Linux@minimum requirement

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hello frns i have p4 128MB RAM 915 M/B plz suggest me a linux distro which runs fine on this..i recently tried ubuntu 7.04 but it does not run smoothly....


Wire muncher!
older versions are not recommended and the versions of ubuntu or fedora which will run on 128mb ram are really really old. don't bother abt them!


Wire muncher!
xubuntu is better, imho. linux distros haf a desktop environment (for GUI), the 3 most popular are: kde, gnome, xfce (there are many more). out of these kde and gnome require substantial amount of ram. xfce is the lightest among them. ubuntu has gnome, kubuntu has kde while xubuntu has xfce. apart from these the underlying things are same for the 3 mentioned above. i suggested xubuntu wid the xfce desktop env. as it is the lightest amongst those 3.


Wire muncher!
zenwalk is another linux distro. jus like ubuntu/fedora etc. try xubuntu first. it should work fine wid 128mb ram.

download xubuntu alternate CD from here:

torrent: *

or iso image: *


left this forum longback
Antix mepis-also a good choice,moreover it is core-debian :p :
antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install linux live CD distribution based on MEPIS for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the "Magic of Mepis" in an environment suitable for old computers. So don't throw away that old computer yet! The goal of antiX is to provide a light, but fully functional and flexible free operating system for both newcomers and experienced users of Linux. It should run on most computers, ranging from 64MB old PII 266 systems with pre-configured 128MB RAM to the latest powerful boxes. 128MB RAM is recommended for antiX. antiX can also be used as a fast-booting rescue cd.


* 2.6.15 kernel
* XOrg7
* Fluxbox (default), IceWM (optional)
* Rox-filer and Rox desktop (optional)
* Firefox web browser
* Sylpheed-claws email client
* Gaim instant messaging
* Xchat
* AbiWord word processor
* Gnumeric spreadsheet
* Scite editor
* The Gimp photo-editor
* Xmms audio player
* Xine and mplayer video players
* Synaptic package manager
* Graveman CDR/DVDR tool
* All the MEPIS Utilities
* Various CLI apps eg nano, mc, mutt, links2, irssi, raggle
* And lots more!


Wire muncher!
dont' confuse that guy! dude, download the alternate cd install from the link given above. don't share 64mb. make it about 16mb or so. then install xubuntu. go ahead :)
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