noise "cancellation" is sub-1k budget is not possibleNeed a new In Ear type Headphone, primarily for Gaming.
Can stretch price up to 1k
Primarily Feature required: - Noise Cancellation and Good Bass.
Will prefer to buy online from Flipkart or Pristine-Note
skullcandy sucks, in general, like windows vista sucks in generalAny particular models from Skull Candy/ Sennheiser / Audio Technica / Soundmagic which fulfills above requirments? How about the JVC Marshmellows....Is it Good?
afaik, pl30 being phased out, ep30Marshmellow is good, you can buy that, or see if you can buy a PL30 for 1.3k(very rare), it can blow all sub 2k IEMs out of the water and then some.
Marshmellow better VFM.