Lets post our problems, experiences, etc related to Life in general here!!

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IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Hey Guys.
Just got the idea about creating this thread...

Many of us visiting the ThinkDigit Forum are well acquainted with the idea co-operation, co-existence and helping each others out. Whether we come to the forum to post our queries, or post tutorials, reviews, argue, or reply to somones questions etc; we are directly-indirectly fortifying those thoughts that we have thought about as each day passes. And we learn a lot more than technological specifications of products. We come to understand the dynamic nature of things, the conditions under which those situations seem stationary... Life, love, hate, learning, pain, suffering.. Stuff like that, you know..

So let us post about these very experiences encountered..

Let us talk about the rich-poor divide. Let us talk about our non-tech population (not bashing them alot though :p ). Let us CHAT about our personal experiences in THIS technologically significant period of time.
You are FREE TO UNLOAD your feelings here. About life, about your girl, about your parents, anything. You can post your problems, post your suggestions... anything.

Something that cant be posted as a separate thread and something that does not need to be posted as a separate thread; can be posted HERE.

Please bear in mind that while one should keep slight relevance to the stuff being talked about; there is NOTHING specifically offtopic in this thread...

And few simple rules to make it all easier.
1. If you have a problem, post the part that describes it in RED.
Anf IF you are replying to a problem; Please quote it and answer in BLUE. Why? Coz it becomes easier to lok out for anyone's problems, solutions...
2. Please post a small Bolded heading as to what your experience is about. Makes it easier to grasp things and suggest solutions to problems as well.


Some chronoliogically quoted - qoutes from previous threads that I wanna share... Just as an Example. :)

About: Lack of good techy friends

IronManForever said:
Most of my Pals don't know what a Graphics card does. Many dont know Dual core/Quad core benefits. They dont know what a processor is. They still feel Pentium 4 the latest stuff (and for them the whole system Box is the P4). :p They don't know GHz stands for speed. To them, what follows Pentium(3,4,5, etc) is what decides. Neither do they know what RAM does and do not understand the term Primary storage. And of course they wont care if AMD/Linux/Mac exists; neither do they know that they DO exist. :p

One of my friends, (I have a P4 class Celeron with black cabby monitor, etc. and he has P3 with all white components) said that one can know from the looks of it wether a PC is P3 or P4. A white monitor+cabby+keyboard stands for P3; whereas Black ones are there in P4. :lol: :lol:

Thats the PRIME reason that drives me to use this forum and internet for hours everyday. I need someone to do tech-talk.

hellgate said:
IronManForever said:
Most of my Pals don't know what a Graphics card does. Many dont know Dual core/Quad core benefits. They dont know what a processor is. They still feel Pentium 4 the latest stuff (and for them the whole system Box is the P4). :p They don't know GHz stands for speed. To them, what follows Pentium(3,4,5, etc) is what decides. Neither do they know what RAM does and do not understand the term Primary storage. And of course they wont care if AMD/Linux/Mac exists; neither do they know that they DO exist. :p

One of my friends, (I have a P4 class Celeron with black cabby monitor, etc. and he has P3 with all white components) said that one can know from the looks of it wether a PC is P3 or P4. A white monitor+cabby+keyboard stands for P3; whereas Black ones are there in P4. :lol: :lol:

Thats the PRIME reason that drives me to use this forum and internet for hours everyday. I need someone to do tech-talk.
only 2 of my frnds r techies, the rest r like urs.
the worst of this is,if they come to u asking 4 suggestions and u suggest them some piece of hardware, they'll start arguing with u without knowing head or tail of that stuff/brand.

IronManForever said:
only 2 of my frnds r techies, the rest r like urs.
the worst of this is,if they come to u asking 4 suggestions and u suggest them some piece of hardware, they'll start arguing with u without knowing head or tail of that stuff/brand.
Lucky guy. I barely have 1 friend with whom I can talk. Joined MBBS this year. Lets see how good the new guys are. And BTW my friends dont argue; they take me as god. But thats a bit of problem as I have to go to them if they have some problems...

hellgate said:
^^^ they'll argue with me if i say that now ATi is performing better than nVidia or that at 1 time Athlons were better than P4's.

MetalheadGautham said:
Talking about non tech friends, I am at a worse situation. I have this friend who is supposed to be a techie, but a n00b one, and with a huge ego. Just because he knew internals of computers long before I did, he refuses to accept that I do know quite a lot more than him. He still thinks DDR2 533MHz ram is mainstream. He thinks all of those compiz fusion pics I showed him are photoshopped, because he can't see them running on my PC (obviously, since my rig is not powerful enough). He gets angry whenever he sees someone disable aero from windows vista and replace it wi+th the wi+ndow+s classic theme, saying that nothing but looks matter. He thinks I am a n00b because I find windows vista hard to use. He is a born pirate, and is actually PROUD of cracking software. He proudly exclaims that he has cracks for software worth several lakhs and he has installed them all. He thinks ripping movies is a hard to do job, much more difficult than my work of creating a custom debian derivative distro, and that ripping is an art and there exist a few people in the world who can rip better than him. He never admits it, but he gets really influenced by movies. Finally, he is really obese has flabs everywhere, and has a very bad language and lacks social etiquette, but is determined to believe that girls find him attractive to look at.

IronManForever said:
MetalheadGautham said:
Talking about non tech friends, I am at a worse situation. I have this friend who is supposed to be a techie, but a n00b one, and with a huge ego. Just because he knew internals of computers long before I did, he refuses to accept that I do know quite a lot more than him. He still thinks DDR2 533MHz ram is mainstream. He thinks all of those compiz fusion pics I showed him are photoshopped, because he can't see them running on my PC (obviously, since my rig is not powerful enough). He gets angry whenever he sees someone disable aero from windows vista and replace it wi+th the wi+ndow+s classic theme, saying that nothing but looks matter. He thinks I am a n00b because I find windows vista hard to use. He is a born pirate, and is actually PROUD of cracking software. He proudly exclaims that he has cracks for software worth several lakhs and he has installed them all. He thinks ripping movies is a hard to do job, much more difficult than my work of creating a custom debian derivative distro, and that ripping is an art and there exist a few people in the world who can rip better than him. He never admits it, but he gets really influenced by movies. Finally, he is really obese has flabs everywhere, and has a very bad language and lacks social etiquette, but is determined to believe that girls find him attractive to look at.
Wow! What you have is the last remaining inhabitant of Planet X43-Alpha.. :lol:
1. Show him some version of Beryl on you rig, that should be enough to convince him of the effects.
2. Ask him to go to a computer store, making him feel that he's there to advise you; and then make him realise that DDR2-533 modules arent available at all. Take him to a store where you will get at the lowest 667 one. Many stores now do not have it, in fact.
3. Let him live with the Looks Matter thing. In fact, I do believe that Looks enhance the Usability alot.
4. You dont find Vista hard to use, do you? You have a lota experience with XP and a UAC disabled Vista will be easier to use IF you pay attention.
5. He may have Maya/3dsMax; you have Blender, why do you care. Show some of your work on Blender to him. And do tell him that you didnt breach anything while making it.
6. Pirates? Oh no, I have no advice for that. Even I do pirate. But I have nothing pirated other than XP for now. :neutral: I do feel guilty though.
7. ASK him to impress a good-girl in class. He'll buy a treadmill next. :p

I know none of these work. Just said cuz I felt that I should. At least you have a techy friend. I dont even have anyone to argue. :(

BTW, lets carry this talk elsewhere. Its getting offtopic..
Here's a thread created by me just a few minutes ago to talk about such uncategorised stuff. :)


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Chosen of the Omnissiah
Well, I got many serious life problems, but I can't discuss them here. :|

What if we just want to post 'Lol' :lol:. 'Hahahah' etc.? Which colour to use? Its Chit Chat, thats why I'm asking. :D
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Thanks for the new thread Iron Man
Will post about my problems as soon as they are out of control :p
@metal head
Why do you care about that n00b? I guess he is the leader of your clan n stuff while you feel that you are not as "socialite" as him, which is why you feel bad.
[I'm saying this as I know exactly how you feel, except that my background is music, and the guy I argued with was pretty famous at school]
My word of advice: Screw him. Get on with your life. You'll definitely, definitely find someone who has the same opinion as you do. If he feels taht ripping movies is hard, that cracking software is "in" and Linux sucks (that's what it seems from his love for Aero), then he is only fooling himself. You know that, so dont bother :)


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
^^ You are welcome. ;)

Do note that the Original Post may be subject to changes from time to time. With some improvements on directions about how to post stuff.

Now, I know that this is similar to one of the many threads that go DOWN the drain un-noticed. But I did not find anything similar, so I created this one. Lets see how well it goes. You really cant tell unless you do it, isnt it? Thats the way people INNOVATE things, as far as I know.

BTW I think that the first problem posted will be from myself. :)

gagandeep said:
Well, I got many serious life problems, but I can't discuss them here.
DO people know you personally here? I dont know. Perhaps you should leave the serious ones for some other solutions... :neutral:
How about registering a new account, using it from a different browser after resetting your modem. I dont think one would like to come searching for you after all that. :p
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Yeah, anonymity is assured like that :D
anyway, gagandeep, use your own discretion ton post about problems. Afterall, this is a public forum, and you might not want to be embarresed (just to be on the safer side:) )


Caballero de Real Madrid
hmm.... well if this is abt s/w piracy then...

please answer if the following holds true

1. Never stealed
2. Dont have or listened to a single MP3 or song that u have not paid.
3. Dont have a ebook that u have not paid
4. Never did anything in life where u had to overtake the other using other than natural methods
5. have not seen or stored a movie that u have not paid
6. Never copied a answer from a frnd during exams.

yeah all this and more will come.. If we have to be righteous u have to be all in..not the ones i care and dont care...

For me...I have a amazing collection of movies and music...by amazing it spans TB's now...over the collections of DVD's and CD's...why...coz i cant afford the cost of them..as my taste is varied..i see and hear a lot

Well now the experience..and findings..

This is not a single or isolated one..this happens a lot of times...even today in another forum.... :) ... I am into forums for abt 5 years now... i am member of multiple international and national forums...tech..motor..A/V...h/w...photography...movies..music... a lot....

But only Active..or shall i say interact in a few...actually only abt 7 local ones and 2 international ones...

In websphere we meet a lot of ppl..we dont know who..how..what these folks are... rich&poor..old and young... nice and jerks.... lotsa types..
The thing is when we interact we try to undermine others...some times we type what we experience..or what we know... or maybe the language we use is more precise or worse than the other...

From what i learned..the experiences we had..or the tech that one is exposed or even the mood of what one type will depend from person to person... I or we or none will never try to understand..but just take it as face value... in a tech site its given.. but thats where my international experiences come in...

I have interacted with ppl from Uk..Italy..Germany...Singapore...Malaysia.. a lot.. none..or i have never seen a single thread or post in those forums..where one try to be the coolest...or undermine the other...never understand...

why?? ... is it that most ppl here are actually nerds who never goes out..dont have lots of frnds.... or hobby... (dont say tech as a hobby..it is not) ... or its the only place where u can be the top guy the coolest??... I say this coz a frnd of mine actually is a psychology graduate... she told me for most,these are the only possible answers..the more one argue abt it , the more confirmed i can be...and there are lots of exceptions. ..that be yours truly.. :p

The reasons being the bullying and the undrmining itself..u see when in a peer group or a social circle..we cannot undermine one.its never good.but in tech sites. they do that, coz they dont know how to interact with a person. least said abt a person who he has never seen. and hes not gonna learn it. and further more this may be the only place they can actually have a conversation..

i discussed this once with my peers, none do come online for tech, they only go live and psn, One of em said "tech sites or forums are escape vents for the cool guys...social circles for the geeks "...

The statement is true in lots of sense..maybe..



This Thread will be FAIL

ppl creating new threads in chit chat is better than Combining in one single thread .
@metal head
Why do you care about that n00b? I guess he is the leader of your clan n stuff while you feel that you are not as "socialite" as him, which is why you feel bad. [/quite]
:lol: lol U think IM that downtroden ?
This guy is a freak at school, and he is mocked at by each and everyone, me included.
then that doesnt make it a problem does it? :rolleyes:
Nope. If you analyse carefully, this post was made in a totally different context, where we were discussing about some people not knowing what ATI is, then about n00bs and such stuff. Then IronManForever moved it to this thread so that we can laugh it off here without the mods breathing on our necks for going offtopic.


Democracy is a myth
I've a problem for today(till now).
Nobody is posting any CPU,GPU,BSOD,CRASH,Not-Booting problems today.
Wat should I do??


I am the master of my Fate.
I've a problem for today(till now).
Nobody is posting any CPU,GPU,BSOD,CRASH,Not-Booting problems today.
Wat should I do??

Hey rithwik..havent u checked my siggy & my post related 2 dat in Hardware Troubleshooting :(


IronMan; Ready to Roll...
madjeri said:
1. Never stealed
2. Dont have or listened to a single MP3 or song that u have not paid.
3. Dont have a ebook that u have not paid
4. Never did anything in life where u had to overtake the other using other than natural methods
5. have not seen or stored a movie that u have not paid
6. Never copied a answer from a frnd during exams.
1. Yes, stolen numerous times.
2. You must be kidding. :p
3. Dont have an ebook at all. :(
4. Natural methods? Well, lemme guess.. Whats the MOST NATURAL method? *** ? :lol:
5. :D
6. Never copied an answer. Always copied answers. lolzzz

@Jerin.. You a victim of Moderation? Eh? Happens. :)
BTW I loved to read the psychologist part.

Maybe I wouldnt have read your post if it was in some other thread and am reading it ONLY because its posted in a thread thats my idea, it was fun reading.

max_demon said:
This Thread will be FAIL

ppl creating new threads in chit chat is better than Combining in one single thread .
I'm afraid you are right. :neutral: But if you look back; there have only been a FEW threads that have passed, MOST have failed.

MetalheadGautham said:
lol U think IM that downtroden ?
This guy is a freak at school, and he is mocked at by each and everyone, me included.
If I am not wrong, you play guitar, right? Meet me; a novice guitarist myself. :lol:

Perhaps this thread wont fare well... :( But I do have another iDea coming... :twisted:
@Metal head, IronMAn
Which guitars do you'll play?
I myself have just started.... (my 5th Instrument...took a long time coming though)
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