I once called Amarbir to ask the price of the sennheiser RS 110 wireless headphones price. He said it was 5k. I, in a very polite manner said ''But market ch taan 4.3K di loki price man gaye nae!(Punjabi to English=But I have been told you can get it for 4.3K from CHD.)"
He very rudely replied:''Ji mai taan 5K da hi davaan ga!"(Ill only give it to you for 5K)
I got pissed off and bought it from some other shop for 4.4K. Yet after a while I visited their store to buy a good pair of IEMs.
Even though online they said they had Soundmagic earphones and are also listed on SM's official distributor list, they said they didn't have it when I got there. I ended up buying the Creative EP660 instead , for 1.2K(Good earphones , but definitively not worth 1.2K over the EP 630 for .7K as their isnt that much of a diff. b/w the 2).
Their stock is quite limited, shop isnt that impressive, although I bet he pays a large amount of money for the rent due to the shop's location, so I dont think the bad condition of the shop is because of lack of funds.
So I dont think it is wise to buy stuff from him even directly from the store.