I am not against any language. But I will mention an incident.
Happened 1 yr back when I was learing car driving. The instructor - a lady - was not good in English or Hindi, was teaching us. My turn over and my wife sat in the driver seat. when it reached their office, two north Indian ladies (also came for learning) sat on my seat. The first lady started talking to next thinking I/my wife/instructor do not know Hindi. she was like - people in kerala are not good etc etc. And she told the other lady that, she didn't like Kerala mainly because people in Kerala do not talk Hindi much. For example she says, she went to soms shops, they didn't reply in Hindi, she was explaining it like people in Kerala are doing some big crime by not speaking or replying in Hindi !!!
I listened to it pretending I do not know Hindi at all. After she finished talking (about 30 mins), I asked her - Kya thum Khatai ko jante ho ? (Khataison, a reputed handycraft shop in Cochin, their son is my friend) and I started speaking in Hindi (of course not fluent but not that bad lol). The lady answered and stopped talking fully !!! She didn't open her mouth till we reached the office again
What surprises me is - Why people in Kerala is supposed to learn and speak Hindi ? ? If people here go to North India, will they talk us in Malayalam ? ?
What I think is language is something like a color. If we like red, fine, use that, if we like blue too, fine use that too. Why forcing anyone for speaking any specific language ? ? Let it be our national language or let it be our state language.
Sorry, but a very polite question. How many languages you learnt ? Less than 5 may be ? Then how you found that Hindi is the easiest language in the world ? ? If I says it is not true, but Konkani is the easiest language (yes thats my mother toung!) ? ? If some guy form Karnatake says Kannada is easiest ? ?
There is nothing like that - except the Japanese language which all agree is not at all easy lol
Now do not attack me telling I am anit- Japanese lol.