Kerala student faces life in jail for not standing during National Anthem


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I think that's a bit of an overkill.

A 25-year-old philosophy student in Kerala is facing life imprisonment after he refused to stand up during the national anthem at a theatre. The student, Salman M, 25, has been charged with sedition as well as under section 66A under the Information Technology Act for allegedly publishing abusive social media posts about Independence Day on August 15.

Salman, who was arrested on August 20 in Thiruvananthapuram, was denied bail by a court for the second time on September 6. He has been accused of sedition for allegedly "sitting and hooting" when the anthem was played at the theatre.

Salman was arrested after he and his friends refused to stand up when a music video of the national anthem was played at a theatre before the screening of a movie on August 18. This led to protests by a segment of the audience and a heated argument followed after which a complaint was filed against Salman and his friends.

Amnesty International India has criticised Salman's arrest and possible sentencing. "A criminal charge for such conduct, even if some might regard it as offensive, is completely unwarranted," said Shailesh Rai, Programmes Director at Amnesty International India. "Nobody should have to go to prison merely because they are accused of causing offense."

"The Constitution of India and international law recognize the right to freedom of expression, and this right extends to speech that offends or disturbs. Authorities must respect this fundamental right, not seek to curb it."

Rai further said that many Indian laws needed to be updated or repealed in keeping with the changing times. "The case against Salman M. should be dropped and he must be released. Indian laws on sedition and online free speech do not meet international human rights standards on freedom of expression. These laws must be urgently repealed."

Source: Student faces life imprisonment for not standing during national anthem : India, News - India Today


Punishment for disrespecting the national anthem is understandable, but life imprisonment ?? way too much..


Whompy Whomperson
"the constitution of india and international law recognize the right to freedom of expression, and this right extends to speech that offends or disturbs. Authorities must respect this fundamental right, not seek to curb it."



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I think sedition laws need to be abolished. They serve to do nothing but harass people.


:lol: i've never stood up while national anthem was played before any movie screening.
People go to movie theater to relax themselves and not to sing national anthem :mad:
its the theater's fault for playing it.


A 25 years old faces imprisonment for life for committing such a trivial mistake,but our so-called netas who commit all kinds of heinous crimes ranging from embezzlement to cold blooded murder are seldom charged with anything-these scoundrels and their ilk openly flout the law but no eyebrows are ever raised about it because they are rich and have the resources and power to ensure that the law always works for them,not against them.If this stupid 25 yr old fellow deserves such a harsh punishment for doing practically nothing other than creating a bit of commotion in a public place over a really silly matter,then what kind of punishment do you think these political leaders deserve?!! I,for one,think they should be executed!

India really is an outstanding country!!

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:lol: i've never stood up while national anthem was played before any movie screening.
People go to movie theater to relax themselves and not to sing national anthem :mad:
its the theater's fault for playing it.
well said mate!lol


The Power of x480
Staff member
Is the law to arrest people for not standing while National Anthem is playing, equivalent to the disrespect shown when Indian flag is burned? Flags in USA can be burned to demonstrate your protest.

The guy should be released. Atmost with a warning.


some rituals we still get to follow, that were derived from ages when meaning of "freedom" was still unknown....... and only showing obedience would make someone "free" from hassles.

(i am pretty sure it still is at most places though, )

Is the law to arrest people for not standing while National Anthem is playing, equivalent to the disrespect shown when Indian flag is burned? Flags in USA can be burned to demonstrate your protest.

The guy should be released. Atmost with a warning.

i think i saw some pictures where people wearing underwear with flag colour in USA.


The Vagrant Seeker
although my own respect for the anthem got suspended when i learned about the controversy surrounding it years back, but anyway, atleast 2 comments on that page are interesting: :rolleyes:

Soon as I finished reading the headline of the story, I took a wild guess of the religion of the student. Then, just to confirm if I was right, I read the article and saw his name. My guess was right. I know that no Hindu or Christian would disrespect their country in any way.

It is difficult to decide who is the bigger of the two rascals.

'actions' aside, intentions implied! :chinscratch:

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yes! welcome to the world of ultra-liberality & permissiveness! the statement would soon be like - "...and this right extends to speech that offends or disturbs, and actions that maim or kill."
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Judgement Time!!
God damn this is stupid. We Indians tend to overreact quite often.

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This reminds me of the quote used in the movie The Rock

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
In a further update on the above, Amnesty International has condemned the arrest and requests that sedition laws be curbed.

India: End use of archaic sedition law to curb freedom of expression | Amnesty International

Also, the accused considers himself an Atheist and anarchist.

Here is a transcript of an interview with him where he speaks about his views:

Interview with Salmaan Mohammed (translated by Dileep Raj)

Salmaan: ..I am an anarchist..such a person..a man like me..was put into prison..for 35 days..saying that I was a Pakistani spy..Why am I not a Chinese spy? Why am I a Pakistani spy? That is because of my religion..”

Interviewer: Were you unhappy about this? were you sad thinking public might think ill of you?”

Salmaan : I am not worried about what public might think about me..My face book page is my message..I have made sure that I have clearly articulated my political positions there..They knocked on my door at 12 o clock in the night and took me away..What democracy is this?”

Interviewer: So you are saying that you would have presented yourself during the day time if they had asked you to do so..?”

Salmaan: of course..

Interviewer: your father says that you are not a religious believer..That you are a rationalist..”

Salmaan: .No, I am not a rationalist, I am an atheist..Rationalists in Kerala are Islamophobics.
I am not a rationalist or a secularist..I am an atheist.. Atheism is not equivalent to rationalism..These are two different things..I am an atheist as well as a Muslim..”

Interviewer: What did this imprisonment teach you?”

Salmaan: Prison life is fabulous..Imprisonment is in fact an ontological violence..A lot of innocent persons are there in the prison solely because they don’t have money to pay for the bail..So called thieves doesn’t have nationality .. they liked somebody like me very much..That’s why I took my time coming out.. I bid farewell to everybody, they asked, ‘Salman, when will meet agian?’ ”

Interviewer: Did you conclude that people inside are much much better than people outside?”

Salmaan: Such a comparison can never be made.There are ‘good’ people outside as well as inside

Source: I am a Muslim, an Atheist, an Anarchist: Salmaan Mohammed | Kafila


Ambassador of Buzz
Sitting and "hooting" - That is the key point here. I guess this guy wants to draw attention to himself and enjoying the spotlight.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Sitting and "hooting" - That is the key point here. I guess this guy wants to draw attention to himself and enjoying the spotlight.

That may be the case. But arresting, denying bail and life imprisonment is still an overkill.


Human Spambot
Sitting and "hooting" - That is the key point here. I guess this guy wants to draw attention to himself and enjoying the spotlight.

He is not in 30's or 40's to be a role model or something. let him get attention from doing like this, but as david said it still too much that too in a movie theatre :mad:
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