Mates, need help in selecting a BRANDED/ASSEMBLED PC or a

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Just Do It
I am really confused as to get a branded Pc or assembled one and also the choice of a LAPTOP. Some suggested me to go for assembled and other LAPTOPS.

Need your help, as to which I should choose. Please also mention the latest config I can get. I dont require a mouse and a keyboard.

It is for personal use[home].

Would love to have monitor,graphics, bluetooth, DVD RW & CR RW,etc in it.

Hope Bangaloreans will post in their responses as to whereabouts for purchase.

It should be the LATEST and budget can go upto Rs.30,000

Post your opinions ......
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If u r familiar with computer components (or u know someone who has decent knowledge about PC) only then u should go for assembled PC otherwise there is big chance that u will taken for a ride by the assembler. In such scenarios Branded PC r better bet. But luking at the budget and ur need for latest, assembled PC r the only choice since branded PCs will cost u more for the latest stuff u r luking for. U have to balance between both.
As for the laptop, assuming u have budget of around 35k, I suggest u go for acer or then Zenith. But consider increasing the budget a bit more so that u can touch Dell (which r better value in lower performance range).


Just Do It
well it all depends on ur usage. u havent posted the main area of work u will put the machine too

Well, Most of the time would be spent using the Net. Also, working around with graphics applications. A little gaming too.

Whats your opinion for the latest config ?

For laptops go for a reputed brand. If you can increase your budget by five or seven you can get a decent machine.
As for the laptop, assuming u have budget of around 35k, I suggest u go for acer or then Zenith. But consider increasing the budget a bit more so that u can touch Dell (which r better value in lower performance range).

What'd be the config/specifics for that kind of a laptop?


Just Do It
Gaming is not really important for me .... What I require is the latest config that I could get for that price , Rs.30,000.


Welcome To The Jungle
nothing comes close to assembled pcs. u can get the best stuff u want and fit it into ur pc. compaq is all scrap they have poor service.


Broken In
well i am using a compaq pc for almost 3 years(will complete three years on 29th sept) and all the problems i have got are software based.

my dealer got me an genuine win xp pro for free.

the hardware support is the best from their dealer which is near to where i live.

i have just changed my HDD amd RAM coz i wanted more memory....

but as far as i see branded pcs give better support and peace of mind...

if something goes bad in the assembled one the assembler will only blame u coz u are the one to give him instrutions....

as for laptops my uncle uses a compaq presario laptop for 6 months now and being a student of computer engg. i would advise u to not go for a assembled laptop coz laptops are harder to assemble and have a high failure rate...

the decision is upon u

SO go for branded pc and be HAPPY :)

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i would advise u to not go for a assembled laptop coz laptops are harder to assemble and have a high failure rate...

I guess he is not atlking abt assembled laptops but assembled PC' assembled laptop is out of question.....
With budget u ahev and bit of gaming...u can go in for assembled PC....
if ur work requires PC work then u as well buy laptop.......but if for hoem use ...better stick to PC..assembled oen is better.....

as per ur budget..u sud go for assembled.
and forgot laptop if u need for home use.. with gud confrigation.
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