India: 'Massive' uranium find in Andhra Pradesh


Aspiring Novelist
Plus the are hoping the yield might be much larger. Would make it a mother lode. :) Hope our government utilizes this resource to full potential and not loose it in bureaucratic red-tape and corporate exploitations.


Legend Never Ends
Great news :D

Yes but wont Thorium be better? Edward Henning wrote a great column in Digit June 2011 on what and how Thorium works :D

Extreme Gamer

@ico: Yes, but further research is the way to go.

We should also work on nuclear fusion reactors and find a viable alternative to fission.

Hydrogen fuel is also a good option.


Wise Old Owl
The quantity is sufficient for supporting a nuclear power plant of 8,000 MW capacity for 40 years.

read here

Nuclear-boost: Uranium mine in Andhra could be among largest in world - Times Of India


Cyborg Agent
big joke...the place was known 20 yrs was closed as it was not there is no uranium they opened it again and media misinterpreted..also its very low grade mine..3000 times less than canada
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