India: Which way should we go?

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Quiz_Master said:
Hey! you two are taking this too personally. (Thats happen in sensitive threads like this.).
But there is no perfect solution yet (and I still think there isn't)...
I will wait for some more responses...

Nope.. I'm certainly not taking it personally because I've seen a lot of psychos like him.

And like i've mentioned, I agree, there is no perfect solution and this forum is not here to provide a solution which is going to change India, it's here just to take the possible solutions and not flame at each other like useless opposition parties in the parliament.

Look at all the other users who are posting their comments, they are giving solutions and possible alternatives rather than just telling what the existing problem is and flaming. We all know what the existing problems are but like we've been doing for all these years, we just keep complaining and saying what we already know.

I don't want to waste anymore time replying to his threads, he is infact a 'carnivore' with NO or little brains.

I already have a price on my head because of all the work and research I've done and the truth I know. So, don't expect me to put out all the work in detail here on the forum. Like I mentioned in my previous posts, if you would like to know more about it, pm me, I'll try sending you a soft copy of the details and certainly I wouldn't give it any Tom, Dick and Harry. That's the whole point of starting this thread. To idetify people who really have the insight and has the heart and soul to make a change! And certainly karnivore isn't one of them


in your face..
I already have a price on my head because of all the work and research I've done and the truth I know

OH MY FREAKING GOD. This guy is completely out of his mind. :D :D :D :D :D
An example of how far a deluded soul can stretch his imagination. I have one word for u "LOBOTOMY"


The Lord of Death
The issue with finding solutions is that we must strike out our real problems first. My fellow Digit'ians have suggested that we should follow West in this regard, and that only money (capitalism) can be the real solution to all problems. I have to disagree! West has it's own share of social and political problems, and we shouldn't blindly import their nightmares to our shores.

There can never be a single one-shot solution to all problems. If we are to survive as social humans, we ought to put some restrictions on capitalism, politics and fundamentalism. Also, we should be careful in our choice of solutions, for they all have a string of side-effects that ought to be avoided like plague.


Yamaraj said:
The issue with finding solutions is that we must strike out our real problems first. My fellow Digit'ians have suggested that we should follow West in this regard, and that only money (capitalism) can be the real solution to all problems. I have to disagree! West has it's own share of social and political problems, and we shouldn't blindly import their nightmares to our shores.

There can never be a single one-shot solution to all problems. If we are to survive as social humans, we ought to put some restrictions on capitalism, politics and fundamentalism. Also, we should be careful in our choice of solutions, for they all have a string of side-effects that ought to be avoided like plague.

Agree to what you say. We can't blindly import things from the west which unfortunately lot of ministers have tried doing without much success and a total waste of money. That's because there is no proper backend support for those solutions. There is no backbone. Lets say, you want to make the best road, and when you've made it, do you think it's going to last forever? No. because there are lot of other problems like overloaded trucks, unauthorised or even authorised road cutting, garbage spilling onto the roads, all these are the backend problems that I mentioned. And certainly this is not going to help a solution like building good roads!

What ever the solutions are, whether it's from the west or from the east, the solutions must intergrate with what exists, or the backend problems to that solutions must also be sorted out before implementing that solution!

And yes, money alone cannot sort problems but looking to the west or the east is no shame, it's just how exactly you are going to implement that into the fabric of India.


in your face..
West has it's own share of social and political problems, and we shouldn't blindly import their nightmares to our shores
Can't agree more with you. The key word is "blindly". West provides us a with a benchmark of what things should be and/or shouldn't be. There is no harm in "looking west", cause, even though their social system is crap, to put it politely, their system of governance is indeed worth emulating.

we ought to put some restrictions on capitalism, politics and fundamentalism.
The word for me is "control". I would not want any restrictions but definitely an effective system of control. One example of what lack of control can do is the recent hoopla about pesticides in the cola drinks. 1st the govt never had any guidelines about the pesticide contents, 2nd it did not hav any effective method of monitoring these products and 3rd, last and not the least, it had no clue about the pesticide contents of the underground water. Its not surprising that the western companies find this land to be their dumping ground or worse, their laboratory.
Imagine, the criminals at Union Carbide are still roaming free and the victims still waiting for compensation.

But the good thing is that the country is slowly, but surely showing signs of some maturity, although, one may argue, is it fast enough. Well may be not. But its better to hav something than nothing at all


the only answer is to have communism and get rid of democracy.


slash_89 said:
the only answer is to have communism and get rid of democracy.

Guys, your comments on the topic are more than appreciated, but we are missing out on the whole point of this thread. That is to provide viable solutions with proper reasoning and explanation rather than one liner answers.

So, if you think we need to adopt communism and get rid of democracy, then please explain as to why you would think so, and how it's going to help the people and the country, starting from the starving to the rich.


in your face..
Communism????!!!!!! Never in a million years. The “bads” in communism far outweigh the “goods”. It is good in theory, but equally lousy in practice. It works like leech, sucking all the blood out of the body of the state and turns it into a carcass. One look at former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe will confirm my observations. You know, its one thing to share your cake, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to making of the cake. Its one thing to talk of “equality”, but to actually bring about that equality is another ball game. One of the greatest flaws of communism, among myriad others, is its inability to define equality other than in terms of economics, thereby inadvertently or advertently breeding inequalities of different form. Like political and social inequalities. Not to mention its pathological tendency of promoting mediocrity, something which we have already turned into a fine art.

No my dear friends we don’t need communism. You don’t have to look elsewhere. Just look at our own home grown ones. They have an almost endless list of follies to their credits. These commie bastards once shouted ‘yeh azadi jhoota hain’- this independence is worthless- then in 1952 they quietly took part in the 1st parliamentary election, something they mocked as “bourgeoisie system”, and when Nambudiripad won elections to become the CM of Kerala in 1957, they also quietly forgot that “this independence is worthless”. Today they portray themselves as the savior of democracy, something they once swore to fight against. The list, as I said, is endless.

Trust me guys you don’t want to experience communism. They are like locust, like plague, like a curse.We had our strange socialism in place for 40 long years and it has done its share of damage to this country, thanks to our Gandhi family. Now that we are slowly rectifying our mistakes and trying to leap forward, heralding communism would be ten thousand steps backward.

Democracy, with all its flaws, still remains the best form of governance and we hav to find solutions within this set up only.
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The Internationalist
gx_saurav said:
One Word : Communism + Democracy mixture. People have no discipline.

Both fail in India. Communism won't work as Indians are very complacent and corrupt which will end up in an autocratic and oppressive India.

Democracy? We have seen what kind of democracy we have in India, blood of thousands are shed for someone who wants to be a VIP.

We need an India where people should vote for capable, dynamic and driven people who actually are good in their fields rather than a 10th pass becoming the education minister. But that is easier said than done, considering the current state of affairs. Unless there is a radical change/revolt/reform and de-Nehruisation of politics nothing much is going to change.


Evil Genius
Aberforth said:
We need an India where people should vote for capable, dynamic and driven people who actually are good in their fields rather than a 10th pass becoming the education minister. But that is easier said than done, considering the current state of affairs. Unless there is a radical change/revolt/reform and de-Nehruisation of politics nothing much is going to change.

...which in India is nothing more than a pipe-dream...which is a pity because I actually agree with Aberforth...
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