You gave been GXified
andy said:WMV9 DRMed codecs can be used in Linux? Whom are you fooling?
Also, can you link me to these Windows Media codecs which play in Linux? I'll install them on Slack right away.
[B said:Aberforth[/b]]Well packman repositories have codecs for a few popular distros which enable Linux to play win32 codecs.
The link - *mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/packman/
Don't know about Slackware though.
Pwned #1Quote: win32codecs are long available for Linux,though the legal stand is not clear.
pwned #2. You call that contributionandy said:You asked me for a single contribution. I gave it to you. Whether you want to laugh at me, or you want to cry, is entirely upto you.
Thanx god, atleast you are yourself admiting that Apple is copying from KHTML, & not giving anything back to KDE, that is what the GPL sates.andy said:I'll ignore your little pick on Apple here. Yes, Apple based its browser on Konqueror. They never helped Konqueror. But, they helped the development of Webkit on S60. Thanks for ignoring that part of my post.
& about Webkit.....lolz, like eddie said, they are doing this just so that the OSS develope the code, & they can use it for free. I hope you know about the costs arising in R&D
Congretulations on this boyandy said:I am a person who always tries to correct what is wrong with me. That is why, perhaps, I have reached a stage in life where I am assured of my future. This is coming from a person, who has had a very ordinary primary education.
Nothing, the problem is in macboy attitude & whining.andy said:I'm a student, who uses a Macintosh. What's so wrong about it? What's so special about using Linux?
That will take a lot of time, the forum is full of it, oh! just look at the top of this page yourselfandy said:Yes, please do point out my posts, where I have posted anything other than facts. What do these 'others' have got to do with me?
& plz, do mention what do u want the posters in this thread to do. If we take names we get banned for giving "personal comments" & if we don't ....well, u say that
I had no idea, a simple post like this will hurt u so badly, i mean, it's like everything we say to apple is something macboys take upon themselves