How to set Webcam in Linux?

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Cyborg Agent
I just got a Webcam .. though not mine but still I would love to know how to set the same under lInux.. I use DigiKam and Camorama ut both failed.. How to set the mount point of the cam correctly. How would I come to know that the cam is detected or not ?etc etcetc...



AFAIK (not sure), webcam support isn't good on linux rt now. But neways this might help. Or u can wait or may be upgrade ur kernel n apply a few patches.

check if your camera is supported


Beware of the innocent
check your lscpci output
and install camstream and check if it works. I had a camera too and I thought it wasn't working. It actually works. Not sure about the software you mentioned. Do they support webcams in addition to digital cameras?
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