iphone 3g or N73 simple or N73 ME

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i struck between n73 ME and N81 (simple)..n81 has wi-fi and N73 has better cam both r appealing features....

if i go 4 n81(one of my brother recommending this)..some questions r
1.) is the picture quality good?
2.) is os speed is higher?(i think it should be)
3.) any hanging problems
4.) cost of 4,8 gb micro-sd cards
5.) build quality
6.) is it has document viewer (4 word,pdf files)
7.) gsmarena says it has qvga 15 fps video quality..is it ok(works fine?)

are prices of n82, n78 may decrease in coming months(how long)..and what would be??
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You should not consider the iphone as an option due to the following reasons:

1.) No one is sure what will be the exact price of the iphone in india. There are 2 possibilities first is that it might cost abt 23k+ which is not worth for that gadget or it might cost abt 8-10K and the rental and plans will cost a bomb. So no matter what happens iphone will not come for cheap!!

2.) There are better alternatives out there for ur price range.

3.) If the second possibility takes place then u'll most probably get stuck with one connection for atleast a couple of years!!


in my city n73 me cost's as:
nokia care = 13.2k
other dealers=12.9k to 13.1k

from where i should buy..if the phone would not work properly(as in case of rahul whose n73's cam is not working...and got replacement from nokia care from where he bought that)
is it holds even if bought from some dealer ...

or should i check the phone functionality at the shop ...immediate after buying it.


At Hell's Disq
prices of N82 and N78 may come down in August or September.u can also try the 6220 Classic for 17k.has everything N82 has xcept WiFI
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