Hi all. Suggestion regarding my career...



Broken In
quick update :p Got counter offer. A little over 75 percentage of hike and have decided to join :D this thread is close to my heart and will continue to update on the progress


Super Moderator
Staff member
quick update :p Got counter offer. A little over 75 percentage of hike and have decided to join :D this thread is close to my heart and will continue to update on the progress
This is the only non-sticky thread outside of chitchat section which is still active(& in a good way) after so many years. :)


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
You could go pretty much anywhere. Though I'd personally only go for startups these days since there is a huge demand in the startup space and you can get promoted quickly depending on the team size.


Broken In
Got a decent offer. In less than 10 years my salary had gone 10 x (average starting salary ).
I took 6.5 years to complete 4 years engineering degree.. still able to get to some decent stage. Don't give up is the Mantra i tell to myself in case of any insecurity.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Well done. Though try not to stick to one company for too long. Try to switch every two years or so and your salary will keep going up every time.

Stick to product based companies if you can.
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