Indian Parents thread


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Stop using your PC all day long.
Talk to people. ( I'm an introvert and hate dealing with people)

BUt I think they are right sometimes

Me too.Same situation for me.
My mom says to come out of my DEN and spend some time with my family but I ....

DEN -My PC room.


Cyborg Agent
i did not know that ;) bad play by the shitty girl :(

I wouldn't say that...
And, anyway, Mother Nature wanted us to conceive when we reached puberty... It's only the laws of this stupid world that has us wait till, I don't know, was it 21??? Or, 18??? :evil:


Firecracker to the moon
Parents:GO to this talk go to that talk,Write CPT(THOUGH I have no f***King intrest in CA) instead of spending your whole time in computers
Me: NO
I get to do anything I wish and buy anything I wish as I never waste money or make unnecessary purchases. I am never denied on any purchase as I always save pocket money before making purchase :thumbs:
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