduced intake of Fried foods.
And voila after 44 days of struggle I got my Lipid Profile checked and it came down by whopping 50 points.
I'm so glad for this.
I plan to carry on like this for more time and see how it is.
So guys this is lesson to people out there who want to reduce weight or get rid of any lifestyle ailments.
We don't have to resort to any of these big diet things or bariatric surgery etc.
Infact there is no shortcut to achieve health goals.
For past 3 years I was battling to get my Cholesterol levels below the borderline to an optimal level but had tough time.
I tried everything like trying to go to gym daily going on GM diet for one week trying to stay away from some types of food but none of these worked for me. Infact the cholesterol seem to have going up than coming down.
So I took the bull by its horns and decided to go off non-veg for 40 days it helped that it was during the holy month before Good Friday so that I can be off meat . Stopped sugar completely which helped me being off from cakes, biscuits.
Reduced intake of whit products like White rice, Maida bread. Reduced intake of Fried foods.
And voila after 44 days of struggle I got my Lipid Profile checked and it came down by whopping 50 points.
I'm so glad for this.
I plan to carry on like this for more time and see how it is.
So guys this is lesson to people out there who want to reduce weight or get rid of any lifestyle ailments.
We don't have to resort to any of these big diet things or bariatric surgery etc.
Infact there is no shortcut to achieve health goals.