Indian Woman Divorces Husband For Failing To Change FB Status To "Married"

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What The.... !!!
the only thing funnier than that article in Techtree are the comments and drama that followed
and even funnier is that people actually took time to read their articles.
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Adam young
there is no meaning in blaming the was made for a good purpose but at last it is in the hands of the people to how to use it.facebook is not the first in this list,may be it comes after thousands of such things which were misused by one can help it.
Because of this type of behaviour of people only makes many people to oppose future techs and inventions like nano tech.Just think what will happen to this world when such a technology falls in the hands of such sycho people,world may get destroyed within minutes.god only gave us brains but forgot to teach people to how to use it.


there is no meaning in blaming the was made for a good purpose but at last it is in the hands of the people to how to use it.facebook is not the first in this list,may be it comes after thousands of such things which were misused by one can help it.
Because of this type of behaviour of people only makes many people to oppose future techs and inventions like nano tech.Just think what will happen to this world when such a technology falls in the hands of such sycho people,world may get destroyed within minutes.god only gave us brains but forgot to teach people to how to use it.
Nano Tech will doom the world??Bio War :mrgreen:
I Believe Nuclear Tech fits more aptly in place of Nano tech.;)

Anyways this incident is more of a Dumb-Use rather than Mis-Use.


In the Zone
Why am I not surprised ?
Some people think that internet consists of nothing but just FB.
These days some people ( mostly older people) even started to ask me if I'm updating my FB status whenever they see me using my system.
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In the Zone
I thought FB will loose its hype once google+ comes. But now I think it actually fuelled the popularity of FB even further.
I guess FB is gonna be something very mainstream and unavoidable like google one day. Nothing can replace it considering how deeply it is incorporated in peoples life nowadays


^^ +1.
These days teens are bored of FB.While our parents keep telling how great freaking FB is

My Parents have no idea of what FB is.
My father has come to know that its SOME kind of website after FB IPO was launched recently.

And Iam a big time FB Hater.:p


Adam young
Nano Tech will doom the world??Bio War :mrgreen:
I Believe Nuclear Tech fits more aptly in place of Nano tech.;)

Anyways this incident is more of a Dumb-Use rather than Mis-Use.

if you knew what a nano tech can do you wouldn't have been telling me that. ;-)
Biowar,nuclear war will look nothing infront of the consequences of nano tech falling in wrong hands.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
This thread is gonna get featured in next months digit mag :p,

BTW I dont have any Social Media account ..except TDF :D


Indian Woman Divorces Husband For Failing To Change FB Status To "Married"

Reportedly, the social networking giant has been cited in 33% of divorces worldwide.

In what could be one of the first of such instances in our country, a woman from Aurangabad has filed for divorce because her husband did not change his Facebook relationship status from Single to Married. The social network provides options to set the relationship status as Single, Married, or Engaged. The 28-year old woman, who was married two months ago, has approached the family court seeking divorce stating that she cannot trust her husband anymore, as he has failed to announce their marriage on FB. Her husband, on his part, says that he forgot to update his status, because he was apparently so busy with family and business that he had no time to check his profile page or change the status. If Mark Zuckerberg could find time to change his status to Married, I find this a bit hard to believe.

Jokes apart, the husband has since stated that he was now willing to change his status or even de-activate his account, although the woman has said that she is not keen on continuing the relationship any further. I once again fail to understand why he has not followed his words by action. On second thoughts, he can make use of this opportunity to free himself from a seemingly bleak relationship that is governed by trivial reasons such as the one above. A recent report by Divorce-Online has claimed that in the 5000 divorce petitions filed with the firm within the past one year, 33% have mentioned FB to be one of the reasons. Online social networking has been increasingly becoming a part of our lives, and this incident just proves how much of an impact it can have on us. We cannot roll back the advantages and disadvantages of the new digital age, and hence the best way is to be aware of the changes and start living accordingly.

Indian Woman Divorces Husband For Failing To Change FB Status To "Married" |****giri at its best
2.A new marketing strategy
3.wife is a fan of suckerberg
4.Shotcut to famous.most women have it even idiot (doubtful)men too have it.
5.A new comprehension reading for competitive examinations.


That girl was just finding a reason to screw her husband but that was the lamest reason any one can find.idiot.that boy is a lucky champ,because he is getting rid of this girl atleast within two months or else he would have suffered for his whole life.

Absolutely right buddy.:thumbs: :thumbs:.

This is something of a news specially in India. I think the girl is giving just a lame excuse :crazy:. Relatoinship can't be broken on this ground i.e. facebook . For the guy, I will give only one advice-- enjoy your life buddy :toast: without pressure & to hell with this type of girl :Fingerx:
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