Moral Police

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In the zone
C'mon people....don't blame india or others.....It is you(we) who is to be blamed.
Letme start from teh smallest things...
have u never thrown a paper on the road???? I am sure everyone has. even i have.(but now I don't)....have u ever thought that it is our country and u are decreasing the beauty of the place by littering?
*Jumping traffic signals,
*Bribing a official for a signature in the Driving license. though not directly....thro a driving school.
*spitting PAN
*have u ever stopped a guy from doing these small errors????? If u have then u are in the track of development. U may think my points are silly......but the basic thing here is DISCIPLINE....Our people are not taught to be disciplined....
All people think about is themselves. Also they want others to make life good for them.
We sit on our own $hit and say the stink is coming from the neighbor.


^^ your points are not silly dude, you are correct.
There is no meaning in blaming others, these people who blame others, what do they do for this country??
Their only contribution to this country is their balming.


High without substance...
The word politics its self is corrupted.
We talk like this now and i am sure most of us will fall for the power sooner or later.

As i mentioned we need very strong rulers like "Indra Gandgi".

sivarap said:
C'mon people....don't blame india or others.....It is you(we) who is to be blamed.
Letme start from teh smallest things...
have u never thrown a paper on the road???? I am sure everyone has. even i have.(but now I don't)....have u ever thought that it is our country and u are decreasing the beauty of the place by littering?
*Jumping traffic signals,
*Bribing a official for a signature in the Driving license. though not directly....thro a driving school.
*spitting PAN
*have u ever stopped a guy from doing these small errors????? If u have then u are in the track of development. U may think my points are silly......but the basic thing here is DISCIPLINE....Our people are not taught to be disciplined....
All people think about is themselves. Also they want others to make life good for them.
We sit on our own $hit and say the stink is coming from the neighbor.

SPOTON my friend with out DISCIPLINE nothing is possible every small detail makes lots of impact when there are over a billon people doing it the wrong way. Why do you think after being bombed by a NECULAR weapon JAPAN is the MOST ADVANCED country in the world? hardword and lots and lots and lots of DISCIPLINE. come one they even have uniform way to drink their TEA!!!
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Yamaraj said:
If you ask me, everything is wrong with India. People don't really give a $hite about the way government functions. Politicians are busy 24/7 looting all the resources they can can get their hands on. Even a small-time state level minister has hundreds of crores worth of property.
I agree with this point.

Government is trying to ignore important issues rather than solving them - like the Naxal problem, NE conflict, India-Bangladesh border issues, growing influence of China in this region and the J&K.

Look dude, the problems of naxals is not very easy to handle. This is not any organisation with fixed number of people, this is an org. with the people of same state of mind. You kill 1000s of them, more will be spawned within an year. These people can eat away any huge force which is sent to their place within an year or two coz they have sophisticated weapons and they are concentrated in a small place.

Our educational system is only good for churning out cheap labour for developed nations. "Respected" institutes like IITs have failed to contribute anything significant and credible to scientific research communities.

Use google to search for the term "Brand IIT" and you will get your answer.

Needless to say, there is not a single Nobel laureate in any university in India.
We dont have very good research facilities to produce nobles. People flee to western countries for better pays and hence these countries have more patents and medals.

Even worse is that now we're blindly copying the Amrikan way of teaching-and-learing, without realizing that Amrikan education is actually far worse compared to the European or even Asian countries like Korea, Japan and China.
I agree with you, just because a few (0.000001%) children commited suicide, Arjun Singh screwed up the education system of the country without even thinking bout the majority of the studious students (which as a fact never commited suicide, never heard of any reports)

And, we don't need the "ambitious" pro-west crowd - for all they care about is an Amrikan Visa.
Dont talk like that. Dont you feel envious (I do) when you see that the people of Amrika who do as much labour as we do, ride on busas and gixxers and BMWs, have the latest PCs and play the latest games, have been laid millions of times :D.
People who go there think bout the same things and end up doing that.

We need true patriots, intellectuals, philosophers, warriors, and ordinary people - with a vision to change. It's not actually the kind of government that matters - it's the people in charge. There will be a revolution then, that'll change the way people think of themselves, their lives, and everything else surrounding them. This is exactly what we need.

100% right. But when you see crores of rupees in front of you which you can take easily, you just dont think bout the country and in these situations, whatever kind of a person are you, you most probably will turn greedy. I am not talking bout everyone but most of us.



Evil Genius
gmanog said:
^^ is yourself not included in the Indian people you blame??
There good people really doing good things for the country and people.
I didn't mean to tell that you are blaming, almost everyone is doing it. This attitude of ours should change.

Its not as if you have to participate in active politics, you can do lot of other things in lot of other ways.

Of course I include myself in that category, because if I'm totally honest, I'm just as bad as anybody else when it comes to lazy, callous behaviour which is the shame of our country. But guess what?? Everybody else does it too!! Not a valid excuse is it? Now you know why nothing is going to happen to our country to improve it.


Still in war with allies
indians needs their ass to be kicked , what british did , mughals did and finally Mrs Indira gandhi did during emergency time ,l

then indians will do some good ,


Nopes, I think u shud refresh ur history lessons. I think India was much better place before "mughals and britishers" spread their stool here. BTW, how did mughals kick our arse? .....By converting people to a growing religion so that politcians here can appease them and divide the society on the basis of religion and their religious heads beg for and promote reservation or by destroying the temples across India or may be so that the India before (i.e India,Pak,Bangladesh) can be divided and people fight among themselves?
How did Britishers do good? By looting India, its gold, its wealth, killing people and creating communal tensions and again helping divide India into India Pak?

Sooooo Do U want this to happen again...... becoz u "think" indians will do good after that?

I dunno y people here curse India so much. Some think china is better. Read!
Some think US is better. I dunno if people really feel free there! I dunno how they manage when they wanna go to loo where there is no "shulab shochalaya" and "fines" all around. Public embarrassment? U think life there is excellent. Have u ever compared the prices of water and coke there?

Its a famous saying that has been repeated many times here, but uninterpretable by closed minds who r fascinated by firangi gals etc.

"Doosre khet ki ghaas, hamesha zaada sundar/hari lagti hai".

So if u don't like the conditions in India, then help improve it instead of sitting in ur AC room 24/7 polluting the atmosphere outside. Why do politicians appease SC/St/minorities? Have u ever thought how many of ur friends....that is people from higher class/mid class actually go for voting?

They say education makes u ethical....this is what people genreall say here and whine. Well, we all know how many "gutka" lovers elegantly open the door of their imported car and spit the red colored saliva out. So Ethical....anyone?

There is a lot more I can say....but people here won't be able to read it! So before cursing India, think atleast what u can do and then think if u have ever actually done that all! Ponder a little deeply this time! U shud have Come to delhi and seen how protest was done over reservation. I bet no where in India saw that much non-violent protest. Do u know who actually brought the data that OBC readings were based on 1930s era?
Read. Its result of students actions, our actions. So sitting in front of ur PC 24/7 and cursing all the time wont help. Come out in reality and face the sun and think what needs to be done.


Even our towns and cities dont have so much of "sulabh shauchalyas" and talking bout fines, every household of the US has to maintain a gud garden in front of their house or they are fined, result: there is much more greenery there and a large part of the land is under greenery.

Look what increasing the challan amount in Delhi has done to the city, now there are less people jumping the traffic lights, less people breaking the traffic rules, and this is conformed by the traffic department.

So I think people can be controlled this ways.

And yeah, you cant compare the rate of different commodities of diff. countries. In US, you earn in dollars, and you spend in dollars. The min. income to be above the poverty line is 19k there, here the guy with same amount of money would be a millionaire!!! Here the limit of povery line is only I think 200 or 500 rupees(I read this in class X so am kinda confused) and this is much less than $19K.
What if you go to Middle east countries, petrol is cheaper than water there and the govt doesnt take taxes from the common people, you cant compare the prices of petrol over there and here. And you cant compare the prices of semiconductors/ammunation in the US and India.

I am not cursing India in any way, this country rocks but sometimes the people(esp. bajrang dal and shiv sena) here do things which can really become a pain in the arse of normal ppl like us. Dont you feel so, dont you feel angry when you see that these ppl burn the effigies of anybody who has made a negligible mistake.
You wear national flag as a dress(Malini Ramani) or you use it as a cake and cut it(Tendulkar); A firang gives you a kiss(shettyji); you talk about AIDS and prevention of STDs and things like that (Sania Mirza and one heroine of south); you wear short skirt while playing tennis(Sania Mirza) and there are many other examples and everytime you are going to be under the knife of these ppl. These ppl are crzy and should be sent to an asylum.

I know in the above posts I said this all is due to unemployment and illiteracy but still everything has a limit.
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@cynosure : I agree with u. US is doing a good job, but how many of those gardens have "trees" in them? Even if most of them have trees, then also its overall report of US on pollution is the worst!

Also people think the life style in US is fabulous. Yea so fabulous. All they eat is mostly processed food and then they go obese. Then they invent stuff like diet pepsi, diet coke, diet chips, diet this, diet that => BS. Some term it as fashion, but IMHO its nothing more than misery! Can't they just be normal and eat natural food, a good home cooked meal like INdians and be fit?

Some people here think that Indian medical system is a crap. God help those people!
Indian medical systems r as good as foriegn systems or may be even better. While we have all the knowledge of modern medical system, they hardly have any knowledge of ayurveda and yoga which is found being practised in Kerela a lot, even in deli too. People wait for 6 months to get an appointment with a doctor there, huh they get treated in less than 1 month here with less than half the price in many cases. What do people think of that? Do they still like to curse India? I just hope any of the Indian doesn't get a serious fever or a disease abroad.

About national flag, its a matter of concern. If other country does the same we shout and ask the mto explain. Its a matter of pride and patriotism. U defintely wont like if some spits at ur family photograph....wud u? I agree things shudn't be taken seriously here unless and until they need to be, but indeed it shudn't be ignored either!

About Sania Mirza, I think its the closed mindedness of clerics that prevents the gal and her family from living freely! I agree shiv sena creates a chaos, but then if u think like that then what about the Jama Masjid's Bukari? He has several cases pending against him, he speaks of reservation and priviledges for his religion openly, Jamia Milia Islamia has 50% reservation for that religion,"growing religion" the link I gave, conversions going in almost all parts of India....there r plenty of things going on. If u think Shiv Sena shud be stopped then what about all these? I'm not justifying Shiv Sena, but if u wanna speak of some organizations then speak of the major ones.....the ones which r causing the heavy divide. Shiv Sena seems so puny to me infront of BUkari, his Back and his deeds!

So yea I agree "These ppl are crazy and should be sent to an asylum."!
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You gave been GXified
yo all of u, stop writing posts in forum on how to make India better insted get out & do something which has some meaning & makes india better. lecture kafi log dete hai... lekin khud follow karo pahle


thunderbird.117 said:
I dont know about narrow-minded people. I can say india is not a civilised country at all. The huge impact on global market is a myth and a lie. I keep hearing and hearing that india has talents and blah and blah. It is nothing but a lie. If india has really have that type of talents. I dont see good companies in india. The only thing india has is call centres. Call centres is a low profile and pathetic job. Most of them join mostly for high salary.

Our "beloved" politican are having luxury time in robbing and sucking people tax and put them to their pockets. India is such a sad country.
I m 18 years old and just completed my 12th via cbse.I m going to apply for a job at a call center.Good to know ur views.I think ur right.Jobs at call centers r pathetic.I'll leave the job in about six months.Well if I were the one guy who was interested in call centers then i wouldn't be here at digit.India needs a mortal that can make each and every citizen feel the need,the need for a wiki change in the way Indians think.We r not cool,I can bet on that one,but we can be if we take all the good points from our culture and mix them with the good points of other culture.By meaning cool i don't mean being a nerd not at least like the one i m.By cool i mean being responsible and successful.


@Mediator: Actually I never wanted to speak about the religional arseholes, for there are many like the bukhari you said and even our BJP is no less. YOu remember bout the CD they published in which they were against muslims. There are many muslim maulvi who give away "fatwas" on for some couple of grands and they were shown taking money on the news channel IBN7.

And how the hell are wearing flag and spitting on a family photos related???? These are totally different cases. These people who filed case against tendulkar and malini just want 15mins of fame. You must have seen how the ppl dont give a damn when they see a flag lying on the road after 15 Aug parade. Some pics were published in TOI about how the BJP members threw national flags on the road after the rally was over and these kinda "nation luving" ppl file cases against Tendulkar.
Why the hell these ppl dont file case against the CM of Rajasthan Vasundhra Raje who depected herself as one of the INdian Godesses and the other pary members viz. LK Advani, Rajnath Singh and ABV were shown as Brahma, vishnu, mahesh(not in that order), these thing dont hurt the sentiments of religious ppl but other negligible things do.

And bout the pollution thing in the US and other developed nations, they follow the UN guideline of 33% of national greenery under which min. 33% of the national land should be under permanent forest cover and these countries have much more but the 3rd world countries like INdia dont have even the min. And in the process of becoming a 1st world country, the situation in INdia would be same if not worse.


And how the hell are wearing flag and spitting on a family photos related???? These are totally different cases. These people who filed case against tendulkar and malini just want 15mins of fame. You must have seen how the ppl dont give a damn when they see a flag lying on the road after 15 Aug parade. Some pics were published in TOI about how the BJP members threw national flags on the road after the rally was over and these kinda "nation luving" ppl file cases against Tendulkar.
Thats y I said,
About national flag, its a matter of concern. If other country does the same we shout and ask the mto explain. Its a matter of pride and patriotism. U defintely wont like if some spits at ur family photograph....wud u? I agree things shudn't be taken seriously here unless and until they need to be, but indeed it shudn't be ignored either!
Why the hell these ppl dont file case against the CM of Rajasthan Vasundhra Raje who depected herself as one of the INdian Godesses and the other pary members viz. LK Advani, Rajnath Singh and ABV were shown as Brahma, vishnu, mahesh(not in that order), these thing dont hurt the sentiments of religious ppl but other negligible things do.
Wat does potraying them as gods as u said has to do with sentiments? People generally don't like when characters from their religion are mocked, but its not that they go on a shooting spree, issue jehad etc almost always like as it happens in that growing religion!!
ABout Vasundhara Raje, I don't find anything bad, but certainly as some said in the link its "height of sycophancy". But I also think Raje fully deserves a "divine status" (as some one said there) i.e honoured and appreciated heart and soul for all that she has done for Rajasthan.

And bout the pollution thing in the US and other developed nations, they follow the UN guideline of 33% of national greenery under which min. 33% of the national land should be under permanent forest cover and these countries have much more but the 3rd world countries like INdia dont have even the min. And in the process of becoming a 1st world country, the situation in INdia would be same if not worse.
I haven't read about its guidelines, but will certainly do if the discussion continues to be interesting! Neways, even the 33% land under forest cover doesn't justifies their pollution rates that is affecting the whole world.
Read these links...very interesting!
When it Comes to Kyoto, the U.S. is the "Rogue Nation"

Now someone reflected my thoughts and said here recently "lecture kafi log dete hai... lekin khud follow karo pahle" lets take actions instead of cursing all the time. ;)
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koi country bhi perfect nahi hothi hai use perfect banana padtha hai .------(reminding frm RDB)


Kyoto Protocal is much of nonsense. NO country not even india obeys it. Have you guys forget about china?. China too is a pollutes a lot. All this protocal is of no use. I wonder if japan obeys it. Oh yea. They setup their companies in other parts of world.

India blindly cuts down trees for sake of development. You people say why no one is doing anything?. They are many people who is trying to help india the only thing you people dont know because media does not cover this.


Hehe...wehell, I have to agree with u here "partially" coz there's a difference between inability to satisfy the implementation of the protocol and not willing to implement the protocol!


dá ûnrêäl Kiñg
gmanog said:
Its unfortunate that you guys just keep blaming the country, why don't you guys jump into action? why you guys didnt chose to take part in Politics?
If you highly educated people are not willing to take part in politics, then who will chage it?
You guys just want to chage the country, but you will not put any effort or work for it? someone else will come and change the country for you??
yeah correct man,just sitting in home blaming our country is much more easier job.


High without substance...
Ok lets put a twist now,
Lets see what we do to make difference what ever it may be or how small.

Every time i see some one with out helmet i ask them to ware one, every time i see some one driving on high beem within city limits.
and every time i see some one taking a plastic carry bag i ask them to stop them.

do not start with trees getting cut for all the papre.
YOU should not that paper is recycle and will not effect the ground but PLASTIC WILL.

lets hear what you do?
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