Wow just amazing price tag... really it was expected at 9k and they come up with 7k...
This is not a xperia E1 killer this is a
Windows phone and local phones Killer !! Nokia x ,E1 barely are 1 month old phones i doubt they would have sold any significant numbers till now..
still people will buy Xperia E1,Nokia X and galaxy crap over this.
i hear ye..
only those who are not comfortable with online shopping will go with it as motorola is still not present offline .. Flipkart is going to launch a massive Tv ad campaign so even that fear of online shopping seems to be slowly going away with COD
but i can gurantee moto E alone online sales will surpass (Nokia X + E1 + nokia lumia 520/525 sales + galaxy sales )
i can only imagine the development that is going to be done on this phone, this is an atomic bomb in the budget smartphone industry..
all this phone needs is Rooting to get away from stupid SD card restriction of android 4.4 , a 7k phone that can play every high end game without any lags is just a miracle..
P.s - Price and "Perfect" Badge for this phone reinstated in the main post