How Many of Us Uses Pirated/Cracked Software

Do u use pirated software?

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Commander in Chief
Softwares must be bought as originals as it helps the makers a lot...

But if they price it outarageously, then pir. is the best deal...

I wonder, if our OS itself is illegal, then y must any software to be installed in it be original and legal ??? :?: :?: :?: :?: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :p :p :p :p :p


What? Where? How?
Talking about all this, i just went through all the 11 pages of this post...

...I had bought a game CD (Deus Ex) from Finland, the condition of the CD became terrible(not playable)...and i was in no mood to buy that stuff (the original) again, so i bought a Pirated CD from palika....what will you guys call it, piracy? I wont...because i already paid 12 euro(s) for it.


Ambassador of Buzz
I wonder.... Even if the softwares were available 4 cheaper [or ...more reasonable ? may say..] how many wud go 4 the original when the pirated v.s are avilable 4 ascheap as Rs.25 per CD ? ..Many of My Friends [Hey I'm My Friend too ..Right ? ] use a truckfull of softwares which they even don't use hell a lot after Installng... Say MAYA's Price is around Rs.5 lakh..Tell me how much they can reduce its price to be thought as reasonable ...Me thinks only if they reduce it to Rs.50 odd they Simpletons like me and ... wud consider buying the Lega v.s .Only one who will go 4 Retail / Original /Legal v.s r Pro.s/Developers . Now IF a marketing Personnel Even Thinks abt Reducing the Price of Maya to even Less that Rs.3 Lakh he wud be kicked out of the institution...Simple Reason.. Effort given behind creating such a piece of art. Now considering a software like Winzip .. $29=Rs.1305 .. Wud we even Buy its legal vs even it was retailed here 4 rs. 130 .. or Rs.60.. Basic Thing I try to point out is We r Habituated to Free Lunch. Try as one might as long as Free Luch is available in any form most r not going 4 Low priced Lunch ..
Solution...I'm no IT expert to comment on it..but only way out is stricter implementation of anipiracy[AP] laws and Nforcements..which is not in near future...till then Njoi ur freelunch becoz when AP shall sting it will hurt real good.

@QwertyManiac : What u r saying is correct. But still piracy is not the best deal..Freewares r. But then u will say Do we Hv a Competative Alt. to Maya /3ds MAX ?.. or Say MS Word/Windows .. Sometimes Yes.. and Sometimes No. Blender 3d I hv heard is good but again no match.. Becoz the QUality of MAYA is what make it so costly. But Hey MS WORD ? We Hv OPEN OFFICE which Adorns my PC. And does so with elan. Windows ..Well We can't do without it do we ? Yes Linux is there...but it will take time to usurp our Redmonds Place... However I use Windows 4 the sole reason that i can Play games on it. BUt then again the topic of low price comes up... Heh.. Mindset PPl , all depends on..mindset...
A big bummer is all these softwares r priced in $ . Thats why it pinches so hard. Even Professinals Shy away from owning a real one. IF WINZIP instead of $29 was provided to Indians at Rs. 90 [almost 3 x 29] Then Pros wud go 4 it. Maya =500000/45= $11000 [if..] may be if it was made available 4 Rs. 22000 in this case :?: .....
So even when the SWares will be reasonably priced only the Professional users/Or the Filthy rich ones R most likely to go 4 the legal ones. 4 the rest ..ever heard of "FREE LUNCH" ??...


In the zone
At the first place !!!!

Why R this guys selling software ???

It should be something complimentary to hardware that is sold.

Or OpenSource :roll:


Whatever ppl say...We all like to take free lunch..provided it's having the same quality and capability of the original...Well..this situation will continue, but newer, stricter laws can take it down to some levels, but still nobody can stop piracy ..copying mp3's and dvd's also consider as piracy, mind it !!!..

so let piracy rule...

at least, we all know about all the damn softwares through pirated editions..otherwise those corporate giants and their workers remain the only users who uses the hugely priced s/w's like maya and autocad....At least, the producers can cheer up as the publicity and use of their software is widely increased through their pirated versions !!!

And, apart from microsoft, who all are taking any serious legal actions against their pirated s/w's, al least here in india. ???

And even microsoft, tends to attract claims to huge or high level corporates and they love to leave home or soho users alone..


how many of us are using authentic softwares ? I have noticed even government/military offices using pirated s/w's..many of them are using authentic os's, but lot of pirated softwares including office!!


Commander in Chief
I ve seen my friend's dad whos a mil. officer using a pir OS at home...
On askin, he said that some pir. copies were even used in his offices.

BTW I think mil cant compromise on security thats y they buy orgnl...


AMD user for 9 yrs!!
Search the forum ... & ... Check this yourself

Whenever som1 ask about the PC to buy
Suggest me the Rig this is the budget .. !!

No Mod or Trusted member has ever .. ever suggested
and included the cost of Windows OS or any other software.

Bcoz It is the always understood.

I have seen ... even the Wipro guys using Pir OS.


I do

No guilt feelings. I use pirated softwares to the biggest extent possible. Infact digit is the best collection of softwares you can find. After purchasing the mag the first thing i do is to download all the cracks available.
I seriuosly don't promote this.Its your own decision wether to use them or not.
I have an assembeled PC running on pirated windows XP with SP2 and everything installed on it is pirated from winzip to Photoshop CS2. Everything.

Phew..... atlast i'm out with the truth.


Cyborg Agent
rollcage said:
No Mod or Trusted member has ever .. ever suggested
and included the cost of Windows OS or any other software.

Bcoz It is the always understood.

thats one hellava assumption!! The person who asks for a rig asks for a H/W configuration and prices related to it. No OS is mentioned. Why ? Several reasons. Altho an OS is an integral part of a System as such it is still a S/W and hence independant of H/W rig. None of the questions asked mentions anywhere to include the price of the OS also. In which case several options could have been provided. There are plenty of users here who swear by Linux OS and use Linux only. So would it make sense for anyone to mention about OS pricing in such cases ? Also the OS could be pre-owned or bought or about to buy and so on.... Dont make assumptions on what the mods do and don't. They just reply to the queries asked here. Heck if you didnt mention that I would like to have the S/W pricing also included in the total pricing then that ur fault not others.


Ambassador of Buzz
What can I say ?
2 of my friends just bought Compaq Presario series LAPTOPS [ one with 1.6 GHz Intel Celeron (m) and other with 1.6 GHz Intel Pentium 4 (m) ] 4 rs. 33000 and rs. 46000 respectively . But guess what ? They were given Pirated version of WinXp. :D:D !! Forget abt being given Original XP CDs . They were not even provided with the copy of Pirated CDs ... When vendors promote it.... there is little others can do......


Call me Sumit
PIRACY Rocks! bcoz even if ppl have enuff money and laws are not so strict..who cares............:)

Also....when basic not gud and country has so many problems (poverty,illiteracy, population.....etc etc)
what can be done... ??

In our country of corruption laws cant be forced.....
as long as police waale and others are CORRUPT....
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