India: Which way should we go?

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^^ Nice say.

Quiz_Master said:
25% of India population is below poverty line. A person thinks about his country when he has food to eat and cloths to wear. People don't give a damn about over population all they need is food.

OK seriously, why do u forget that we are the government. The people in that government is picked by us, if they are wrong that means we are wrong.(Which we are in any case.).

Let me ask you one thing. For a common man like me (Well, I am not eligible for voting, let us consider that I am) there are two options::
1) Dont vote at all.
2) Vote for the candidate whom you think is the best.

Let us not consider the 1st point. Its lifeless afterall.
But look at the second point. I know that the man whom I voted is corrupted, months after winning the election, he is zooming in Civic.
After 5 years I decide to vote for another person, he too gets away in Octavia.

What should I do now??? Anyone I vote, will get away in a brand new car which he purchased using the money of common people like me. The entire swarm of these people is corrupted. This is practicality, what you talked about was pure fantasy.
No one can live for a measly 25K a month, especially when he knows that
he can get a huge chunk of the governments money. They want money, they will use more of impurities and less of tar in building roads, after all the govt. provides the money, not the raw material.
I have seen some "saansads" who ride across the town in nothing less than Pajeros and Prados. Some lower class minister rides City and Civic.
Its a men kill men eat men world out there. Stiff competition. You have a Civic, I will buy Accord, you get Pajero, I will get Land Rover.
Ever thought how Jayalalitha got 100crores to burn on her child's marriage?? From where the hell did she got the money??
Ever thought how Mayawati-who was a govt. school teacher- now has diamonds worth Rs. 56 Lacs??
These MLAs never return the Laptops and sometimes even cars given to them. They dont want Ambassadors but Sonatas.
According to TOI (I dont have a hard copy), each second of RajyaSabha meeting-in which all MPs are present-cost 10 crore; Have you ever watched the DD-LokSabha channel?? They just talk bullshit over there. Anybody who talks sense is bullied and not allowed to talk, even our own Jaya Bacchan-along with her brother Amar Singh- were shouting @ Shivraj Patil who was trying to answer the question posed by some of the party members.

Now you tell me whom should I vote!! I am damn confused.


* Teh Flirt King *
^^ I agree with your points. The people in authority are currupt, but you are forgetting they are not aliens, they are one of us. Its time we should start stop thinking like "me-me" and start "us - us". You say that every politician wan't to get as much money as he can in 5 years. Thats True.
But even you and I will do the same like them. (Atleast I will ;-)).:D
Not because we are bad but we are currupt. (which indirectly means we are bad:D)

Its not that every politician is currupt but every Indian is currupt (there are exception, but there is one thing no one is 100% clean.). And thats the truth from which we can't run away.

Someone said to me this - "If only 20% Indians start to do their work honestly and put their 100% in their work, India will be a developed country in no time." I agree to this but tell me in todays situation not even 1% population is honest in their work.


^^ Yes dude! Even if I see enough money lying in front of me, I will take it. Thats the human tendancy.
Thats why I wont go into politics;) Thats my step for a little less corruption:D


@ cynosure, you have misqouted me! When I meant, run it properly, or not run it at all. You took it literally. What I meant was that if you are running something, people expect the best out of it, so run it properly which means 24hrs electricity!

One thing we all should remeber is that, NOTING IS IMPOSSIBLE! So, please guys, stop giving up. We have given up on our own country all these years and it's high time that atleast we give some thought to it than giving up and blaming others.

Again, nothing is impossible has another meaning to it as well. When you mean population is a problem, you are just looking at it a short term perspective, it shows the laziness that we don't even want to give a try at eradicating things! If you put your mind and heart to a viable solution, population isn't a problem at all! The point is, we have to get the people to be self dependent!

Oh, yes, I have certainly heard about the 2 child policy in china and I've seen for myself the artocities that they have commited to decrease the poplutation. Dude, I've been in several countries for more than you can imagine, and the reason I started this thread is very evident in the replies itself! The lack of heart and soul to work! We all want things to adjust to our liking rather than try to work with what we actually have to! Lemme ask you something dude, china has the policy of 2 children, and they have killed millions of innocent people to reduce the population! yes, the government run homicide campaign! And to what extent have they succeeded? Has the coutry dropped from it's place of highest in population? NO!! Listen, no matter what you do, it's a human being's right to have any no. of children as he may please and anyone trying to obstruct that creates a basic violation of Human Rights!

The point is, we just keep on saying, reduce this, reduce that and then work towards it! Why? why can't you work with the real problem and have a viable solution? Because we are all lazy and we all think we are RIGHT!

Dude, as far as the PAN card or an Indian Passport or even a Voter ID or atleast a driving license is concerned. These are all ways in which the government knows it's people but the simple and most appauling point is that All these forms of identification is not Voluntary!! It's your choice whether you want to have such an identification or not! Is the police going to catch you if you don't take a PAN card? or if you don't have a passport or a DL? Talk some sense dude! We all need a voluntary ID. Which means every single person in India is supposed to have a unified voluntary ID which is supposed to be taken by each and every Indian. In that way, you can clearly identify the people who don't want to be a part of healthy India (Terrorists/Undrworld). Recently in the north, the government has launched this intiative and i'm quite sure, the people itself wouldn't understand it's value and throw it into the dark.

The point again is, we are not asking ourselves the questions, we are not probing deep enough to find the issue. Few of them suggest the 3 'why' principle, but we need more no. of 'whys' to find the root cause. Lemme give you an example.

> You say population is an issue - Why?
Because most of them are under the poverty line which means lot more people will be consuming subsidies from the government.

> Why are people under the poverty line - Why?
Because of lack of jobs and education.

> Why is there a lack of jobs? - Why?
Because of the lack of oppurtunity the government has created in opening up jobs in lot of sectors

> Why has the government not opened up opportunity - Why?
Because most of the jobs are with private players and they hire from their own workforce which they know.

> Why do they not hire from the people in real need of jobs - Why?
Because, no one knows who these people are and what they do or where they live.

> Why does no one know about this? - Why?
Because the government has not bothered to bring in the voluntary ID system which tracks each and every person, his employment status and other relevant details.

> Why hasn't the government installed such a system when India is at the forefront of software technology? - Why?
Because the ministers haven't put enought thought to things and just try to follow on with the old ideas and just end up throwing a whole lot of money to people which just finishes of within a second. Or maybe the government hasn't asked themselves these why questions.

> Why hasn't the government asked these why question? - Why?
Because of corruption and unaccountability.

> Why have the government been corrupt and unaccountable - Why?
Because of the simple fact that there is no such stringent monitoring system which generates reports of money taken, where it was spent, where is the rest of the money and what work has been completed.

> Why hasn't there been such a system - Why?
Because, the people who already exists in the monitoring system are corrupt themselves and the police can do little about it.

> Why can't the police do anything about it? - Why?
Becaue they dont' have access to any data other than through an enquiry where data is provided to them by the corrupt politicians themselves and the police again themselves dance to the tunes of corrupt politicians.

> Why can't the police be independent of such things? - Why?
Because, if you try to be independent and fight against these politicians, you get terminated or transferred.

> Why do they get transferred without knowledge and why can't anyone stop it? -Why?
Because again, there is no monitoring system to keep a check on the discrepencies in finances of every indian citizen including the police and politicians and they can't identify where the discripencies started and also there is no reporting system as to why the police personell was transferred or terminated and with whose consent and whose approval and the proof of the allegation.

> AGAIN, why isn't there such a reporting system? Why?
Because, of the simple fact that there is no permenant ID tracker or centralised database of info which can have one's name, profession, location, skills, Bank transaction details, Tax information, expenditure info, travel info, fingerprints, retina print and other relevant details although there is an overflow of software talent in India which is being sold to other countried for their e-governance!

Guys, you can go on asking why to each and every problem you see in society till you reach the root cause of the problem. People with understanding and knowledge will understand where I'm going!

Dont' just say, do this and everything will be fine. Remember, for everything, there is something behind it, so find the source and sort the issue there, then everything will fall in track.

And one more thing! Stop dividing our Country! The people who think that we are all different and cannot have the same legislation is absolutely and appaulingly wrong! or they maybe living in a dark age! Our culture is diverse and we can all be under the same umbrella once we realise that we are all Inidans and not bangalorean, or mumbaite or malayali or delhite OR muslim and Hindu for that matter.

Who ever thought that culture in other countries were all the same is wrong!

My hands are paining.. can't type anymore.. sorry for such a long thread!:p
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Pravas said:
I agree with the above Person. But one thing keep in mind....there are many people out there .

I also agree with the point that there are many people out there that you can't motivate. The reason. Our leaders aren't motivating enough! A leader is supposed to motivate it's people and he should have the ability to bring confidence and high motivation in the society rather than giving speeches of promises and complaining what the previous government did to ruin the country to get votes!

We need knowledgeble professionals as ministers who can rule the country, not people who have failed in 6th and 7th Class! These are uneducated people, and how do you think that they can educate the rest!

We need people who are masters in their profession, economists, engineers, transport management degree holders, social servents, learnt professionals.

And we are not going to get such people unless the educated themselves take the plunge into politics, otherwise the son's of the uneducated are going to keep ruling india till it's DONE for ever!


in your face..
@ Help~Is~Here

Quite an entertaining post, but unfortunately it is, for the most part, an infantile reverie. Anyway, let me sum up your post in a nutshell, since answering to all your "why"s will make this post infinitely long. And also your sequence of "why"s is extremely simplistic, to say the least. Now, I understand that you have made the following proposals.

1. Govt. should be more proactive in creating jobs and not whine about population.

2. Govt. should have a detailed database system so it can track down its own population

3. Only professionals, good, bad or ugly should become politician and be elected to public office.

Here's my piece of mind on the above proposals.

1. Yes govt. should be proactive but not in creating jobs, but in providing civic amenities, like health, education, shelter, food, water, sewerage, etc. with the underprivileged in mind. Govt tried to play its role of "job provider" for 40 yrs from 1947 to 1991 and we all know it only bred mediocrity and nepotism in gigantic proportions and broke the back bone of this country. We don't want that to happen again, do we.

To understand what happens when Govt tries to be a job provider just take a look at the erstwhile communist Europe, and you will realize what i mean. These days the Govt. all around the world are moving towards the minimalist role and u want to take 10 steps backward, into the self-destructive economics of "subsidy".

And if u keep saying the "population" is an excuse, well......i give up.

2. Are u out of your educated mind ??? You want the Govt. to stalk on you. When it comes from a "globetrotter" it actually makes u sit up and wonder, how big is this world anyway. Is it the size of a well. Anyway, its obvious that u neither understand or appreciate or respect "privacy". A generation of people died fighting for freedom and privacy and here we are advocating sleepwalking back to the middle ages.

Apart from the fact that such a system of tracking, in a country like India is not only logically and physically impossible but also a financial waste, i still fail to see how it will help the poorest of the poor to have a mouthful twice daily.

3. It looks good on pen and paper, but being professionally successful in ones domain does not mean he understands politics. Politics is a different ball game altogether. Our PM is probably the most educated one in the world today, but his political career is not worth mentioning. It is important for the common man to identify oneself with the person they are voting for and to them academic qualification is just a piece of paper.

By the way, when r u joining politics. Cause u know, they say "charity begins at home".


karnivore said:
@ Help~Is~Here

Quite an entertaining post, but unfortunately it is, for the most part, an infantile reverie. Anyway, let me sum up your post in a nutshell, since answering to all your "why"s will make this post infinitely long. And also your sequence of "why"s is extremely simplistic, to say the least. Now, I understand that you have made the following proposals.

1. Govt. should be more proactive in creating jobs and not whine about population.

2. Govt. should have a detailed database system so it can track down its own population

3. Only professionals, good, bad or ugly should become politician and be elected to public office.

Here's my piece of mind on the above proposals.

1. Yes govt. should be proactive but not in creating jobs, but in providing civic amenities, like health, education, shelter, food, water, sewerage, etc. with the underprivileged in mind. Govt tried to play its role of "job provider" for 40 yrs from 1947 to 1991 and we all know it only bred mediocrity and nepotism in gigantic proportions and broke the back bone of this country. We don't want that to happen again, do we.

To understand what happens when Govt tries to be a job provider just take a look at the erstwhile communist Europe, and you will realize what i mean. These days the Govt. all around the world are moving towards the minimalist role and u want to take 10 steps backward, into the self-destructive economics of "subsidy".

And if u keep saying the "population" is an excuse, well......i give up.

2. Are u out of your educated mind ??? You want the Govt. to stalk on you. When it comes from a "globetrotter" it actually makes u sit up and wonder, how big is this world anyway. Is it the size of a well. Anyway, its obvious that u neither understand or appreciate or respect "privacy". A generation of people died fighting for freedom and privacy and here we are advocating sleepwalking back to the middle ages.

Apart from the fact that such a system of tracking, in a country like India is not only logically and physically impossible but also a financial waste, i still fail to see how it will help the poorest of the poor to have a mouthful twice daily.

3. It looks good on pen and paper, but being professionally successful in ones domain does not mean he understands politics. Politics is a different ball game altogether. Our PM is probably the most educated one in the world today, but his political career is not worth mentioning. It is important for the common man to identify oneself with the person they are voting for and to them academic qualification is just a piece of paper.

By the way, when r u joining politics. Cause u know, they say "charity begins at home".

Like you said, 'you still fail to see'

First of all, you seem to one of those who discourage anything that could benefit the country and have the pseudo fact injected into your brain that "It will not work". Wake up dude, nothing has worked till now and if you carry on with what is happening, then nothing is going to work, unless you think fresh and have new ways of innovating, then I'm sorry to say that you are in the dark age and like everyother politician keep saying "It's a waste and won't work"

I will make one thing clear, I personally defend a lot about privacy and freedom, but like I said before, hope you are not in the north, then you will mock the effort of the government in this aspect of centralised database!

Dude, when I mean an ID, you don't need to have all the private information of the person and stalk on him. Here is where you have to draw the line between privacy and governance. The government first of all has the right to know who what where you are. Secondly, like you said again, you fail to see how it will help the poor. That's because you are short sighted!

I agree on the fact that the government has failed to act as an efficient job provider and that is exactly the whole point of the last post. What I emphasized was the reason! Why in the world do you think that private companies create more employment(although partial) than the governent? That's because private companies do things differently than what the government does. The whole point is changing what the government does so that it can work the most efficient way!

And talking about education and politics. Dude, India possibly has the highest no. of educated people per sq km. in the world and why do you think we are lacking so much? Because we don't have the application! So, just educated people in politics is not going to make a difference. like I said we need "professionals". If you have education and NO application, then you are useless in anything, not just politics. So rather than looking at what my words literally mean, look at what it actually implies, because like you said, 'it looks good on paper', that's probably because you are taking it literlally!

Dude, if you really want me to put out the nitty gritty details of what I mean by a compulsary ID and a database and how its going to help the poor, rich, police and government, then ask me, I'll probably send you a soft copy of it because the idea is just too large to put down here.

And yes, I'll join politics the day I see a group of professional who has the determination and motivation to bring about change, growth and peace with their heart, mind and soul to make this country prosper!


* Teh Flirt King *

Dude you seriously need to study geography.
India has a total land of area 3,287,590 SQ KM whereas China has 9,596,960 SQ KM. You can see chine is 3 times larger then India. They have enough land to support the population.
But in India from where you get the land.
There was a quote of Lex Luthar in movie Superman Returns :- "You can get every thing from money except Land. Land can not be created."

Imagin what will happen if indias population becomes twice then todays population.
You seen the rush in metros and big cities (now its in small town too), just imagin what will happen then.


Quiz_Master said:

Dude you seriously need to study geography.
India has a total land of area 3,287,590 SQ KM whereas China has 9,596,960 SQ KM. You can see chine is 3 times larger then India. They have enough land to support the population.
But in India from where you get the land.
There was a quote of Lex Luthar in movie Superman Returns :- "You can get every thing from money except Land. Land can not be created."

Imagin what will happen if indias population becomes twice then todays population.
You seen the rush in metros and big cities (now its in small town too), just imagin what will happen then.

Dude! maybe you need to study Indian Geography and not China's. Dude, maybe you also need to leave your town/city and see what India really is. Like I said, I've travelled and observed & analysed more than you can think.

Do you know why I'm saying all this? Because you can see that there is a huge underutilization of Land in India, It's just the cities and popular towns that are bursting at the seems, why? because of the simple fact that there are not expanding and just trying to build up on any small space they find as close to the city center as possible. Dude, the best thing is google earth, use it and see, you can see how much of land is being wasted in India where there is no forest, no desert or no farms! and look at other countries, you can see how well organised and spread out the cities and towns are!

So go use Google earth and study Indian Geography and travel more often (In a car)

In Google earth, use the ruler functionality to find out the distance from one point to the other.
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in your face..
you seem to one of those who discourage anything that could benefit the country and have the pseudo fact injected into your brain that "It will not work".

What makes u think that. Oh just because i rebutted your childish proposals, i am a pessimist. If thats the wave length, your brain works at, you should stop debating in the first place.
"Pseudo fact" ??? What pseudo fact ??? Tell me which "fact" was pseudo. Does not seem you hav any clue as to our economic and political history.

...I said before, hope you are not in the north, then you will mock the effort of the government in this aspect of centralized database

Yes of course i do. Have u ever been to the North, hav u experienced the mindless police atrocities there. Don't make ignorant comments like that without knowing the facts. Women are being brutally raped in the name of questioning, youth are being brutally tortured routinely, just because they are "young". Come out of your fuking soap bubble and visit North. You will change in one single day. Believe me. I have. You will get first hand experience of "State Terror".

The government first of all has the right to know who what where you are.

Who the fuk told u that. Which law gives that right to the Gov. Other than identifying me as legal citizen of this country, the Gov does not hav any right to know, what and where i am. U r reminding me of East Germany. When the communism came to an end there, it was discovered that the Stazi had recruited 1/3 rd of the population to spy on the remaining 2/3 rd. I shudder to think of a situation like that.

...when I mean an ID, you don't need to have all the private information of the person and stalk on him.

One more evidence of not thinking before writing. This is what u wrote in your prev post.
there is no permanent ID tracker or centralized database of info which can have one's name, profession, location, skills, Bank transaction details, Tax information, expenditure info, travel info, fingerprints, retina print and other relevant details

If this is not stalking then what is ????????

......compulsary ID and a database

Which country do u live in. Don't u have Voter's ID and/or Ration Card. Aren't these enough. U want one more card. By the way u seemed to be utterly confused. This is your comment from other post.

All these forms of identification is not Voluntary!! It's your choice whether you want to have such an identification or not! Is the police going to catch you if you don't take a PAN card? or if you don't have a passport or a DL? Talk some sense dude! We all need a voluntary ID. Which means every single person in India is supposed to have a unified voluntary ID which is supposed to be taken by each and every Indian. In that way, you can clearly identify the people who don't want to be a part of healthy India (Terrorists/Undrworld).

PAN is to some extent voluntary. U can hav it even if u r not paying taxes.

U know in Hitler's Germany the Jews were made to wear an arm band so that they could be easily identified. In North Korea people are made to wear 3 types of bands, although small in size, so that their position in the party can be easily identified. What u r proposing is just a step short of these discriminatory systems.


And yes, I'll join politics the day I see a group of professional who has the determination and motivation to bring about change, growth and peace with their heart, mind and soul to make this country prosper

Hmmmm......same old, same old. Long talks, no deliverance.


karnivore said:
What makes u think that. Oh just because i rebutted your childish proposals, i am a pessimist. If thats the wave length, your brain works at, you should stop debating in the first place.
"Pseudo fact" ??? What pseudo fact ??? Tell me which "fact" was pseudo. Does not seem you hav any clue as to our economic and political history.

Yes of course i do. Have u ever been to the North, hav u experienced the mindless police atrocities there. Don't make ignorant comments like that without knowing the facts. Women are being brutally raped in the name of questioning, youth are being brutally tortured routinely, just because they are "young". Come out of your fuking soap bubble and visit North. You will change in one single day. Believe me. I have. You will get first hand experience of "State Terror".

Who the fuk told u that. Which law gives that right to the Gov. Other than identifying me as legal citizen of this country, the Gov does not hav any right to know, what and where i am. U r reminding me of East Germany. When the communism came to an end there, it was discovered that the Stazi had recruited 1/3 rd of the population to spy on the remaining 2/3 rd. I shudder to think of a situation like that.

One more evidence of not thinking before writing. This is what u wrote in your prev post.

If this is not stalking then what is ????????

Which country do u live in. Don't u have Voter's ID and/or Ration Card. Aren't these enough. U want one more card. By the way u seemed to be utterly confused. This is your comment from other post.

PAN is to some extent voluntary. U can hav it even if u r not paying taxes.

U know in Hitler's Germany the Jews were made to wear an arm band so that they could be easily identified. In North Korea people are made to wear 3 types of bands, although small in size, so that their position in the party can be easily identified. What u r proposing is just a step short of these discriminatory systems.


Hmmmm......same old, same old. Long talks, no deliverance.

Hahaha.. you are just one of those angry red whitsle blowing heads. All you know to do is misquote everything I said. You don't need to teach me Indian History. I guess it's you who need to learn it, because you seem to know more about German and other European History than you know Indian. Dude, you don't need to tell me what terror is and whether or not I've experienced it. I know of what you don't when you think you know everything.

If you know everything, then why don't you yourself post your suggestions and ideas and solutions to things? I guess that's simply because you don't know anything else other than venting out your anger in a non constructive manner!!

Dude, this is a forum to express your views, if you are not happy with what other's say, you don't need to be so unprofessional and act like a jerk! You are just one of those jerks who misuse the freedom and call the unprofessional and appauling things you do 'Democracy'!

And you think that you know everything and that is where you are wrong! Because, Since you see my location as bangalore, you think I haven't been in the North. Wake up from your thought bubble jerk! Like I said in all my other posts, I've travelled more than what your grandfathers combined together have, and I didn't travel for the fun of it, it was all for research and documentation of the appauling conditions and yet you think you know everything! You are such a loooser!!!

DIGIT, please take of people who use such profanity on the forums and who have no professionalism at all!
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in your face..
....misquote everything I said

Hmmmm........sample please.

You don't need to teach me Indian History. I guess it's you who need to learn it, because you seem to know more about German and other European History than you know Indian. Dude, you don't need to tell me what terror and whether or not I've experienced it. I know of what you don't when you think you know everything.

.............Whatever. But to quote George Orwell - "Ignorance is strength"

......then why don't you yourself post your suggestions and ideas and solutions to things?

We are on the right track. Its just that we need to do it more sensibly. Make sure the excess is not wasted, like thousands of tonnes of wheat rotting in FCCI godown, while another part of this country facing severe drought. Lots still remain to be done, but hey, we hav just started to be part of the world order and its been only 17 years. We hav to undo our mistakes of 40 yrs of bullcrap Socialism. Already we are having over 200 bill USD reserve [we had less that 5 bill USD in 1990, which actually prompted MMS to open out economy in the first place] a healthy growth rate of about 9 %, steady rise in per capita income. But sadly, there are farmers committing suicide, areas facing drought and these are precisely what need to be addressed urgently. Have a soft loan/credit system in place, build cold storages, have a proper public distribution system etc. Have medical facilities in the remotest part of this country, education facilities, easy access to drinking water, proper sewerage system. We need to build more roads and highways, need pollution free energy.

Listen i can go on and on and on. There's no end of it. However your stupid ID is not one in the priority list.

DIGIT, please take of people who use such profanity on the forums

How old r u. OK don't tell me. I can make a guess.


* Teh Flirt King *
Help~Is~Here said:
Hahaha.. you are just one of those angry red whitsle blowing heads. All you know to do is misquote everything I said. You don't need to teach me Indian History. I guess it's you who need to learn it, because you seem to know more about German and other European History than you know Indian. Dude, you don't need to tell me what terror is and whether or not I've experienced it. I know of what you don't when you think you know everything.

Well actually you seem very confused to me. In one post you say something and in other something else. You need to live in a town to know what terror is... Here is no police... Gali ke gunde hi uda daalte hain.
Last year someone shot a rikshaw driver in front of my house, no one could do anything. Thats what terror is...

Help~Is~Here said:
Dude, this is a forum to express your views, if you are not happy with what other's say, you don't need to be so unprofessional and act like a jerk! You are just one of those jerks who misuse the freedom and call the unprofessional and appauling things you do 'Democracy'!
He is just shareing his views. He said nothing offending I think. Dont take it on heart.:rolleyes:
He is countering what you said doesn't mean he unprofessional.

Help~Is~Here said:
And you think that you know everything and that is where you are wrong! Because, Since you see my location as bangalore, you think I haven't been in the North. Wake up from your thought bubble jerk! Like I said in all my other posts, I've travelled more than what your grandfathers combined together have, and I didn't travel for the fun of it, it was all for research and documentation of the appauling conditions and yet you think you know everything! You are such a loooser!!!

Now here you are being unproffesional. Shamelessly declareing that you seen more and know more proves nothing. Give solid facts.
And think twice before you write.

Help~Is~Here said:
DIGIT, please take of people who use such profanity on the forums and who have no professionalism at all!
ahhh... proffesionalism!!! Take some air....


in your face..
......I've travelled more than what your grandfathers combined together have.....

HA HA HA. :D :D :D :D Actually he has run out of logic and can see the futility of his proposals. So he chose that age old defense, generally known to us as “snobbery”. NAH am not taking umbrage of this kidsprofessionalism”. What more can u expect from a kid, or should I say, a toddler.

Well, someone, who can’t hold his line of argument and changes his stance in every 2nd post, seems to me is more of a "Globe"-toddler than anything.


Quiz_Master said:
Well actually you seem very confused to me. In one post you say something and in other something else. You need to live in a town to know what terror is... Here is no police... Gali ke gunde hi uda daalte hain.
Last year someone shot a rikshaw driver in front of my house, no one could do anything. Thats what terror is...

He is just shareing his views. He said nothing offending I think. Dont take it on heart.:rolleyes:
He is countering what you said doesn't mean he unprofessional.

Now here you are being unproffesional. Shamelessly declareing that you seen more and know more proves nothing. Give solid facts.
And think twice before you write.

ahhh... proffesionalism!!! Take some air....

Which part is confusing you? and what is that you are not clear about? Please do ask me, i'll do my best to explain what they imply.

And I really don't understand how you've come to the conclusion that I've not lived in a town and not witnessed terror hands on? Is it just because my location shows as Bangalore? Then, you are mistaken. Like I've said in my previous posts, even the part that you have quoted clearly says that I've travelled a lot more than you can imagine to research, analyze and document such crimes and appauling conditions in India and abroad and which part is that you don't understand. This is the third or fourth time I'm repeating myself, and if you still can't understand what that sentence implies, then I'm sorry to say, You are wrong!

Like I said, I've asked him to share his views but in a much more appropiate manner! Maybe you don't understand the meaning of unprofessionalism! Just becuase anyone is an adult doesn't mean that if they use f's and b's that it's professional. It's more or less same like the ministers who are unparlimentary!

karnivore said:
HA HA HA. :D :D :D :D Actually he has run out of logic and can see the futility of his proposals. So he chose that age old defense, generally known to us as “snobbery”. NAH am not taking umbrage of this kidsprofessionalism”. What more can u expect from a kid, or should I say, a toddler.

Well, someone, who can’t hold his line of argument and changes his stance in every 2nd post, seems to me is more of a "Globe"-toddler than anything.

Assumptions, assumptions and more assumptions. Dude, I don't need to prove anything to an unprofessional person like you. Coming to your own conclusions to which you have no proof of! This thread is not to fight but rather to express your views and comments on the Issues. You are not here to Critizise other's when you yourself don't have a solution for anything!

You are just one of those Indians due to which the country is in the shape that it is today! Useless. Post your opinion if you have one and like my very first thread says, stop complaining and saying nothing can be done. GIVE A SOLUTION. If you don't have one, then don't post!
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in your face..
Hmmmmm.......don't seem to hav read my previous post. Here it is again for Captain Snooty
We are on the right track. Its just that we need to do it more sensibly. Make sure the excess is not wasted, like thousands of tonnes of wheat rotting in FCCI godown, while another part of this country facing severe drought. Lots still remain to be done, but hey, we hav just started to be part of the world order and its been only 17 years. We hav to undo our mistakes of 40 yrs of bullcrap Socialism. Already we are having over 200 bill USD reserve [we had less that 5 bill USD in 1990, which actually prompted MMS to open out economy in the first place] a healthy growth rate of about 9 %, steady rise in per capita income. But sadly, there are farmers committing suicide, areas facing drought and these are precisely what need to be addressed urgently. Have a soft loan/credit system in place, build cold storages, have a proper public distribution system etc. Have medical facilities in the remotest part of this country, education facilities, easy access to drinking water, proper sewerage system. We need to build more roads and highways, need pollution free energy.

Listen i can go on and on and on. There's no end of it. However your stupid ID is not one in the priority list.

Now lets see.......

......I've travelled a lot more than you can imagine ....
Yes we can imagine. More than my grandparents taken together.:D :D :D research, analyze and document such crimes and appauling conditions in India and abroad
Bullcrap!!!!!! If u had really done some research or analysis, as u claim, then your arguments wouldn't have appeared so churlish. Even school going dudes have shown plenty of maturity in the thread.

You are just one of those Indians due to which the country is in the shape that it is today! Useless. Post your opinion if you have one and like my very first thread says, stop complaining and saying nothing can be done.
When the fuk did i say that. So criticizing u is akin to "saying nothing can be done". WHO THE HECK ARE U, ANYWAY.


karnivore said:
Hmmmmm.......don't seem to hav read my previous post. Here it is again for Captain Snooty

Now lets see.......

Yes we can imagine. More than my grandparents taken together.:D :D :D

Bullcrap!!!!!! If u had really done some research or analysis, as u claim, then your arguments wouldn't have appeared so churlish. Even school going dudes have shown plenty of maturity in the thread.

When the fuk did i say that. So criticizing u is akin to "saying nothing can be done". WHO THE HECK ARE U, ANYWAY.

Piss off useless jerk!


* Teh Flirt King *
Hey! you two are taking this too personally. (Thats happen in sensitive threads like this.).
But there is no perfect solution yet (and I still think there isn't)...
I will wait for some more responses...
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