JK Rowling drops hints of possible eighth Harry Potter book

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A LOTR fan
she wont be living that long :-D. am only afraid if their children take up the series and make it a family affair :-D


Here Since 2003
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lol ;)


She said that even if she writes an 8th book it wont be centred around HP.


Uhu, Not Gonna Happen!
nothing...we shud just mind our business...everybody wants to make more and more money (even ambani brothers fought for that)....if somebody dislikes HP....he/she shudn't read the 8th book(if it comes out)....as simpul as that :D


* Teh Flirt King *
Yeah I like to read one more book (hack I will read 100 Potter boooks if she writes them...:D)

Its like I lost one passion for which I was known in whole college..hehe..
No More Potter..No more questions asking me.. "Whats going to happen next Ashwin?"
Jhah.. I liked that attantion...

Jo write 8th novel fast..ehehehe


i was just browsing through some wikipedia entries and found this:
Answering a question regarding Snape's love life and the redemptive pattern to his character in 1999, Rowling expressed her surprise at the foresight.(*en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severus_Snape)
Interview was taken in 99 while the seventh book came out in 05.So she knew where the story will lead and how it will end.Its not like ekta where they kill someone,then revive again and plastic surguries(spelling?)which also chane height and voice etc.
Those who are interested in interview:*www.accio-quote.org/articles/1999/1099-connectiontransc2.htm#p13


Rockin g33k
She probably changed the plot through the 6 years she lived to ponder over the book. Btw, the seventh nook was released in2007. And i doubt that Rowling is going to write any more. With harry grown up and all, it would disrupt Harry's image as a child hero and give the whole concept a new twist.


Senior Member
well, its bad news for some parents. kids fall for the hype and coax their parents into buying it, only to read the first few pages.
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