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You gave been GXified
Well, Linux Mint 4.0 booted here & I installed it without screwing my partition & Windows installation, but due to fear I did not select to install the GRUB bootloader during installation.

Now, I can't boot (obviously). So, I need to install GRUB in the same partition where Linux is installed, a 7 GB ext3 partition. I have the LiveCD, what should I do? I can reinstall whole linux but i don't want to do it all....

does grub comes as an installable application?


Ambassador of Buzz
Download Super GRUB Boot Disk from * . It hopefully will do the trick.

PS : Wait for the experts to delve in, maybe they might suggest easier methods

gx_saurav said:
Well, Linux Mint 4.0 booted here & I installed it without screwing my partition & Windows installation, but due to fear I did not select to install the GRUB bootloader during installation.

Now, I can't boot (obviously). So, I need to install GRUB in the same partition where Linux is installed, a 7 GB ext3 partition. I have the LiveCD, what should I do? I can reinstall whole linux but i don't want to do it all....

does grub comes as an installable application?
well leave is you can't use it, still if you wanna try then
grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager.
Lost grub after installing windows: * -
Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: *

gx_saurav said:
but due to fear I did not select to install the GRUB bootloader during installation.

:lol: :lol:
its not a Bomb that will expload with you plug the wrong wire:rolleyes:
no matter which os you use
this is the biggest hurdle in getting the os installed.
i myself had lost data once while installing win 98 thats was around 3yrs back & but i made sure it was the last time
A man always learns from his mistakes. you can also use partion magic to do this.
is also has a presentable in which you can know what os uses what kinds of partions
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die blizzard die! D3?
this is what I used to reinstall grub from livecd after installing windows.

1.boot from livecd terminal

3.Type the following commands in terminal:

sudo grub (press enter)
find /boot/grub/stage1 (press enter)
//the terminal will show you an output here like '(hdx,y)',note down the values of x and y//
root (hdx,y)
reboot (or reboot manually)

hope this helps but wait for some expert opinion.


You gave been GXified
Well, Linux is installed & booting fine now using EasyBCD & NeoGRUB.

I don't mind installaing packages, so...well...that's not a problem. Right now i m configuring the apps one by one. First up is user interface & skins.

Compiz Fusion is good, but slow. Once booted, Mint automatically told me to install a restricted driver for my graphics card which I did.

My monitor is running only at 1024X768 at 75 Hz & not 85 Hz. How to fix this?

I m looking for a dark blackish theme for Mint. Any recomendations? In case of Icons, is there something like Vista icons (Familier to me) or full tango icons for system (they are recognisable)

Is there any password manager for Linux?


Staff member
edit ur xorg.conf file

Probabaly it will be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

open it using

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf


sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
and post it here

for eyecandy


for password manager

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You gave been GXified
I selected 1024X768 at 75 Hz & rebooted, now everything is screwed up. I m getting curropt graphics.

I can boot into recovery mode, can i revart the driver back or something like system restore?


Staff member
boot into recovery console

edit xorg.conf file
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Btw wasnt the distro working fine with 1024x768@75Hz earlier ?

There is nothing like system restore (as linux dont hav registries), though backup files r save d everytime u change something with system config.

Other oprion you can try is:
1) Input these commands(ls is like dir in DOS, it displays the content of the directory)
ls /etc/X11
2) see if there are some file named similar to xorg.conf
e.g. xorg.conf.1 or xorg.conf.2 (these are backup files)
3) rename one of them to xorg.conf by using command
sudo mv xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf
4) turn off PC
5) restart and see if things work fine
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You gave been GXified
system restore in WIndows doesn't depend on registry.

Anyway, installing again is better then banging my head cos I only configured pidgin & nothing else. I just reinstalled.

SO, which drive for my nvidia card should I install now? There is Envy in system tools section of Mint Menu. SHould I install using Envy or manually download the driver from If I use ENvy, will it download the same driver from which i was going to download manually?


Staff member
try it, u will save 30 minutes and learn something.

Use envy script to install Nvidia driver, not sure if the version will be same.

gx_saurav said:
system restore in WIndows doesn't depend on registry.

then how will it keep track of bloated registry due to installed softwares ?
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You gave been GXified
nah...I don't wanna learn anything. I just want to do my work.

Just installed MInt again, & the first thing i m doing right now is installing latest drivers using ENvy. C Ya in a while

OK, envy is installed & I was able to set my to use nvidia drivers using nvidia-xconfig. My monitor is working at 1024X768 at 85 Hz & i can use Compiz too.

Now going to use the MIntUpdate & leaving it on over night. Installing everything except for CUPS as I don't have printer.C Ya all tomorrow

Ok, I have decided that I won't be making my Linux MInt into a Mac, if I wanted that I can simply use Mac OS X. I m gonna use Linux like Linux..

Anyway, I m back to Bea skin, with bea icons & window borders. I uninstalled emerald as I won't be needing it.

SO next up, I need widgets. WHat's the equivalent software in Linux
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You gave been GXified
OK one problem now. When I click on the "Quit" icon on the Mint Menu, the system hangs & I have to shut down usign the power button on my CPU manually.

Installing screenlets now.


Think Zen.
Looks like a problem with Ati drivers.
Do you have an Ati card too?

Anyways read this.Might help.



You gave been GXified
Screenlets installed. SO far I have installed only 2, rest I will install lalter.

Going out now, c ya in evening.

rayraven said:
Looks like a problem with Ati drivers.
Do you have an Ati card too?

Anyways read this.Might help.

No, I got a nVidia geforce 6600gt agp with 256 MB RAM

Just came home.

I unsinstalled Emerald, as I don't need it. I m using the default Bea theme with bea icons & cursors now.

I solved the power problem, looks like I disabled the "Power manager" service from starting up.

I installed screenlets & gdesklets don't have such good widgets anyway. If I could run Yahoo WIdget engine in Linux, I would have.

Ok so now, let's configure apps one by one. Pidgin is compleately configred cos I have used it in WIndows also. Good thing about MInt is that it came with flash player & JAVA Runtime preinstalled but here are 2 problems.

1) Installed version of firefox is & this is the latest version in SYnaptic. However firefox came few days back. On the website, I only get a tar.gz file of firefox to download.

2) How to download & install the latest Java runtime.?
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Think Zen.
gx_saurav said:
I installed screenlets & gdesklets don't have such good widgets anyway. If I could run Yahoo WIdget engine in Linux, I would have.
Have you looked here?

gx_saurav said:
1) Installed version of firefox is & this is the latest version in SYnaptic. However firefox came few days back. On the website, I only get a tar.gz file of firefox to download.
Firefox is already in the ubuntu repositories.
A friend of mine installed it yesterday.
Have u tried updating through synaptic?
gx_saurav said:
2) How to download & install the latest Java runtime.?
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin



You gave been GXified
When i search in synaptic, it shows firefox 20.0.6 as latest. I tried reloading the list too.

I have download the tar.gz file from How to use it?


Think Zen.
The tar.gz package is meant for linux distro's that dont have native packages to install firefox from.
To use it , all you need to do is extract the archive and run firefox.
But, it wont update the existing firefox on your system,
I'd say ,wait a few days till the package is updated on the repository or get the ubuntu deb and install it,
Coz ubuntu and mint are compatible.

Here's the ubuntu deb if u'r intrested,


Is you want the latest packages then then you can also enable Release candidate updates too;)


You gave been GXified
I just upgraded my firefox using Ubuntuzilla script. NOw running & installing add ons in it.

One problem in firefox, font rendering is way worse compared to is that?

ANd hey, I need some download manager for firefox like Orbit downloader in WIndows. Fx's default downloader sux
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