IIS Server Problem

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Hey Guys,
My first post here... Anyways am having a peculiar problem. Hope you all can help me out. I have installed IIS server in my system to view ASP pages that i develop. I have win XP as OS. I also have oracle installed in my OS. Whenever i type the local host address it says that my oracle HTTP server is running. When i type the name of my ASP page it always displays the error message that page not found although i have saved my page within the WWroot directory. Can anyone help me please so that i may be able to view my ASP pages???
Thanks in advance


See dude!
Oracle http server and IIS http werver, either one http server can run from the these two!
SO u gotta disable oracle http server to use IIS as web server! Ihope u know how to disable services!


i think do need to disable any service, just try to change the default http port(80) on any of ur server


Cyborg Agent
When you type * you basically connect to port 80.
Your Oracle HTTP Server is using port 80,
You should change the port oracle is listening to ..
and then change the port used by IIS to 80

I'm not sure how to change the port of Oracle Server, but i'm sure its done by changing the value in httpd.conf file. (somebody who has oracle installed plz help in this)

Change IIS Port

or else you can find out which port is being used by IIS, using "netstat -a -n -o" command
( I think it must be using port 81 )
and then type your address as : *your.ip:port (ex. * )
and use this addr for browsing through asp pages

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