thx @topgear i have never had a seagate HDD fail on me till today n have been using seagates all my life recently only i have been using WD blue which i have in my Dell Studio 15 n samsung NC10.... i have an old seaget 40GB HDD drive which i use as a portable HDD for the last 5 years n it is still working gr8 n has never given me any trouble....
I researched on the 16 n 32MB Caches also couldnt find much of a difference..... but one thing i concludede is that if u r going with a higher size HDD (like above1TB) then the cache is useful (i even came across 64MB Cache tooo) n when there is heavy duty writing on the HDD (read server or database Applications) as far as read is concern it dosent make much of a diffrence even between 8 n 16MB cache..... n i inquired seagate dosent have 32MB cache drives in 500GB range so will go with 16MB cache drives its costing me 2500 each.... WD is costlier dunno y....
Feeling lazy to install all the stuff to the new RAID 0 setup.... have a lot of files from FS9 which will take 3-4days to install so will procure them when m in the mood... till then will be harrassing u guys with my questions...

Posted again:
Thx man... if u could show me some place where i can find a comparision between these 2 drives will luv that.... i tried but i couldnt get anything.... my budget is 5-6Ks nothing more i know WD black r awesome but i think they cost 4Ks each....
@thunder.02dragon what do u think which drives will be better in RAID 0 config..... pls enlighten me man....