search google for
1> Huawei-MobilePartner- its the driver for modem
2> Now connect your modem into computer and genarate the unlock and flash code using exe attached above. write it somewhere.
3> search google for Huawei-SIM-Unlock-Code.exe and download it. Put your unlock code and click OK.
4> If it still asks for nck code then search and download Huawei Unlocker.exe and use it to generate nck code.
Open Mobile Partner and try to connect.
If still you get message Unlock failed: Data card have been locked forever you will need to upgrade your firmware for modem to a higher version.
Now try to update the firmware it will ask for nck(network unlock code) code and upgrade the firmware to new version.
There is also a voice plugin for this particular model, you can google search for it.