Kerala student faces life in jail for not standing during National Anthem


Wise Old Owl
Welcome Back, Came to stay? or get banned again :lol:
:p lol

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We have meetings in our home(females) .It ends after singing the national anthem after much sht talking and gossips.I will be infront of my pc;since I dont want to stand up I would go to the next room and come back after 2 minutes. I guess im not breking any laws

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Two comments from a website regarding the news.
aishpandey on October 11, 2014 at 12:45 AM
There is no version of the Indian national anthem, which can be mocked. Definitely action against the boy from Kerela should be according to the constitutional framework; but there SHOULD be actions. There have been people DYING to protect the dignity of the national flag and anthem (the story when seven people in line died to not let the flag fall down)… That is the reason why we today breathe in India, where we have so much of freedom. In short- legal actions be taken.

Aarti Sethi on October 11, 2014 at 2:24 AM
Patriotic Mathematics:

Someone is arrested for sitting during a song =>

“That is the reason why we today breathe in India, where we have so much of freedom”


In short- legal actions be taken


Never mind Malala. You should be given the Fields Medal.



Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I seriously envy the freedom of speech that people of other counties enjoy. You could publicly rant about Obama or satirize him in the US and no one would care.

People say that we must not look towards other countries, but can we not adopt what is good about them?


I seriously envy the freedom of speech that people of other counties enjoy. You could publicly rant about Obama or satirize him in the US and no one would care.

People say that we must not look towards other countries, but can we not adopt what is good about them?

Yea, all the people of power care about is what women should wear and what not.


Ambassador of Buzz
I seriously envy the freedom of speech that people of other counties enjoy. You could publicly rant about Obama or satirize him in the US and no one would care.

People say that we must not look towards other countries, but can we not adopt what is good about them?

Yes except for the NSA and a plethora of other espionage agencies.........Nobody cares.


Human Spambot
:p lol

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We have meetings in our home(females) .It ends after singing the national anthem after much sht talking and gossips.I will be infront of my pc;since I dont want to stand up I would go to the next room and come back after 2 minutes. I guess im not breking any laws

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Two comments from a website regarding the news.

It's time to stir some controversy :stirpot:

Complete off-topic from the topic which we are discussing but it had to be known.

No offense to the great leader who fought for the freedom of India, but the truth is

England left India because of worst recession or economy slide after World War 2. [Same situation like US troops backed up from Afgan after economy issue]

Here is a article from 2008 which talks about previous recession.

Britain's economy is heading for its worst year since the notorious post-war winter-torn 1947 recession, experts warned on Tuesday, as official figures shed light on the scale of the downturn....

A number of economists, including those at Capital Economics and Bank of America, believe that 2009 will see the worst year for the economy since at least 1947, when Britain was still recovering from the Second World War. That year, the UK was hit by one of the coldest winters on record, combined with fuel shortages and a fiscal crisis as the US threatened to pull back from their post-war loans.


Another one

War bond holders also agreed in effect to accept that they might never get their investment back. Whereas the original bonds had been due to be repaid in full in 1947, Chamberlain converted them to “perpetuals”, giving the government the right not to pay back the loans if they so wished, as long as they continued paying the 3.5% interest.


Before someone jumps and say "Oh this guy He is an a$$hole" or something, I dont read this guy's article, First time after a search I came across his website.

Hitler, NOT Gandhi Was the Reason for the 1947 Indian Independence

So what are we doing after we got Independence.

Spoilt it.
Zero/negligible beggers before Independence, even before British took over.
Peaceful India with neighbour countries
BBC - History - British History in depth: The Hidden Story of Partition and its Legacies
, and few


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
History is always written by the victor. Since India became independent, we have run the propaganda that our freedom fighters were the only reason that the British left India. But no one bothers to see the other side of the story. Thanks for sharing this.


Wise Old Owl

“Nationalism is a great danger. It is the particular thing which for years has been at the bottom of India’s troubles. It is my conviction that my countrymen will truly gain their India by fighting against the education which teaches them that a country is greater than the ideals of humanity."

- Rabindranath Tagore, composer of national anthem of India and Bangladesh and the first non-European to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.


Human Spambot
IMO Indians are overreacting in the name of patriotism. In other countries (us) one can wear bikini with their national flag design, same can't be fine in India. But they do have patriotism too
He is not in 30's or 40's to be a role model or something. let him get attention from doing like this, but as david said it still too much that too in a movie theatre :mad:
So Rahul Gandhi, salman khan or zayed khan is a role model? I have met 12-15 yrs who have more maturity than a 20-25 year. Like others I too was going to ignore this post but thought of shedding some light in your head. Maturity comes from understanding & understanding comes from thinking & not everyone can utilize this power properly.
I won't elaborate it since there is no need.

I have read all of your comments & I too think that punishment was too much for such a petty act by a petty idiot. Instead of making him famous they should have kicked (literally) him out of the theater that should have been a better punishment.

Except few most of yours comments are just pathetic. I don't need to explain it. I was going to ignore this thread too but thought of expressing my views since its a free forum.


Wise Old Owl
IMO Indians are overreacting in the name of patriotism. In other countries (us) one can wear bikini with their national flag design, same can't be fine in India. But they do have patriotism too
Lol..people here show patroitism by kicking out others from theatres and utilising human errors to sue to them and brand them as anti-nationalists

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Back to school!!
While I do agree that life imprisonment is non-sense, but "If" the news about him hooting and catcalling is true then that guy deserves to get some punishment, either a fine, or writing the national anthem 1000 times on paper :D

I always stand up during a national anthem and its my choice, I cannot force people to stand up, but if someone disturbs me during that intentionally I'll probably end up confronting him. A person's right to speech only applicable when it does not violate others.

Also I am a bit astonished by the lack of patriotism in this thread. While I agree that we need to be liberal, but burning flags and wearing them as bikinis does not give you extra freedom of speech. If rights mean the freedom to do anything, I have the right to walk through the middle of the road as well.

Is it so hard to show some respect to our flag? If the citizens starts to show disrespect towards the flag then what will happen to the soldiers who are guarding the borders? By disrespecting the flag you are disrespecting those who gave up their lives to protect us during the kargil/sino-indian wars.

If you hate the anthem, do not sing it, do not stand up during singing. If you hate the flag, do not use it, never salute it, but YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DISRESPECT EITHER.


Wise Old Owl
government is going haywire , there are many politicians who dnt even know wat our nation anthem is ( they think its vande matram) , life time imprisonment is totally bullshit in this scenario.........
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