Can you walk me through how to use it the service?
Sure. Let's do a step by step walkthrough to show you exactly how easy it is.
The situation: You want to signup at a website/forum/blog/etc. You are at the registration form, and an email address is required. You're not too keen on the idea. So, you choose to use, and you've already installed the Firefox extension. An IE extension is also available.
You don't even have to download anything, by the way. Full functionality is available on the site at - the toolbar sure does make things easier for regular users, though. )
- Click the "random email" button on the temporaryinbox firefox extension toolbar. This generates your random, temporary email address.
- Copy it from the toolbar to the email address field in the registration form you're filling out; then finish and submit.
- Now click the "check" button on the toolbar, and you'll be taken directly to your temporary inbox. Open the email and click the activation link or copy the password... or whatever.
- That's it! You've just successfully taken a step towards stopping spam in your inbox and protecting your right to privacy and anonymity!
Once you're done you can delete the mail, or let it be. Remember, that the inbox will be deleted after six hours, regardless.
PLEASE BEAR IN MIND that your temporary inbox is
NOT PASSWORD PROTECTED! Anybody who knows the account name can check for messages.