Is it a good decision to buy Battlefield 3 now?


Long Live Gojira!
Err... ACT BB in Bangalore's a subsidiary of BEAM or the vice versa? I'm thinking of ACTing my BB soon. Govt-powered internet is too bad.


I am the master of my Fate.
@freakinghell2: the cheapest I found is on origin & then
flipkart is selling at higher price and I don't know the price in steam.
so Origin will be best place to get this one.

@others: don't go offtopic pls they will be deleted and u will get infractions


BF3 multi player consumes 35-40MB per hour, so if you get 3G signal in your place, test the pings with mobile data plans, if the ping is steady, go for BF3 :p

I play it on tata docomo 3G, tat & airtel give me steady pings - tata=150, airtel = 90.


Yes but your condition is going to improve but mine will be persistence for 2 years or more. :|
we need more bf3-ers in india, how come we don't even have any indian server :banghead:. u ppl should really encourage ur friend gamers to take on bf3 online now when this offer is on.

and yes, it will live on crowdily for another 2-3 years, may be even after that. just because some older battlefields are still having some good playerbase.
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