M$ free Offer! win Windows Phones ,submit 'Android Hating 'Story'

Do you think M$ can win on negative campaign?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 21 65.6%
  • some extent

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Not so sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In the zone
In a reverse of trend, M$ is offering free Windows phones to everyone who 'blogs' about Android Hating stories.
Ben Rudolph is all up in Android's grill on Twitter--the Microsoft Windows Phone "evangelist" is offering to give away Windows phones to folks who share the best Android malware horror stories on Twitter with the hash tag #droidrage. Another tweet from Microsoft's official feed seems to confirm that the contest is legit.

Rudolph later closed the entries and has yet to announce any winners of the new Windows Phone devices.

Considering the number of responses, plenty of Android device users have fallen prey to Latest M$ blitz.. It seem Steve Ballmere is now possesses by 'Job's exorcist, and now going allout effort on behalf of his one time'enemy'alias pal.

That's Microsoft Style -- turning up the hate and trying to capitalize on it.

I'm going to f---ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I'm going to f---ing kill Google." - Steve Ballmer

"Google's not a real company. It's a house of cards." - Steve Ballmer

"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches." - Steve Ballmer

"Apple is selling zero phones a year. In six months, they'll have the most expensive phone by far ever in the marketplace." - Steve Ballmer

"The most common format of music on an iPod is 'stolen'." - Steve Ballmer

Do u think M$ can win this latest 'hat' war..instead of relying on their products strength..?
Posts & vote your thoughts!


Can't they be sued for this ?

I mean if any of those claims are not verifiable, this can lead to a defamation suite.
I bet many people just posted random cooked up stories along with real ones, in hopes of bettering their chance winning a WP7 device.

If Nokia is actually agreeing to such a campaign by sponsoring the devices, then the last bit of respect I had for Nokia will disappear.


Cyborg Agent
This is the worst strategy ever. Is this how you sell your product? Last i have heard is someone from Nokia saying iPhone, Android handsets no longer appeal to youth. Seriously ???
No wonder this came from MS evangelist = Nothing but MS PR.


Cyborg Agent
Do they have any ethics left.... Is this the way earning money.... It is a ditry trick to malign image of Android... which is beating every other phone OSes... Instead of wasting time on this type of practice they should focus on improving their products....

Money is not everything.. Customer satisfaction is....

Hope they have very good people who thinks in the right way... And stop all this nonsense.....


Broken In
plea to the world to save M$ shinking (WP) ship.

While I too think the same of this contest, but about wp7 either you are not too aware, or you're just being ignorant. :wink:

WrongSizeGlass writes “InformationWeek is reporting that Windows Phone 7 will overtake Apple’s iPhone by 2015 according to IDC. IDC predicts 2015 will bring: Android 45.4%, WP7 & WinMobile 20.9%, iOS 15.3%, RIM 13.7%, Symbian 0.2%, and ‘Others’ 4.6%. These numbers would move WP7 into 2nd place and leave iOS in 3rd place with a slightly smaller piece of the smart phone pie than they current hold …


Adam young
steve balmer should be hanged infront of all people.shameless.do that person has any ethical value to comment like that on other OSes.


Broken In
steve balmer should be hanged infront of all people.shameless.do that person has any ethical value to comment like that on other OSes.
Though I don't support this contest but
really? Hang for that?? :shock:
thats' ethical value.....? :???:

BTW, Android cannot sue if they want to or what?
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Adam young
ya he don't have any ethical value.did you see his comments about other OSes?is it the behaviour of a man from reputed company?


King of my own Castle
Somewhere Bill Gates quoted that ultimately it will be "Internet " that will bring about down fall of the Microsoft OS.

Some how i have strong feeling it would rather be "Steve Balmer".


Hanging, since 2004..
I see no problem with this offer, Android has its problems and a competitor is highlighting it to promote its products strong point. This has been happening in advertising world since ages.


I see no problem with this offer, Android has its problems and a competitor is highlighting it to promote its products strong point. This has been happening in advertising world since ages.

Exactly !!

Only the difference I see is the young audience this days and some new way of doing it. Rest the IDEA is pretty OLD in advertising and is very common.

If some of you have seen the HORLICKS advertisement some time ago, they even went further and depicted their rival's product on their own TV commercial.

red dragon

Master troll
MS did not need that sort of campaign,instead they should invest in looking and correcting fatal flaws in wimo7(which are a plenty atm)
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