Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Violent serenity.
@Anorion :-

Nothing too good about it mate. It's a movie about a bunch of friends who are die-hard Star Wars fan. They embark on an journey to steal the first Star Wars film before it's released from the Skywalker Ranch. On their way, they battle Star Trek fans, get pwned by the police and face many other difficulties. Sounds good eh ? Well, its not!


Chillum Baba
The Unborn - Midway thro it, but have to go out of station. So will finish it in couple of days. But its quite creepy (imdb ratings don't match). Worth a watch.


Aspiring Novelist
^Yep. I liked it. Even though it got a low IMDB rating, the movie was pretty good.

The Abandoned - 7/10. Pretty creepy film with a confusing ending.


Democracy is a myth
Kiss the Girls 8.5/10

Gr8 thriller!

But used some clichés, specially the main killer. Its always someone from within. May be I'm being demanding day by day, but it just does not provide the thrill to me anymore.

Dat was the only weak point in this movie. Rest is just marvelous.


Broken In
another 10/10 for the good,the bad and the ugly
Requiem for a dream - 9.5/10
12 angry men - 8.5/10

Twilight - 5/10
School going,baseball playing,goat eating vamps..LOL


Violent serenity.
The Pirates of the Caribbean : The Curse of The Black Pearl - 8/10

Now going to see the rest two PoCs... cant believe I never saw them till now :)


Democracy is a myth
Lost Highway *
Dir.: David Lynch

After my previous encounter with Mulhollad Dr. I was very sure that I won't understand this movie. So I took preventive measure; never ever became casual throughout the viewing, concentrated fully on to it (believe me or not I've grown a headache now!). But this director comes with a guarantee and I failed to get the movie this time too.

No more David Lynch movies for me.*


Movie Name : Lord Of War
Language : English
Genre : Crime | Thriller
Imdb : *

I think everyone should post imdb links because in that way others can rea everything about it.



Violent serenity.
The Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man's Chest - 8.5/10

Non-ending madness from the beginning to the very end with a binding fantasy but non-the less, a brilliant plot! A must watch!

Going to watch tPotC :- At The World's End
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