Is history set to repeat itself.....???????

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King of my own Castle
amitava82 said:
i have the same theory. if the nuclear war theory were true then archeologist would have found proof way back..
Couldnt agree more. You are 100 % right .Its really a all too far fetched imagination. I wish people were really not this optimistic to construe this .


High without substance...
there is a theorey that life on earth is seeded from space.
that might explain the drawings in many caves of many civilizations around the world let alone egyptian.
But i like to belive the Bing Bang.


How OS did they use?. Did they use windows?. Maybe due to loads BSOD all the technology which they have crashed?.

All this are pure BS. There is no scientific evidence nor any evidence found. They only found planes and things carved on rock that is it.


King of my own Castle
Yaa and just because some one carved something on the rocks doesnt mean it has to exist. Its just imagination let loose.And anyway they were not exactly planes or ufo drawing but something that resembling them ....
I dont think seriously ancient man has more knowdlege than too cook his food on fire...
The spices that makes the food tasty we added those..


I dont think seriously ancient man has more knowdlege than too cook his food on fire...
And "I don't think seriously" that some wise guys here have even an iota of knowledge about the scientific C-dating, Uranium dating procedures. All they know is to make expert opinions, with phrases like "I don't think" , on the explorations on which I guess they haven't even studied carefully/appropriately. What I observe is that these wise guys r nuthing but budding rumour mongers and spread their dirt by making their expert opinions as "I think" etc on the matters of explorations, scientific discoveries etc. I guess these natural born experts shud join NASA or some advisory committee and make the world a better place just by sitting in their AC homes and thinking if its possible or not and spreading their words like 2 retired ladies who keep on talking about the philosophy of life and whats happening in the houses of Mr.Sharma Ji and Mr.Verma Ji. :)


King of my own Castle
What is the relation to carbon the ancient man actually knowing the use of Atomic Warfare...
1) Carbon dating roughly tells whether how old the Material is...It doesnt necessarily mean that the objects found around it were that old to.
2) Just because Radio isotopes of high radation were found doesnt mean that there was a nuclear war.Infact many moons of planets seem to have high content of Radiations.It doesnt mean that all over universe wherever there is high radiation there was a war..This is way to stupid even to comprehend this thought.
3)Moreever the ratio of the ratio of 14C/12C is not constant in the atmosphere thus is was in high number before the industrial age as fossil fuels released a lot of carbon dioxide that was depleted in 14C.What it means in laymans language is that whatever died before that period will make things more old, So RADIOMETRIC Dating also commonly called as Carbon 14 dating is not really too accurate.
4)Carbon dating is accurate enough to thousand of years...but more than that it very suspectibe. SOURCE:*
5)When Willard F. Libby Discovered Carbon Dating even he wasnt as sure as some of the few learned members here seem to be..
6)Even Greek Mythology has equal thing like "Zues' bolts were made by Haephestus" And that Zeus used Flying machines..But no Greek seem to take that seriously.Comeon just because someone writes it or traces of radiation are found it doesnt mean was must have taken or someother BS.
7)There is high level of Radiation around Jupiter...( Google and you will find).The reason on it being on earth on some places is Van Allen belts around Earth, except may be on jupiter its on grandelur scale.( Er as per some of the members it may be ancient indian taking space craft and fighting on jupiter)For down to earth people and scientists its the Van Allen Belt..and such phenomenon which account for such factors on universe.
Frankly i dont know who is more scientific ....what do you people think..For most of the things unexplained it takes little finding and effort rather than giving any vague theroies..and amusing too at that..


Nuclear Weapons

When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archeologists in the last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them.

These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have literaly been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.

There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast.

Futhermore, at Mohenjo-Daro, a well planned city laid on a grid, with a plumbing system superior to those used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were littered with "black lumps of glass."

These globs of glass were discovered to be clay pots that had melted under intense heat!
Read more here carefully and patiently!

What about Vedi Mathemetics lessons that MBA seekers take? What do u think makes them so deeply devoted to it? Shud I make this thread into a complete FIGHT CLUB?

freshseasons said:
I dont think seriously ancient man has more knowdlege than too cook his food on fire...
So @freshseasons can u stop making stalereasons. I doubt if ancient man knew just cooking and all!

So I request u to do some thorough research before speaking next time! :)



ax3 said:
Everybody is WAITING 4

" THE JUDGEMENT DAY " ................ r v ???

is everybody READY 2 DIE in a NUCLEAR WAR ?

ie World War 3 ...............

no no 2 NUCLEAR WAR ......... yes 2 GLOBAL WARMING ........
You make no sense to me.


No longer here..
Just like how civilization is today...only a part of the human race is technologically advanced like the americans or europeans or whatever ....and some part of people like from africa or other tribes from many nations still live that ancient life.It might have been the same in the olden days...there might have been some particular race which was far advanced but because of some stupid reasons they killed themselves off ....and later may be some tribe like people witnessed these advanced people's stuff ...and documented in their own way like carving or whatever.

May be at that time planes flew but only once in a while they might have crossed over these tribe areas ..the people living over there documented all this and called them by weird names..who knows!
just like if u show ur shiny new core2duo to a means nothing to that person..because he doesnt understand.

Same way if a war breaks out ..who will die ??
All the countries who are fighting the war will die ..the same countries who have all the gizmos and technology....and once these so called superpower countries are wiped out...what will remain ?? The "Zulu" tribes of some distant country or whatever...and this tribe or tribes will carry forward the human thats what I call History repeating again.
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ll this are pure BS. There is no scientific evidence nor any evidence found. They only found planes and things carved on rock that is it.

Agreed! In reality they were never found !

Yaa and just because some one carved something on the rocks doesnt mean it has to exist.
Completely with you. Just like our architectural monuments have hearts carved with names in it doesn mean that the people were in 'love' right uh ! :)


You made to 'THINK' again really ! Good point...
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